Dry dandruff and severe dry scalp treatment


When there is a disturbance in the functioning of the sebaceous glands, peeling, itching, dandruff and a feeling of tightness of the skin occur. The situation worsens due to a decrease in moisture in the epidermis because the cells cannot retain it. The surface loses its elasticity and cracks appear on it. How to deal with dry scalp? The article will discuss methods for eliminating such a problem.

What does dry skin mean?

If itching and peeling occur, we can talk about the death of surface cells. Dry skin is usually characterized by dandruff. It's quite difficult to hide it. Using regular shampoo will only make the situation worse. The result is severe itching.


At the same time, rejection and necrosis of head cells is a normal process; the causes of pathological causes can be very different. People who suffer from dry skin also notice that their hair begins to fall out. With severe itching and loss of hair, a skin fungus is most often diagnosed. Such symptoms may indicate that the problem is advanced. To exclude such a disease, diagnostics are carried out in the laboratory. Why does the scalp become dry?

Main reasons

Dry skin can be caused by many unfavorable factors. Most often, pathology is provoked by:

  1. Hereditary predisposition of a person.
  2. Allergic reactions caused by the use of shampoos and other hair care products. In this case, severe itching appears.
  3. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
  4. A fungal infection that is located on the scalp. It is characterized by itchy skin, the appearance of small scales and unsightly appearance of the hair.
  5. Vitamin deficiency caused by a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body.
  6. Disruption of metabolic processes in the body.
  7. The appearance of serious diseases in the form of eczema, lichen and psoriasis.
  8. Liver dysfunction, sometimes due to poor diet.

When the scalp is dry as a result of using new shampoo and other hair care products, it is urgent to stop using them. It is best to use hypoallergenic products that cannot injure sensitive skin. To reduce the appearance of symptoms, you can use restorative masks.


Dry skin occurs when:

  1. there is constant washing of the hair;
  2. frequent hair coloring;
  3. constant use of a hair dryer, straightening iron and tongs;
  4. dry indoor air due to air conditioners or heating radiators.

If the scalp is dry as a result of more serious problems, consultation with a specialist and properly prescribed treatment is necessary.

Signs of dry skin

The risk category most often includes women who are over 40 years old. The sebaceous glands do not work well, which causes dryness. Collagen fibers lose their elasticity, and insufficient moisture appears in the cells.

The skin becomes defenseless against external influences. Reduced blood circulation contributes to the occurrence of alopecia. If dry skin appears after washing your hair with conditioner, you need to urgently find out the exact cause.

If the scalp is dry and flaky, especially after dyeing your hair, then measures must be taken urgently. Especially if there is increased hair loss.


Dry skin can be identified by several signs:

  1. irritation;
  2. itching;
  3. constant desire to scratch the scalp;
  4. the occurrence of dandruff;
  5. fragility and hair loss.

Self-determination of dry scalp is carried out in this way: blot the roots with a napkin - in normal condition, there should be stains of sebum on it. Otherwise, there will be dandruff particles on it.

What to do for dry scalp?

When unpleasant sensations arise after washing your hair, dandruff and itching appear, you can get rid of them as follows:

  1. Replace all hair care products. When choosing, pay attention to the components included in their composition.
  2. Organize proper nutrition. The menu should include fruits and vegetables, as well as grains.
  3. You need to give up sugar, fried foods and caffeinated foods.
  4. You should get rid of bad habits.
  5. Do not wash your hair with hot water. It should be warm. Using a hair dryer and hair straightener is also not recommended. After washing, it is better to dry the strands with a towel.
  6. To improve blood circulation, massage your scalp every day. This should be done with your fingertips, applying a moisturizing conditioner to it.
  7. When it's cold, be sure to wear a hat to help prevent hypothermia.

All methods should be aimed at solving such problems:

  1. ensuring normal moisture levels;
  2. normalization of the activity of the sebaceous glands.

To restore cellular metabolism in the body, you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day. The daily routine must be observed.

