Why is there swelling around the eyes?

If you can’t open your eyes in the morning, and not because you had fun until five in the morning, but because you feel like a swollen balloon, pumped up to capacity with water, this post is just for you.

In it we will talk about the causes of swelling, puffiness and bags under the eyes, how to quickly make your life easier and bring your eyes back to life, and what to do to prevent puffy spots from appearing again.

Who is guilty

So, why do bags, puffiness and swelling appear under the eyes? Let's figure it out. Because there are many more reasons than a severe hangover after a fun party.

Important! Do not confuse puffy eyes with inflamed, swollen (puffy) eyes.

  1. Swelling and edema are the accumulation of fluid and blood in the area under the eyes.
  2. Bags are protruding fatty tissue.
  3. And inflamed, swollen eyes are an acute reaction of the body to an allergy, infection or injury.

Excess salt. Salt leads to fluid retention.

Allergies, stuffy nose. According to the Mayo Clinic, this is one of the leading causes of puffiness and dark circles. When the nose is stuffy, the veins running from the eyes to the nose dilate and darken. In addition, with allergies, the capillaries under the eyes become inflamed and swollen.

On a note. Increasing dietary antioxidant intake at the beginning of allergy season can prevent and relieve most allergic symptoms.

Dream. We don't blink while we sleep. And blinking is for the eyelids what walking is for the legs - it keeps you in good shape and supports lymphatic drainage and microcirculation. Therefore, fluid accumulates under the eyes during the night, and in people prone to swelling, the eyelids swell by morning. As soon as we open our eyes and begin to blink, microcirculation and lymphatic drainage are restored and swelling usually disappears within an hour.

Lack of sleep, stress. The sinuses are located directly under the eyes and they empty during sleep. Lack of sleep disrupts this process. The result is circles and swelling.

Copious tears. Each of us at least once in our lives cried into our pillows all night. Remember how cool we look after this? It's good if the eyes open at all. This happens because the tear glands become inflamed from overactivity and swell in protest.

Alcohol, smoking. They dehydrate, reduce oxygen levels in the skin, and provoke vascular problems. When there is a lack of moisture, the body holds on to the remaining fluid with all its might and accumulates it. The vessels dilate and swell. Nicotine causes blood vessels to contract, blood circulation worsens, the vessels look darker, protrude more and become more noticeable. Swelling and circles appear. And since you smoke constantly, it becomes a vicious circle.

Age. One of the main reasons for the appearance of bags under the eyes. Unfortunately, this is a normal natural process of age-related changes. Subcutaneous fatty tissue, which protects the eye in the socket and is located around it, over time begins to bulge out and fill the empty space under the eyes. This happens because as we age, the membrane that holds the fatty tissue in place above and below the eyes thins. As a result, the adipose tissue sags and folds. This is how bags are formed.

Hormonal changes. Any hormonal changes, including fluctuations in hormones during different phases of the cycle and pregnancy, can lead to fluid retention and swelling.

Medical conditions. Sometimes swelling is a side effect of various medical conditions: hypothyroidism (hypothyroidism), nephritic syndrome (swelling can be its first sign), lacrimal gland dysfunction, mononucleosis (swelling can be an early symptom of infection).

Medicines. Swelling can also be a side effect of taking various medications.

Skin problems. For example, dermatitis - sensitive skin is more prone to swelling in response to irritation.

Eye diseases. Conjunctivitis, blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids and roots of the eyelashes), stye (acute inflammation of the eyelid cartilage gland or sebaceous gland), eye infections and any eye irritation very often provoke swelling.

Contact lenses. Swelling can be a response of your eyes to contact lenses if they don't fit you well. If your eyes constantly swell while wearing lenses, try reducing the wearing time, using moisturizing and soothing lubricating drops, and changing to more comfortable lenses.

Sleeping in makeup. If you don't remove your makeup at night, morning swelling and eye irritation won't keep you waiting.

Poor nutrition, vitamin deficiencies and nutritional supplements. For example, sulfites in wine.

Changes in weather and humidity. Due to weather fluctuations, the body begins to store moisture.

Genetics. Nothing can be done without her.

