The condition of someone who has been bitten by a rabid dog

When a mad dog bites a person, nothing is visible except a painful wound, like other wounds. Then, after a few days, the bitten person begins to have some bad thoughts, bad dreams, an angry state, obsessions, and mental disorder. You see that he is not answering what is being asked, and you notice that a spasm is cramping his fingers and limbs, which he is pressing towards his body. He runs from the light, he has twitching of the abdominal barrier, hiccups, thirst, dry mouth, he runs from the crowd, loves solitude and sometimes hates the light. His limbs, and especially his face, turn red, then his face becomes ulcerated. He experiences severe pain, his voice hoarses, he cries, and then, at the end of the illness, he begins to be afraid of water and any liquid, and every time it is brought to him, he imagines a dog and is afraid of it, and sometimes he is not afraid, but abhors water. Often the patient likes to roll around in the dust, and sometimes he has an ejaculation of semen without lust, which inevitably leads to convulsions and cuzaz, and it comes to cold sweat, fainting and death. Often he dies of thirst before such phenomena, and sometimes he wants water, but, having received it, he refuses with a cry or takes a sip, but chokes on it and dies.

Often such a patient barks like a dog and even more hoarsely, and sometimes his voice disappears, and he becomes as if dumb and cannot call. Sometimes he emits urine in which some strange fleshy pieces appear, like animals or small dogs, but most of the time his urine is thin and often it is black, and sometimes the urine is blocked, and he is completely unable to urinate his stomach more often just dry.

One of the amazing qualities of such a patient is that he tries to bite a person, and if he bites someone at the height of his illness, then the same thing happens to that person that happened to him; the remains of his water and scraps do the same to that person. who will use them.

Not a single patient who begins to be afraid of water will be saved by treatment or anything else, especially if he sees his face in the mirror and does not recognize himself, or if it seems to him that there is a dog in the mirror. The only exceptions are two people, as the ancients say, they survived being in this state, but they were bitten not by the dog itself, but by a person who was bitten by a rabid dog. And before hydrophobia begins, it is possible to cure them.

This disease kills in a period of time from a week or so to six months, the average time being forty days. People claim, but they are not believed, that a patient sometimes begins to be afraid of water after seven years. One of the doctors, as if Rufus, says. Such a patient is afraid of water and loves to wallow in the dust because dryness has taken over his nature and he is disgusted by everything that is contrary to nature and everything that is kind to it. This is one of the statements to which I am not inclined, because the desire for what suits an alien nature is something without foundation.

The best condition is for a person bitten by such a dog, who has a lot of blood flowing from the bitten area; if after taking medications that serve as an antidote, he urinates blood, then he is already protected from hydrophobia.