To maintain and restore water balance, you need to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day.

To moisturize the scalp, use products suitable for dry skin.

If all the measures taken have not had the desired effect, then it is necessary to move on to more effective methods.

How to wash your hair correctly

In order to prevent dry skin, it is recommended to follow the following tips:

  1. Before washing your hair, you need to comb your hair thoroughly. This way they will get better nutrition.
  2. Use only shampoo that is exactly suitable for your hair.
  3. You should not apply it directly to the strands. First you need to rub the product in your hands and then distribute it evenly along the length of your hair. You should start from the back of the head.
  4. You need to rinse your hair thoroughly because any remaining shampoo will make it dull and sticky.
  5. Dry them gently with a towel. The hairdryer should be used only in rare cases, so as not to dry out the scalp.
  6. Comb only dry hair.


By following simple rules, you can avoid the occurrence of very dry scalp and achieve healthy-looking hair.

Why does the scalp become dry after washing?

The main reason includes components of shampoo, paints, conditioners and other products. Most often, allergies are caused by sodium laureth sulfate or lauryl sulfate. In this case, you need to select a product with a gentle composition.

Dry scalp itches because the shampoo you use is not suitable. In this case, help can be provided by a cosmetologist who will select a set of products suitable for each specific case.

Treatment methods

What to do for dry scalp and dandruff? If this condition occurs and increased hair loss occurs, you should visit a specialist. After all, itching and burning, which persists for a long time, are a sign of skin diseases.

What treatment can be prescribed for dry scalp? If the main cause is seborrhea, then the following drugs are used to get rid of it:

  1. Vitamin complexes: "Aevit", "Nurobex" and others.
  2. Sulfur ointment 10%.
  3. Antifungal tablets (Ketoconazole, Fluconazole).

The following shampoos are effective for treating dry scalp:

  1. With antifungal action (Dermazol, Nizoral, Sebazol). Their use is justified if the cause is a fungus. Apply a small amount of product to damp hair and leave for 5 minutes. To obtain the effect, 3-5 applications are enough.
  2. With birch tar: "Algopix", "Tar shampoo". The product fights dry skin, fungus and pathogenic microorganisms. Use to wash hair three times a week.

Any medications can be addictive, so periodically you need to wash your hair with regular shampoo, which has a cleansing effect.

What to do for dry scalp? Sometimes this is not a serious condition, but proper hydration and care methods are necessary to reduce symptoms.

Folk remedies to combat dry skin

There are alternative methods aimed at preventing problems associated with the scalp. To do this, use the following masks:

  1. From fermented milk products. Kefir or yogurt is suitable for the procedure. Take a glass of the product, heat it and apply it to your hair. Wrap up and wait 30 minutes. Make a second mask and wash your strands well.
  2. Egg. Chicken yolk is mixed with 10 drops of glycerin and a spoon of castor oil. Mix and apply evenly to hair. Wrap your head and wash it off with shampoo after half an hour.


What other folk remedies can be used for dry scalp? From known products and plants you can prepare mixtures for masks, decoctions and balms. They can moisturize the scalp, relieve inflammation, remove blemishes and redness.

The most popular and effective folk remedies include:

  1. Olive oil. It can be used to prepare a mask. Heat 5 tbsp. spoons of oil, add a spoonful of lemon juice. Apply the mixture to your hair. Leave for 20 minutes and rinse with regular shampoo. The procedure must be carried out at least 2 times a week. After a month, you can completely get rid of peeling.
  2. Onion mask. Relieves itching and stops hair loss. Take an onion, twist it through a meat grinder and apply it to your hair. After 40 minutes, rinse with water.
  3. Burr oil. Using it in its pure form will benefit your hair and scalp. Keep the mask on for at least 30-40 minutes. For greater effectiveness, it can be kept overnight.
  4. With sour cream. Mix the product and lemon juice in equal proportions, adding one egg. Heat the mixture and keep it on your hair for 20-40 minutes.

