Why choose BombBar Protein Cookie?

BombBar Protein Cookies are a healthy low-calorie snack. Protein cookies can be eaten 30-40 minutes before training, quickly restore energy and provide the body with the right amount of carbohydrates. A good alternative to protein bars.

Each serving of BombBar Protein Cookies contains 18 grams of protein. An assortment for every taste. Cookies are made with pieces of berries, chocolate and other healthy additives. With their product, the manufacturers wanted to emphasize the fact that eating right does not immediately mean it tastes bad. And even baking comes with health benefits.

As you know, protein is a healthy mixture of protein that helps create a beautiful body with sculpted muscles. Protein snacks, such as cookies, replenish protein in a person's body that he lost during exercise. The creators of sports nutrition decided that supplements should not only be healthy, but also tasty. This is how BombBar cookies were born.

What is BombBar Protein Cookie?

  1. One 60-gram serving of cookies contains 182 kcal, 762 kJ, 60 mg of vitamin C, 18 g of protein, 9.9 g of fat, 5.1 g of carbohydrates.
  2. You can consume it as needed when you feel hungry. Recommended between main meals 1-2 times a day.
  3. The main difference between this snack is the combination of a pleasant taste and balancing of valuable substances that stabilize vital functions.
  4. There is no sugar, flour, or GMOs.
  5. There are 11 grams of fiber.
  6. Made with quality Swiss protein.
  7. Very convenient to carry. The packaging is tight and protects the cookies from damage.

The product should not be used by persons under 18 years of age, pregnant or lactating women. You should not replace your main diet with protein cookies. There are no other contraindications, except perhaps individual intolerance. If you wish, consult your doctor and select a sports supplement that suits your needs. A protein snack with BombBar Protein Cookies is ideal for professional athletes and just people watching their figure.

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