What to do

So, how to get rid of puffiness under the eyes? How to remove swelling and bags under the eyes?

Quick solutions

Water. Drink a few glasses of water. Water literally flushes the body and removes excess salt. Also, by replenishing fluid reserves, the body stops holding on to moisture and swelling subsides. If swelling is severe, continue to drink plenty of water throughout the day and avoid caffeine and alcohol.

Massage. A light massage with the pads of the ring fingers will improve microcirculation and lymphatic drainage. Move along the bone and grab the bridge of your nose. 15 presses are enough to clear the sinuses and facilitate the outflow of fluid from the area around the eyes.

Cold compresses. Cold constricts blood vessels, slows down the movement of fluid in soft tissues and relieves swelling and swelling. And astringent tonics and hydrolates tighten the skin and create light pressure, which helps the liquid move away from the eyes faster. Wet two cotton pads with hydrosol, lie on your back, close your eyes and place the pads on your eyelids. After 10 minutes, remove the pads and rinse your eyes.

Patches. Place special gel patches under your eyes, such as Skyn ​​Iceland Hydro Cool Firming Eye Gels. For a faster effect, pre-hold the patches in the refrigerator for 5-10 minutes.

Long-term perspective

Less salt. Reduce the amount of salt in your diet and avoid salty snacks. Snack on bananas and raisins - they reduce fluid retention.

Less alcohol. Alcoholic drinks cause dehydration and fluid accumulation on the face.

Makeup remover. Don't forget to remove your makeup before going to bed.

Don't rub your eyes. Give up the habit of rubbing your eyes. If your eyes feel uncomfortable, apply drops, blow, but do not rub. This way you will avoid not only swelling, but also dark circles.

Get enough sleep. If your eyes are constantly puffy throughout the day, start getting more and better sleep. Permanent swelling is one of the main signs of lack of sleep.

Raise your head while sleeping. If you always wake up with swelling in the morning, do not sleep horizontally, increase the angle. When we lie motionless in a horizontal position for a long time and then get up, the “resting” fluid under the eyes sharply flows downward - hello, gravity. An additional pillow will help change the angle and reduce the accumulation and sudden flow of fluid after sleep. Also, try not to sleep on your stomach; a better position is on your back. Sleeping on your stomach most strongly provokes swelling in the morning - in this position, fluid accumulates the most. If you sleep on your side and notice that one eye swells more than the other, switch sides or start sleeping on your back.

Sleep with sleep masks. Gentle pressure from the mask on your eyelids at night will help reduce the risk of swelling in the morning.

Treat allergies. With allergies, the face becomes inflamed and water accumulates. If allergies are the culprit for your swelling, good antihistamines will quickly bring your face back to normal.

Add vitamins and minerals. Start drinking a competent complex of vitamins and minerals.

Take care of your health. If the cause of edema is medical, treat the condition that led to it.

Use the right cream. The right eye cream will help relieve puffiness and swelling and prevent their further occurrence. But, of course, the cream is not a panacea and alone will not cope with the problem. Read on to find out what components to look for on the label of an effective anti-edema cream.

Cream for edema, bags and swelling: what to look for on the label

Important! Unfortunately, no cream will help with age-related fat loss. Bags under the eyes are removed not with skincare cosmetics, but with more serious cosmetic procedures.

But for swelling and edema, which are caused by the accumulation of fluid and blood, a competent cream with anti-inflammatory, soothing and vasoconstrictor components will help. Especially in combination with other procedures.

Cornflower hydrolate (cornflower water)good base for competent eye creams; soothes, reduces swelling and dark circles, relieves inflammation, redness, eye strain, moisturizes, softens, increases elasticity, fights fine wrinkles.

Vitamin B3 (niacinamide) — relieves inflammation, reduces sensitivity, strengthens the barrier function of the skin.

Vitamins B5 and E, jojoba and shea butters, bisabolol, aloe, chamomile, cucumber, calendula - reduce swelling, smooth the skin, soothe and relax the eyes.

Caffeine (coffee, green tea) - reduces blood vessels, improves microcirculation, removes excess fluid, strengthens the skin, reduces swelling and edema.


