Charriere scale (J. F. B. Charriere, 1803–1876) was a French medical instrument maker who made significant contributions to the development of this craft. He was known for his ability to create instruments of the highest quality that were reliable and durable.
Charrière scale was a master of his craft. He created instruments that were not only functional, but also beautiful. His instruments were known for their accuracy and reliability, allowing them to last for many years.
One of the most famous tools created by Charrière was the scalpel. Sciarriera created scalpels that were more precise and safer than those previously used. He also created many other tools including scissors, tweezers, etc.
Charriera was not only a master of making medical instruments. He was also a scientist and researcher who studied various aspects of medicine. He wrote several books on medicine and was a member of many scientific societies.
Today, Charrière is considered one of the most famous medical instrument makers in the world. His instruments are used in many hospitals and clinics around the world, and his name has become a symbol of quality and reliability.
**Carriera: scale for measuring deformations in medical instrumentation**
The development and implementation of the Charrière scale in medical science led to a more accurate and safe assessment of the functional state of various body systems, regulation of functions, determination of the effectiveness of treatment and selection of individual methods of rehabilitation for patients.
Outstanding French neurologists considered themselves to be the founders of the concept of functional neurology: P. Broca and J. Charrière.
Based on the results of observation of J.-M. Charrière, whose treatment was unsuccessful, the work “How to measure deformities in osteopathy” was written. It substantiated 2 important provisions: firstly, that no matter how diseases of the bone structure proceed, no matter how far they spread and no matter how diverse they are, if we leave aside the symptoms of bone lesions, all manifestations boil down to the lack of ability of the woven structure a body with some initial mobility to function satisfactorily; in