
Reclination is the process of restoring the normal position of the spine and chest, which can be caused by various reasons, such as injuries, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, incorrect posture and other factors.

During reclinization, the spine and chest return to their normal position, which improves posture and reduces stress on muscles and joints. In addition, the correct position of the spine and chest improves blood circulation and breathing, and also contributes to overall well-being.

There are several methods of reclinization, such as massage, physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises and others. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, so the choice of method depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and his state of health.

It is important to remember that reclinization should only be carried out under the supervision of a specialist who can assess the patient’s condition and select the most appropriate treatment method. This will avoid possible complications and speed up the recovery process.

**Introduction:** Reclination is a pathological or forced hyperextension of the lumbar spine, formed under the influence of significant non-physiological loads, fixed in the form of a fixed position of the torso. At the same time, the cervical and thoracic spine change their position. At the initial stage of compression deformities of the vertebrae, people experience discomfort in the lower back when bending forward, coughing, or sneezing. As the pathology worsens and symptoms progress, blood circulation in the vertebrobasilar system is disrupted, which can cause chronic arterial hypertension, migraines, memory disorders, and other neurological symptoms.

**Rehabilitation and treatment:** Depending on which factor became the main provoking factor in the formation of a pathological bend, a comprehensive program to eliminate the disorder is developed individually in relation to a particular person. The rehabilitation includes: * Massage procedures * Therapeutic gymnastics; Cervical massage relieves tension, normalizes blood supply to the brain, and increases bone metabolism.