Prinzmetal-Massami Syndrome

Prinzmetal-Massy syndrome is a disease that occurs as a result of a combination of two main syndromes: Prinzmetal syndrome and Massami syndrome. This syndrome is characterized by constant chest pain, which can be associated with various causes.

Prinzmetal syndrome manifests itself in the form of chest pain localized behind the sternum at the angle between the rib and costal cartilage.

Prinzmetal-Mass syndrome is a rare heart disease that manifests as vascular abnormalities that can lead to coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction. This condition is also known as "angiospastic syndrome" or "frostangiitis", due to obstructed blood flow in the vessels of the arms and legs due to cold or emotional stress in patients with the syndrome.

Symptoms of the syndrome most often begin with pain in the limbs, increased sensitivity of the skin, inability to keep the vessels of the hand in a compressed state or difficulty bending the fingers (or direct pain in the fingers or toes), as well as headaches, dizziness, general weakness, sleep disturbances and apathy.

Diagnosis is made based on symptoms, clinical tests such as dilated arteries and decreased circulation, and the use of special instruments to examine blood vessels. Treatment usually includes symptom management with medications and physical therapy, but may also include medication or surgery.

Prinzmethal-Massamy syndrome is a serious condition, so it is important not to delay visiting a doctor if you have specific symptoms. The earlier the diagnosis is made, the higher the chances of successful treatment. Patients at high risk of developing a heart attack are advised to avoid smoking, control weight, maintain a healthy lifestyle and have regular medical examinations.

Prinzmetal – Mass syndrome

**Prinzmetal - Massumi (English: Princemetal - Massumi) or MPR syndrome: this is a disease that manifests itself in the form of spasms of the walls of blood vessels with impaired blood flow. MPR syndrome is a very rare disease, known to only a few dozen scientists from around the world.**

Description of the disease MPR syndrome was discovered by British cardiologist Alfonso Prinz back in the 1950s of the last century. It is also worth mentioning the American cardiologist Anthony Massouh, who is officially considered the discoverer of this disease. However, over the past 70 years there has not been a single serious study that could confirm the correctness of Prince's discovery.

Description of MPR syndrome ***Prince-Masumi syndrome (F45.3): symptoms and treatment.*** This is a progressive painful condition in which there is a pathological narrowing (obstruction) of the coronary arteries in both young and elderly people. Moreover, risk factors for the development of the disease are present in the majority of the population in most cases with normal coronary angiography, that is, without morphological signs of atherosclerosis of the brachiocephalic vessels. This “normal” stenosis usually accompanies heart attacks. The diagnosis is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular complications.