Online Access

Online access – see Access. Often when talking about online access, they mean the same access as on the Internet, that is, open to a wide range of people. At the same time, anyone who logs into the system gets immediate access to information promptly, without making significant efforts. On the one hand, online access implies complete openness. On the other hand, if no one has access to anything, then what to do? How to resolve issues without approval and consideration by various authorities? The answer is obvious - no way. This approach is a paradox.

Rapid access ensures quick decision-making and prompt response to changes in the field of activity of the enterprise. It implies the coordinated work of various levels of management, allows you to monitor the implementation of assigned tasks, and make adjustments directly while the decision is in effect. At the level of operational access, joint activities of many economic entities take place better. In the Russian Federation there is no definition of the concept of “operational access”. However, Article 42 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” defines operators who collect and process personal data on the Internet information and telecommunications network. They can be all individuals or legal entities (public associations, foundations, non-profit and commercial organizations).