What to do: Is your scalp dry and itchy? Herbal preparations, based on which decoctions are prepared, have an excellent effect.

Pour half a glass of oak bark and onion peel into a liter of hot water and simmer over low heat for half an hour. Rub the product into the scalp. Wrap in a warm towel and hold for 30 minutes.

By using folk remedies, shampoos and medications in combination, you can reduce the symptoms of dry skin.

Cosmetologist's advice

Experts recommend choosing all hair care products (shampoo, conditioner, mask) from the same series. In this case, they will perfectly complement each other.

What to do for dry scalp? Particular attention should be paid to professional cosmetics that are aimed at restoring hair and skin. Moisturizing hair conditioners have an excellent effect. For dry skin, you can add a few drops of burdock oil to it.


During the period of using oil masks, reduce the use of styling products to a minimum, because no effect from the treatment will appear.

Apply the mask to your hair carefully, spreading the strands apart and trying to ensure that the product reaches the roots.


It is important to understand that air conditioners, heating systems and household appliances can dry out the scalp. To prevent this process, you need to open windows and use humidifiers.

Direct sunlight combined with salt water also has a negative effect on the scalp, so it is best to wear a hat on the beach.


You can achieve healthy skin by eating right. The diet should be rich in fresh vegetables and fruits, foods containing vitamins A, E, D and essential fatty acids.

Be sure to follow a drinking regime and consume at least 2 liters of water, especially in the hot season.


Dry scalp is a problem that many people face. First of all, it is necessary to establish the cause of this pathology.

Not only medicines, but also traditional medicine recipes can be suitable for treatment.

Do you have dandruff on your hair? Do not rush to immediately run to the pharmacy or the nearest cosmetics boutique, because before treatment you need to find out its type. The fact is that dermatologists distinguish between oily and dry dandruff. Taking this feature into account, the correct means to eliminate the disease are prescribed.

What is dandruff

Dandruff is the keratinized layer of the epidermis of the scalp, although it can sometimes be present on the eyebrows or between the eyelashes.

Dermatologists distinguish two types of dandruff:

  1. Oily, which appears due to excessive production of subcutaneous sebum.
  2. Dry. Associated with a lack of sebum coming from the sebaceous glands.


Note, The first type is the most common, but dry dandruff has been little studied, since it is a rare guest of our hair.

What triggers the appearance

In order to correctly prescribe treatment, you should understand the causes of dandruff and dry skin.

Dry skin is usually caused by:

  1. incorrectly selected shampoo;
  2. dyeing with aggressive ammonia dyes or using perms;
  3. frequent hair washing, because many girls, in order to look attractive, wash their hair and style it every day;
  4. overdrying with thermal devices (iron, hair dryer, thermal curlers), as well as exposure of the dermis to UV rays;
  5. constant stay in a room with dry air;
  6. hormone imbalances that occur during pregnancy, menopause or puberty;
  7. failure to maintain personal hygiene, in particular using other people’s things;
  8. poor nutrition.


Dandruff appears due to other, quite similar circumstances. Common causes of this disease are:

  1. poor nutrition, in particular lack of vitamins and metabolic disorders;
  2. problems in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  3. constant disorders that affect our body (stress and prolonged depression);
  4. weakened immunity.

All these factors lead to disruption of the sebaceous glands and weak secretion of sebum (subcutaneous sebum). The yeast-like fungus that lives on the scalp receives all the prerequisites for its activation and reproduction, forming entire colonies. It is the products of its vital activity that cause excessive division of cells in the upper layers of the skin, which provokes a not very pleasant picture - white dandruff on the hair.

Symptoms of dry dandruff and dry scalp

Due to the lack of specific knowledge in the field of medicine and cosmetology, people quite often equate dry dandruff with the condition of dry scalp. In fact, these are completely different things. Let's figure out what their differences are.

