Rh Factor And Pregnancy

t regular tests and observation by a doctor for timely diagnosis and treatment of possible complications.

How to protect yourself from Rhesus conflict? There is prevention that can be done after the first pregnancy. It involves injecting the woman with a special drug – anti-D immunoglobulin. This drug binds Rh-positive red blood cells that may enter the mother's bloodstream during pregnancy or childbirth and blocks the ability to produce antibodies. Thus, the risk of Rh conflict is reduced to a minimum.

In conclusion, the Rh factor is an important factor in determining the relationship between mother and fetus during pregnancy. Women with Rh-negative blood should be especially careful and monitor the level of antibodies in their blood during pregnancy. However, there is prevention that can reduce the risk of Rh conflict to a minimum. The best way to prevent problems from occurring is to have regular consultations with your doctor and follow all of his recommendations.