Pros and cons of oral contraception

Probably, among the problems of women's health, there are not so many topics that would cause such opposite opinions - from complete delight to complete rejection. And first of all, the whole gamut of emotions relates to oral contraception, which over the past few decades has been declared both a panacea and the main enemy of women's health.

For those who do not yet know, let's say that oral contraception (OC) involves hormonal drugs (pills) that are used to protect against unwanted pregnancy. They contain, as a rule, 2 hormones - estrogen and gestagen, which suppress ovulation and the susceptibility of the uterus to fertilization.

The advantages of OK include:

  1. Highly effective in preventing unwanted pregnancy

  2. Therapeutic effect for menstrual irregularities and other gynecological problems

  3. Reducing the risk of endometrial, breast and ovarian cancer

  4. Ease of use

  5. Ability to regulate the presence of menstruation

  6. Positive effect on acne skin

The disadvantages of OK include:

  1. The need for strict organization in taking medications

  2. Fairly high cost

  3. Lack of protection against sexually transmitted infections

  4. Possible side effects at the beginning of use (nausea, headache, etc.)

  5. Some weight gain

  6. Presence of contraindications for certain diseases

Thus, OK has both undoubted advantages and disadvantages. To minimize risks and get maximum benefits, you need to consult a doctor and strictly follow his recommendations. With proper selection and use, oral contraceptives can be an effective and safe method of planning pregnancy for most women.