Dry dandruff has the following symptoms:

  1. you began to notice small white scales on your hair;
  2. there is itching on the scalp, causing a desire to constantly scratch the top or back of the head;
  3. the epidermis becomes too dry, as if a film is forming at the roots of the hair;
  4. the more you try to comb out dandruff, the more new flakes appear;
  5. dandruff falls off very easily, even when shaken.


How can you tell if your dandruff is dry or oily? Just take a visual look at the flakes. If they are white or grayish in color, then dandruff is classified as dry dandruff. The presence of a yellowish tint and abundant layers of keratinized scales indicates an oily type of dandruff.

With dry skin, things are a little different. Its signs are:

  1. tightness;
  2. hair becomes dull and constantly electrified;
  3. the dermis on the head is too irritated;
  4. alopecia is observed - excessive hair loss.

If with dry skin it is enough to moisturize it with the help of special masks or cosmetics, then removing dandruff will be much more difficult. Here you will need to use medicated shampoos, rub ointments into the scalp, and in some acute cases even resort to taking medications.

Interesting point. Want to know if your scalp is dry? Then take a regular white sanitary napkin and apply it to the dermis of the scalp. Ideally, you should see a few greasy spots. Otherwise, sebum production is minimal.

How to get rid


If you simply have dry skin, you can simply undergo a therapy based on moisturizing masks. Things with dandruff are a little more complicated. Here you have to master a special course of treatment and improve your nutrition.

Be consistent in your actions, and always complete the therapy, without quitting various procedures halfway. How to cure dry dandruff?

For treatment, you need to visit the pharmacy to purchase shampoos, ointments, and antimycotic pastes. Do not under any circumstances purchase anti-dandruff cosmetics on the shelves of supermarkets and cosmetic stores, because they are ineffective in the fight against the disease.

Tips for use:

  1. Whatever product you purchase, always carefully read the instructions and contraindications.
  2. Any medicinal ointments, shampoos, creams and cosmetic masks should always be rubbed into the scalp for a long time. For medications, 3–5 minutes will be enough, and for natural masks prepared at home, 6–10 minutes.
  3. Washing your hair with shampoo should not exceed 2 times in one approach.
  4. To improve blood flow while washing your hair and applying healing masks, massage with your fingertips for at least 7 minutes.
  5. Homemade masks should be left to activate on the dermis of the head for at least 30–40 minutes, wrapping the curls in a plastic bag and making a turban out of a towel to prevent the access of oxygen and better penetration of moisturizers.
  6. When using any product applied to the skin, be sure to undergo a short test to detect allergic reactions. Rub a few drops of the drug into the skin of the inside of the elbow. If there is no redness, itching, hives or swelling, then you can safely apply it to the dermis of your hair.
  7. The course of treatment with shampoos and ointments is 1–2 months with procedures performed every 3 days. When reducing the amount of dandruff, do not stop using it, otherwise the unfortunate flakes may appear again. If you notice that at first the dandruff disappeared, but after some time the products stopped working, stop using them for 2 weeks, since the scalp and the microorganisms living on it have simply become accustomed to the composition of the drugs used.


If you are in an “interesting” situation, it is better not to treat dandruff. The fact is that active substances synthesized by the chemical industry, found in shampoos and ointments, can penetrate the blood and be absorbed through the placenta, which can affect the baby’s health.

Dandruff during pregnancy appears due to hormonal imbalance; after childbirth it will disappear on its own.

It should be noted that you cannot always choose cosmetics yourself. The best option for you would be to visit a dermatologist or trichologist. After passing some tests You will be prescribed specific treatment based on:

  1. type of fungus;
  2. type of dandruff;
  3. scalp type;
  4. possible factors that led to a malfunction of the sebaceous glands.

Important! If within a month you do not notice any improvement in the condition of your scalp and at least partial removal of dandruff, be sure to contact your dermatologist again. Most likely, you have not eliminated the root cause of the disease.