Eyeseryl (tetrapeptide-5). Reduces fluid retention, maintains normal lymphatic drainage, protects collagen from linking (this causes bags under the eyes), and reduces the flow of blood from capillaries into adjacent tissues (this leads to swelling)

Haloxyl (haloxyl, palymitoyl tetrapeptide-7). Reduces inflammation, stimulates microcirculation, strengthens the skin and maintains tone. Most effective against dark circles, but also helps with swelling.

Eyeliss. Peptide complex. Contains:

  1. hesperidin methyl chalcone - reduces capillary permeability;
  2. dipeptide valyl-tryptophane (VW) - stimulates lymphatic drainage;
  3. lipopeptide Pal-GQPR (lipopeptide Pal-GQPR) - reduces inflammation, increases skin strength and elasticity.

Regu-age. Peptide complex. Helps microcirculation.

Puffiness and dark circles under the eyes are like two twix sticks. Fluid and blood accumulate under the eyes and flow out of fragile, brittle vessels. Therefore, during edema, it is important not only to disperse excess fluid, but also to strengthen blood vessels. And therefore, often an anti-edema cream and a cream for dark circles are the same product.

Packaging of cream for swelling and edema

Proper packaging of the cream can add effectiveness to its filling.

If swelling and edema are a serious problem for you, look for creams and gels with metal iron, ball or pipette. Additional pressure and cold from the metal will help remove swelling faster.

And if you prefer gels to creams, store them in the refrigerator. This will enhance the result.

Briefly about the main thing

Swelling and edema are the accumulation of fluid and blood in the area under the eyes. Bags are protruding fatty tissue.

There are many reasons for swelling and edema - from lack of sleep and excess salt, to genetics and serious medical conditions. Start eliminating suspects from the simple and obvious to the more complex.

The cause of bags is a normal natural process of age-related changes. Unfortunately, it is difficult to fight them and ordinary skincare products are powerless.

To reduce swelling and swelling, drink a few glasses of water, do a light massage and a cold astringent compress. Reduce the amount of salt and alcohol, add a complex of minerals and vitamins, sleep on your back with a high pillow and a sleep mask, remove makeup at night, do not rub your eyes and use a proper cream with a metal applicator.

Still have questions? Ask in the comments.

Improve your cosmetic literacy, stay with us and be beautiful.

Puffiness under the eyes: causes of their appearance and are they dangerous to health?

There are various causes of puffy eyes. This problem worsens a woman’s appearance, adding to her complexes. It is unlikely that it will be possible to hide constant swelling with the help of cosmetics.

What provokes its appearance? These may be trivial reasons, but sometimes constant swelling can be caused by some disease, in which case a person needs treatment.

7 harmless causes of puffiness under the eyes

What causes puffy eyes and dark circles under the eyes? Puffiness around your eyes means you have excessive fluid accumulation, called puffiness.

Because the skin around the eyes is the thinnest skin on the body, swelling can be quite noticeable.

It is possible to identify certain causes of swelling and bruising under the eyes that do not harm human health. If you eliminate them, you can get rid of the problem.

Here is a list of the most common reasons:

  1. Lack of proper rest. In the modern world, many people suffer from lack of sleep. Few people devote a full 8 hours to sleep. As a result, you may experience swelling in the morning. If a woman sleeps several hours a day, then her appearance is unlikely to shine with beauty. Experts advise taking care of yourself and going to bed before midnight.
  2. Eye strain. If you sit in front of a computer or watch TV for a long period, then you may also experience swelling in the morning.
  3. Food, drinking. Quite often, swelling occurs in those people who eat a lot of salty foods and drink excessive amounts of alcohol and water. This leads to fluid retention. Doctors advise not to drink a lot of drinks before the night's rest.
  4. Hormonal periodic disruptions. Swelling occurs due to the hormone estrogen. This is what promotes fluid retention.
  5. The influence of ultraviolet radiation. The body, to protect itself, accumulates excess fluid in the skin.
  6. Age-related changes. Over the years, the amount of collagen in tissues decreases and the ability to retain moisture deteriorates. There is more fatty tissue, it protrudes under the skin, resulting in the appearance of swelling and bags under the eyes (but sometimes this is a signal of the need for treatment).
  7. Hereditary predisposition. Some people suffer from the problem due to genetics.

