Seizure Epileptic Myoclonic

An epileptic myoclonic seizure is a special form of epilepsy that is characterized by sudden and short-term convulsive movements. This is the most common form of epileptic seizures in children, with boys being affected twice as often as girls. More than 70% of all patients with epilepsy are children and adolescents, and about 5% of them suffer from this particular type of eleptic seizure. Such patients require long-term and persistent treatment. The diagnosis and treatment of these pathologies is carried out by specialists in the field of pediatric neurology.

An epileptic myoclinic seizure occurs due to strong impulses entering the brain and causing convulsions. During the attack, the patient may fall, remain standing, even if after the end of the attack he does not remember it, or remain squatting. During an attack, vomiting may begin, despite the fact that it is not associated with gastric diseases.

Typically, such attacks in adults do not last more than a second; in children they last up to several minutes. During a seizure, you may notice a symptom such as frequent blinking of the eye. After the end of the attack, the patient recovers quickly, but suffers greatly due to the fact that he does not even remember the main episodes. If seizures occur frequently, the condition is called status epilepticus. Many patients experience attacks of an epileptic myoclinic nature quite rarely, in this case we are talking about benign epilepsy. However, there are also cases of severe forms of this pathology.

An attack of an epileptic myoclytic nature can be provoked by taking strong sedatives, hypnotics or some painkillers. A conflict with the brain is provoked by a stressful situation, excessive fatigue, chronic lack of sleep, severe intoxication, prolonged exposure to an infectious disease, and insufficient nutrition of brain cells.

Seizures Epileptic Myoclinic - this is the name given to convulsive syndromes with myoclonus, usually of a partial nature, which differ from simple myoclinic discharges. The reasons for the development of an Epileptic Myocloinic seizure can be different. One possible factor is a hereditary predisposition that occurs in children who have relatives with