Psychology Engineering

Engineering psychology

Engineering psychology is a branch of labor psychology that studies human activity in the “man-machine” system. He develops practical recommendations on rational methods of receiving and processing information, the design of workplaces and the interior of the workroom.

Engineering psychology studies the interaction between man and technology in order to optimize this interaction. She studies the characteristics of perception, attention, memory, and thinking of a human operator in the process of working with technical systems.

Based on the data obtained, engineering psychology develops recommendations for designing a workplace, human-machine interfaces, work and rest modes. This allows you to increase labor efficiency and safety, reduce fatigue and operator errors.

Thus, engineering psychology plays an important role in optimizing the man-machine system, improving working conditions and increasing productivity. Its recommendations are used in the design of operator workstations, information display systems, and controls for technical devices.

Today, there is an extensive section within psychology as “engineering psychology” (E(in)T) - this is an interdisciplinary science about the interaction of the “man-machine” system. The main task is to create such relationships between man and technology, when a person works efficiently and technology works reliably.

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