
Synergoantagonism is a phenomenon in which the interaction of two drugs can be either synergistic or antagonistic depending on the dose of each drug. This phenomenon was described back in the 19th century, but only recently have scientists been able to understand its mechanism.

Synergism is an effect in which the combined action of two or more drugs enhances their effect compared to the effect of each of them separately. For example, combining two antibiotics may treat an infection more effectively than using only one antibiotic.

Antagonism, on the other hand, means that the combined action of two drugs weakens their effect. For example, a combination of two drugs that enhance each other's effects can lead to an overdose and unwanted side effects.

In 2018, scientists at Ohio State University discovered that synergistic antagonism can occur when two drugs interact. They conducted experiments on mice using a combination of two drugs - pentobarbital and diazepam.

Pentobarbital is a sleeping pill that is used to treat insomnia. Diazepam is a tranquilizer that is also used to treat anxiety and insomnia. Scientists have found that combining the two drugs results in synergism at low doses but antagonism at high doses.

This result shows that drug-drug interactions can be complex and depend on the dose of each drug. Therefore, it is important to conduct research and monitoring of drug interactions to ensure maximum effectiveness and safety of treatment.

Synergoantagonism is an interesting and important phenomenon in pharmacology. It occurs when two substances with opposite effects interact, i.e. one substance enhances the effect of another. This interaction may result in increased or decreased therapeutic effect. In this article we will look at what synergoantagonism is, what factors influence its occurrence, and how this effect can be used in medicines.

Synergistic antagonism is a phenomenon in which two drugs interact in such a way that one has a synergistic (enhancing) effect and the other has an antagonistic (weakening) effect. As a result of such interaction, both positive and negative results can be obtained.

One of the factors influencing the occurrence of synergism is the dose. At low doses, each substance acts independently, but changes in effects may occur as the dose is increased. This is because at high doses both substances begin to interact and their effects may change. The sequence of drug use is also important. If both drugs are used together, changes in the synergistic properties of each of them are possible. For example, if the first dose of a medicine has less effect than the second dose, then subsequent doses of the medicine may make it more effective. An important factor influencing the occurrence of a synergistic phenomenon is the interaction of substances.

Synergistic antagonistic interaction (synergoantagonism) is a phenomenon in which the effect of two drugs on the body can be opposite. The opposite effect occurs at different doses of drugs. When they are more or less than a certain norm, the action of one can become antagonistic to the other (mutually exclusive effects). If the dose of both substances is optimal, a synergistic effect will be observed. Drug synergy involves the simultaneous use of a drug in order to enhance its effect and reduce the side effects of a separately used drug. It is important to select the correct dose in a synergistic combination. And if there are contraindications to the use of one of the drugs, a compromise option should be selected for the patient. For example, if a patient has gout, combination therapy including Acetazolamide + Cinnarizine is indicated provided that Hyperuricemia is excluded. In this case, the doctor suggests that the patient change the therapeutic regimen, selecting it so that taking the new medication is equivalent in effect to the original treatment regimen that he had already received previously. Perhaps the patient requires only Acetazolamd (dose) or only Cinnarizine (its dose), and perhaps the dose should be determined by the doctor through the dose of each drug in combination with each other. The selection of a therapeutic regimen is carried out using mathematical modeling methods using a developed automated computer system, by changing the dose of one and/or both drugs in the directions of decreasing and increasing them