Drug treatment

There are various ways to eliminate dandruff:

  1. Shampoos based on selenium disulfide, ketoconazole, climbazole, zinc pyrithione. They are quite easy to apply and also easy to wash off. The procedure itself does not take more than an hour. The only disadvantage of such remedies is that they act superficially, so they get rid of the problem only after a month or two.
  2. Special ointments, pastes and creams, which are rubbed into the scalp and are not washed off. For example, sulsen paste, salicylic ointment, which acts as an antiseptic (5%), sulfur ointment or Ketoconazole cream.
  3. Pills, which are mixed with shampoo. For example, you can use nystatin or aspirin. The product is ground into powder and combined with regular shampoo. The resulting mass is rubbed into the scalp for 2–4 minutes.
  4. Medications taken orally. They can quickly kill the fungus and improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands, but, unfortunately, they have a bad effect on our internal organs, causing problems with the kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Moisturizing creams and gels. Of course, they won’t get rid of dandruff, but they will completely get rid of dry skin. They will provide the necessary balance to your dermis, preventing it from becoming tight.

To choose the right shampoo, The indications column should read “Suitable for dry dandruff.” Potent shampoos are Nizoral (700–1000 rubles), Ketoconazole (250 rubles), Mycozoral (340 rubles), Horsepower (500–540 rubles), Sebozol (330 rubles) and so on. You can also try a more natural suspension composition by purchasing Ducrae Squanorm shampoo (700–850 rubles). Shampoos based on tar, zinc pyrithione and selenium disulfide do not eliminate all types of fungus.


Try to choose medicinal cosmetics that have a fungicidal, exfoliating, antiseptic effect, and also improved the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Folk remedies

In case of severe skin tightness, loss of color and shine in your curls, as well as a small amount of dandruff, you can treat the skin by using various masks, tinctures, decoctions, the components of which are donated by nature itself. The advantage of such cosmetic procedures is the naturalness of the ingredients applied to the dermis of the head and their low cost.

Mask with aloe juice and garlic

The indoor aloe plant is known to be an excellent moisturizer. That is why, if you have dry skin, it is customary to include it in all kinds of masks.


  1. 1 tsp. aloe juice;
  2. 1 tbsp. l. orange juice;
  3. egg yolk;
  4. 1 clove of garlic.

Preparation and use

  1. To begin, grind a few leaves of a houseplant to a paste and squeeze out the juice.
  2. Mix orange juice with aloe juice and add egg yolk.
  3. Chop the garlic and crush it in a mortar and pestle. Add to the resulting mass.
  4. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  5. Apply the mixture to your scalp. Wrap in a plastic bag and towel. Wait 30–40 minutes.
  6. Rinse off the mask with regular warm water.

The course of application is a month with regularity every 4 days.

After such a mask, dry skin will go away, and your hair will receive the long-awaited volume and beautiful shine.

Castor oil mask


Few people know, but castor oil can get rid of dandruff because it can kill microorganisms.


  1. 2 tsp. cinchona peel;
  2. 1 hour l. castor oil;
  3. 2-3 drops of rose oil;
  4. 1 tbsp. l. calendula;
  5. 100 g of water.

Preparation and use:

  1. Pour half a glass of boiling water over the calendula and let the healing mixture brew for at least half an hour.
  2. Mix cinchona peel with oils and add calendula decoction to them.
  3. Rub the resulting mixture into your scalp. Make a turban from a towel.
  4. After an hour, rinse with warm water.

The course of treatment is a week, and the use should be daily.

Using this mask for rubbing, you can eliminate dry scalp, as well as eliminate unfortunate flakes.

Advice. If you want to exfoliate dead skin particles, you can add potassium or, better yet, sea salt to any of the masks. It is an excellent peeling product. But be extremely careful, because such an ingredient can injure the dermis of the head if used frequently.

Herbal mask-decoction


According to user reviews, it will help relieve the skin from excessive dryness, and also nourish the curls with useful substances, making them beautiful, crumbly and elastic.

