Losses of Armed Forces Personnel

The personnel of the Armed Forces play an important role in ensuring the security of the country. However, even in peacetime, personnel losses can be significant. Currently, the topic of military losses is relevant and causes a lot of discussion.

One of the main causes of personnel losses is war. Military conflicts lead to the death and injury of military personnel as a result of hostilities. But not only wars cause casualties among personnel. Illnesses, injuries and accidents can also lead to deaths in military personnel.

The concept of “personnel loss” includes many aspects and includes not only direct losses among military personnel, but also the costs of their rehabilitation and recovery after injury or injury. This also implies a loss of professional skills for military personnel, who may return to civilian life but are no longer able to work in their previous position.

There are several methods to reduce

Military conflict - events of a clash between states or non-state entities (armed forces of one or more states) committing (or having already committed) a certain set of military (combat) or other violent actions; may also affect social facilities - residential areas.

The loss of personnel of the Armed Forces is a process in which part of the personnel is destroyed (rendered completely incapacitated), died from wounds, frostbite, disease or other factors during combat operations or as a result of special operations. Combat operations in other types of Armed Forces that do not participate in combat coordination with the others also result in losses in manpower. Such actions include serving in the police. The concept of personnel losses should also be disclosed at the level of organizational structures: in commandant units, in the civil defense troops and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in fire brigades. This also includes the contingent of prisoners of war. This system includes mobiles