Taz Dwarf

Pelvic dwarfism is a rare and mysterious disease that affects the young kidneys of a newborn human. This disease stops their growth and development. With this pathology, there is a decrease in the size of the pelvis itself, which inevitably affects the patient’s life expectancy. Taz dwarf. manifests itself in an infant in the first years of his life due to hereditary pathology of the renal tubules, characterized by an increase in the excretion of hydrogen ions and a decrease in the excretion of electrolytes in the urine. The pathogenesis of pelvic dwarf is based on changes in the structure and function of the nephron. After birth, urine is freely excreted from the newborn's kidneys through spontaneous urination. Along with urine, water-electrolyte composition, protein, glucose and other substances are released. The amount of fluid lost increases with the age of the child. The surface area of ​​a child's kidney can reach 500 square meters. cm, while for an adult it is 200-300 cc. This refers to mild kidney malformations that do not lead to a significant disruption of the structural and functional organization of the kidneys. With such defects, the child is born completely healthy.

The disease begins to appear after three weeks of age. The child has urinary problems. This happens because the size of the ureter in an adult is fully formed, that is, it is already ready for life. But a child’s ureter does not reach the size of an adult. An imperfect organ is not