Quite often, the formation of excess adipose tissue occurs due to a genetic predisposition. In addition, the so-called hernial sacs may not be associated with the listed reasons. They appear with age under the influence of gravity and “hang” under the eyes.

You can get rid of them using non-invasive methods, for example, RF lifting, micro-invasive, for example, injections of hyaluronic acid (filler) along the nasolacrimal groove, and invasive - surgically (removal of hernia sacs, lower blepharoplasty).

Quite often, swelling appears only occasionally, in the morning. In this case, you should not worry, since the cause of this problem is fluid retention. The skin in the eye area is quite sensitive, so it is in this area that swelling is clearly visible.

Why is the fluid not removed from the body? This may be due to various reasons. For example, a person may drink a lot of drinks before bed or eat salty foods, which will lead to puffiness in the morning.

All of the above factors do not harm human health. If you eliminate the root causes, you can get rid of the problem.

Swelling as a result of health problems

The occurrence of edema is not always a harmless phenomenon. Sometimes it is triggered by a specific disease. Therefore, you should not underestimate the problem, especially if it does not disappear on its own after normalizing your lifestyle.

There are such serious causes of swelling under the eyes in the morning or at other times of the day that require treatment:

  1. Kidney problems. In this case, swelling will appear literally overnight. In addition, the lower back will begin to hurt, there will be a frequent urge to empty the bladder, and the temperature will rise. All this indicates problems with the kidneys and is a signal of possible movement of stones. It is strongly recommended not to delay going to the doctor, as immediate treatment is necessary.
  2. Inflammatory process in the sinuses. When this problem occurs, in addition to swelling, a person experiences pain in the forehead and nose, and his temperature rises. All symptoms resemble a runny nose. In this case, you also need to go to the doctor.
  3. Allergic reaction. Quite often the area under the eyes swells due to allergies. In this case, the eyes turn red, the person begins to itch, he sneezes, and his nose becomes blocked. There are situations when the face swells on one side, which can be seen in the photo on the Internet. All symptoms occur quickly, but they may disappear in a short period of time. In this case, the person does not need special medical care. The main thing is to avoid contact with the allergen in order to normalize your own condition.
  4. Thyroid gland dysfunction. If there are problems with this organ, then other symptoms are added to the swelling. A person gets tired quickly, is depressed, often experiences depression, and is tormented by weakness and drowsiness. In addition, women's menstrual cycle is disrupted, which also requires treatment.
  5. Increased intracranial pressure. Swelling is accompanied by headaches and nosebleeds.
  6. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. When such diseases appear, swelling will appear in the evening, and the next morning it will disappear. In addition, the lower extremities begin to swell, the person experiences shortness of breath and becomes very tired. Treatment of such pathologies cannot be delayed, especially if the problem appears in a child.
  7. The occurrence of a hernia of the lower eyelid. A large number of people face this problem. Fat cells are deposited under the skin, which disrupts material metabolism. To get rid of the problem, it is recommended to go to a cosmetologist. He will provide the necessary treatment, relieve swelling and bruises in women of any age category.

Question answer

What are the causes of swelling under the eyes in childhood?

What are the methods of plastic surgery against bags that appear?

Many have seen swelling under their eyes in themselves or their loved ones. There can be many reasons for the appearance of swelling. Some of them have serious consequences, while others pose no harm.


What causes swelling under the eyes?

Puffiness under the eyes requires determining the cause and prescribing appropriate treatment. They can appear in both men and women.

