
It is known that the health of our body depends on many factors, including proper nutrition, regular exercise and caring for our body. But what should we do if our body begins to experience involuntary emission of semen with contraction of the penis, known as wet dreams?

Wet dreams, or nocturnal ejaculations, are normal during puberty in young men. They occur in sleep against the background of erotic dreams and can be repeated several times a week or even daily. However, if wet dreams continue after the start of regular sexual activity, this may be a sign of a sexual dysfunction and requires medical intervention.

In addition to nocturnal emissions, daytime emissions may also occur, which occur while awake. They can be caused by natural sexual-erotic arousals or even non-sexual stimuli such as emotions or exercise.

It is also worth noting that wet dreams can cause some discomfort and depression in young men, especially if they do not understand that this phenomenon is normal and is not a sign of illness. In such cases, it is important to contact a specialist or obtain appropriate clarification.

To get rid of wet dreams, it is important to follow a strict regimen and take care of your health. Waking up early, dousing yourself with cold water, using a firm bed, and avoiding alcohol can help reduce the frequency of wet dreams. You should also consume bromine and iron, which help strengthen the body's strength and reduce the possibility of wet dreams.

Some people also use folk remedies, such as hop tincture, to reduce the frequency of wet dreams. However, before using any home remedies, it is important to discuss it with your doctor.

Remember that wet dreams are normal in young men during puberty and should not be a cause for concern unless they continue after the start of regular sexual activity. If wet dreams continue or cause discomfort, consult a specialist. It is important to take care of your health and follow a proper regimen to reduce the possibility of wet dreams and keep your body in good shape.