Saturuniyun - yatryshnik

Dioscorides says: “Some people call it trifoli, which means “trefoil,” since most of these plants grow with three leaves, which slope towards the ground, like the leaves of sorrel or the flowers of iris, but only the leaves of saturuniyun are smaller than the leaves of sorrel and redder, and their redness has a bloody tint. Its stem is thin, about an elbow long, and the flowers are similar to the flowers of a white iris.

The saturuniyun tuber is like the bulb of the viper's onion; it is the size of an apple, red on the outside, and white on the inside, like egg white, sweet in taste.

There is another plant similar to it and called by the same name. Its seed is similar to flaxseed, and the skin on its root is thin, red, and inside it is white, pleasant to the taste, and sweet. It grows in mountainous areas illuminated by the sun.

They say that if a person takes a tuber of this plant in his hand, it will immediately arouse in him a desire for copulation, and if it is drunk in wine, it induces, like a skink, to copulate.

Tools with joints.
It is said that if you drink Saturuniyuna in astringent black wine, it will help against paralysis that tilts the head and neck back.