Natural causes of puffiness and bags under the eyes:

  1. Your eyes will become puffy if you drink a lot of water before bed. And also if you abuse alcohol.
  2. Excessive consumption of salted, smoked, canned foods. Salts and preservatives interfere with the removal of salts from the body, and they, in turn, retain fluid.
  3. Hormonal changes. Sometimes women's eyelids swell before menstruation. The hormone in the second half of the menstrual cycle, progesterone, retains water in the body, which leads to puffiness of the face.
  4. After sleep. Sleeping on an uncomfortable pillow or with your head down can contribute to swelling of the lower eyelids.
  5. After cosmetic procedures (for example, after mesotherapy), swelling under the eyes often remains, the cause of which is traumatic damage to the delicate skin of the eyelids.
  6. Strong crying. In this case, fluid accumulates in the loose tissue of the eyelids.
  7. Contact with toxic fumes, fumes (eg tobacco smoke). This occurs by a similar mechanism as when crying. The eyes begin to water, as a result, excess fluid is retained in the eyelids.
  8. Age-related changes. Loss of tissue elasticity in older people, fat deposits, and impaired venous outflow lead to swelling of the eyelids.
  1. Allergic reactions (including angioedema). They develop when an allergen enters the human body (honey, chicken protein, citrus fruits, plant pollen, decorative cosmetics, some medications, etc.). In response, antibodies are activated, which, combining with the allergen, form an “allergen-antibody” complex. It causes the development of a number of symptoms. A person will complain that his lower and upper eyelids itch, his eyes swell, and his eyes water.
  2. Heart diseases (cardiomyopathy, heart failure). Distinctive characteristics of cardiac edema: they appear in the evening, are dense, and bluish. In case of heart disease, swelling also appears in other parts of the body (legs, arms, abdomen), up to complete swelling of the entire body - anasarca.
  3. Kidney diseases (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, renal failure) are characterized by swelling under the eyes. A distinctive characteristic of renal edema: it is soft, pale, and appears after waking up.
  4. Foreign body. Any foreign body causes lacrimation, pain, redness of the sclera, and swelling of the eyes.
  5. Injury. After blows, injuries, or operations on the organ of vision, swelling of the eyelids may persist. A person may additionally complain that his lower or upper eyelid hurts.
  6. Inflammatory eye diseases (hordeolum, conjunctivitis, keratitis, chorioretinitis). Swelling of the upper eyelids is more typical. Sometimes it can spread to the lower eyelids.
  7. Oncological diseases (malignant tumor - cancer or benign tumor). In this case, swelling is a secondary symptom. At the beginning of the disease, a person does not notice any changes in his health status. At later stages, external manifestations appear (redness, ulcers, necrosis, bleeding), pain, and dysfunction.

Watch an interesting video about the causes of swelling of the lower eyelids:


One-time swelling under the eyes does not require diagnosis if you know the cause (drank a large amount of liquid at night, cried a lot, slept uncomfortably).

If you have severe swelling under your eyes regularly or the swelling is accompanied by itching and redness under the eyes, then you should undergo a set of diagnostic measures:

  1. CBC (complete blood count). Blood is donated from a vein.
  2. OAM (general urinalysis). An average portion of morning urine is given in a sterile container.
  3. Used blood (biochemical blood test). Venous blood is donated from the ulnar vein in the morning on an empty stomach.
  4. ECG (electrocardiography). A special electrocardiograph device, using suction cups installed on the chest area, reads the electrical impulses of the heart and records it on paper.
  5. Abdominal ultrasound. Using an ultrasound machine, a monitor examines the internal organs of a person: kidneys, liver, gallbladder, pancreas.

Which doctor should I contact? If there is a slight swelling under the eye, the lower eyelid is red, itchy, or painful, then consult an ophthalmologist. If swelling is accompanied by symptoms of kidney or heart disease, then first consult a therapist. After an initial examination, questioning, and receiving test results, the therapist will refer you to a specialist.

What to do if your lower eyelids are swollen

How to treat swollen eyelids and dark circles under the eyes? If the swelling under the eyes is not due to illness, but due to natural reasons, then any eye cream with caffeine, horse chestnut, hyaluronic acid (Bark, Garnier) will do.

