Strengthening your back

Strengthening your back: an effective exercise for healthy posture

Getting yourself into proper physical shape is not an easy task. In pursuit of a beautiful figure, we often forget that correct posture is the key to the health of the whole body. An impeccable figure will not go unnoticed if our back is curved and stooped. Incorrect distribution of emphasis in the selection of exercises, especially when it comes to problem areas, can lead to diseases of the internal organs, osteochondrosis and lumbar pain.

However, we often don't pay enough attention to training our back. Today we will look at one of the most effective exercises for the back muscles, which is suitable for everyone, including those who already suffer from back pain or discomfort.

To perform this exercise, you need to lie on the floor on your stomach and extend your arms above your head. Try not to lift your head up, look at the floor so that your head is a kind of continuation of the back line. Lift your chest slightly off the floor, lift your right arm and left leg at the same time. The arm and leg should be absolutely straight and taut. Pause at the top and lower your arm and leg. Repeat the exercise with your left arm and right leg. Alternate arms and legs, doing several lifts of each pair at a slow pace. Gradually increase the pace and number of repetitions.

This exercise perfectly trains all the back muscles, creating excellent posture. The main thing is not to lift your chest too high, as this can cause discomfort and even pain. If you experience back pain, reduce the tempo and number of repetitions.

In addition to training your back muscles, this exercise also has a positive effect on your legs, arms and abs.

It is especially important to do back exercises for those who spend a lot of time at the computer or in a sitting position. Regular back exercises will help relieve tension and fatigue, strengthen muscles and improve posture.

Thus, strengthening your back is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Don't forget to include back exercises in your workout routine and practice good posture in your daily life. As a result, your back will be strong and healthy, and your figure will be ideal.