Drug therapy is prescribed depending on the cause of the disease:

  1. Allergic reactions. Combined therapy is required: intestinal adsorbents + antihistamines. Intestinal adsorbents bind and remove allergen-antibody complexes and have a nonspecific detoxifying effect: Polyphepan, activated carbon, Polysorb. Antihistamines block the inflammatory mediator histamine: Suprastin, Cetrin. For Quincke's edema, steroid hormones are additionally administered intravenously: Hydrocortisone, Dexamethasone. Drops are applied locally: “Dexamethasone”, “Allergodil”.
  2. Heart diseases are treated by a cardiologist, kidney diseases by a nephrologist. Consultation with specialists is required for correct diagnosis. This is the only way to get the right treatment. Visin drops can be used as an auxiliary therapy against eye swelling. They constrict blood vessels, providing an anti-edematous effect.
  3. The first step is to remove the foreign body. As a quick way to get rid of swelling of the eyelids, drops “Natural Tear” or “Vizin”.
  4. Trauma, blow, damage are reminded of themselves by the presence of a black eye. Troxevasin ointment will help with swelling and a bruise under the eye.
  5. Inflammatory eye diseases in an uncomplicated form are treated by prescribing drops with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects: “Tobrex”, “Albucid”.
  6. Oncological diseases. Benign neoplasms are observed and treated by an ophthalmologist, malignant neoplasms by an oncologist. Treatment should be aimed at the underlying disease. Visin drops are suitable for auxiliary therapy; they will reduce swelling.


Folk remedies

Treating puffiness under the eyes at home does not require special knowledge. The necessary ingredients can be purchased at the pharmacy and at the market.

  1. Anti-swelling mask.

If you wake up in the morning and see swollen eyelids, then parsley and potatoes will come to the rescue. They contain many vitamins and minerals that will help quickly and effectively get rid of puffiness under the eyes.

Recipe for making a parsley mask: Grind 1 teaspoon of parsley to a pasty consistency, mix with 1 tablespoon of sour cream. Apply the resulting mixture to closed eyelids, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Recipe for making a potato mask: grate the potatoes, place the pulp in gauze napkins, then apply to the eyelids for 10–15 minutes.

  1. Compress for swelling.

The following herbs are suitable for infusion: sage, chamomile, linden, dill, arnica, string.

Recipe: pour 1 teaspoon of the selected herb into 100 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 10 minutes. Divide the resulting infusion in half: cool half, heat half. Now you need to alternately apply cotton pads soaked in either cold or hot infusion to your eyelids. If there is swelling under one eye, then it is enough to apply a compress to one eye.

It is useful for swelling of the eyelids to drink herbal teas from chamomile, string, and sage. Leaf green tea has a good effect. Herbal teas help remove excess fluid from the body.

Additionally, watch this interesting video recipe for a parsley mask:


Eyelid massage helps eliminate swelling after sleep. How to do it correctly?

First you need to understand the anatomical basis of massage. Lymph is a clear liquid that moves through the lymphatic vessels. It is responsible for removing harmful cell waste products. Lymph leaves the eye area and accumulates in two groups of lymph nodes: the parotid and submandibular. Therefore, movements during massage are directed towards these nodes, i.e. towards the temple and bridge of the nose.

The massage should be done with light tapping movements with the fingertips daily for 2–5 minutes.

We invite you to watch a video about lymphatic drainage facial massage, which will help cope with swelling:


Use eye exercises and do them with us every day. In the video you will find a set of exercises and many interesting tips:

If swelling does not go away, despite the measures taken, then it is necessary to undergo an examination to find the cause.


Swelling of the lower eyelids can be avoided by following the recommendations:

  1. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Proper nutrition: limit salty, smoked, canned foods. Rest: sleep at least 7 hours a night on a comfortable pillow. Don't drink a lot of fluids before bed. Take a walk in the fresh air every day.
  2. Timely treatment of diseases of internal organs (heart, kidneys). In advanced stages it will be difficult to cope with the problem of edema.
  3. Wearing sunglasses in sunny weather.
  4. Eliminating or limiting alcohol consumption. This will help adults avoid puffy eyes.
  5. Gymnastics to prevent edema. It can be done several times a day. Close your eyes. Place your index fingers on the outer corners of your eyes. Close your eyes as hard as you can and hold in this state for 6 seconds. Then relax, rest. Repeat at least 10 times in a row.

Timely measures taken will help you forget about swelling of the eyelids forever.

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