You will need:

  1. St. John's wort;
  2. calendula;
  3. nettle;
  4. yarrow;
  5. sage;
  6. 1 liter of water.

Preparation and use:

  1. Combine all the components together (you need to take them in equal quantities) and fill with water.
  2. Bring to a boil and simmer the healing potion for several minutes.
  3. Leave the decoction for a couple of hours. Strain the solution through cheesecloth or a sieve.
  4. Apply the product to the scalp and lightly rub in.

Course of treatment: several weeks with daily use. There is no need to wash off this mask.

Mask based on burdock oil

As you know, burdock oil is perfectly absorbed by the skin and curls. It helps improve lipid balance and gives hair health and shine.


  1. 1 tsp burdock oil;
  2. 2 egg yolks;
  3. 10 ml. juice of half a lemon.

Preparation and use:

  1. All of the above components must be mixed together.
  2. Apply the miracle composition to the dermis of the head.
  3. You can use a turban made from a towel.
  4. Wait for 1.5 hours and then rinse with warm running water.

The course of treatment is two weeks with application of the suspension every 3 days.

All these masks can nourish the scalp and hair with beneficial components. Some ingredients, although they have an antifungal effect (beet juice, castor or coconut oil, garlic, etc.), are, unfortunately, less effective than substances synthesized by the chemical industry, such as ketoconazole, climbazole, zinc pyrithione and selenium disulfide.



In order for your curls to always be beautiful, shiny and not look unkempt, You should follow the following recommendations from your dermatologist:

  1. try to choose a shampoo that best suits the type of dermis of the scalp;
  2. start eating right, including vegetables, fruits and dairy products and meat in your diet (in no case should you go on a diet, because it can provoke the development of dandruff);
  3. try to disinfect hair accessories if you are not going to use them alone;
  4. always protect your curls from exposure to UV rays and temperature changes with a hat;
  5. washing your hair should not be too frequent or, conversely, quite rare;
  6. keep a daily routine;
  7. minimize heat treatment of your hair (if you use a hairdryer, try to turn on only cold air and point the barrel of the device from top to bottom).

If dandruff occurs frequently in spring and autumn, cosmetologists recommend resorting to 1% ointments and shampoos based on ketoconazole, zinc pyrithione or climbazole. The course lasts no more than a month, with procedures performed only once a week.

Thus, If you have dry dandruff, then quickly go to the pharmacy for medicinal cosmetics. If you just have skin tightness, you can use a moisturizing cream (ointment) or use a mask prepared on the basis of oils, herbal decoctions, juice of fresh vegetables and fruits. Be extremely careful when using cosmetics, because some chemical components of products purchased at the pharmacy can cause side effects. If medications do not help, look for the root of the problem in the disease of internal organs and systems.

Useful videos

What is scalp seborrhea?

Every third person on the planet over 12 years of age suffers from dandruff, most often dry dandruff. Over the years of fighting this scourge, which is not even considered a disease, people have accumulated hundreds of instructions on how to get rid of it. From them, if desired, you will get a dozen weighty encyclopedias.

We will tell you about the causes of dry dandruff and the best ways to combat it.

Just about the mechanism of dry dandruff

The skin on the head is not much different from the skin on the entire surface of the body: it is also completely renewed in two weeks, leaving behind small flakes of dead epidermal cells. In healthy people, these scales are microscopic in size and can be quickly removed with water and shampoo.

Every person's skin contains microscopic bacteria called Pityrosporum Ovale, a yeast fungus that feeds on sebum and regulates skin exfoliation. When the sebaceous glands are disrupted, the number of bacteria increases and exfoliation occurs even faster. Skin flakes accumulate, stick together into flakes and are difficult to remove from the head. This is how dry dandruff appears.

Small flake-like flakes of dandruff begin to concentrate in the frontal and parietal parts of the head, gradually spreading throughout its entire perimeter. Itching begins, the skin reacts more sensitively to shampoos and conditioners, irritation may appear, and the hair becomes drier and thinner. Dry dandruff flakes off quickly, falls on the shoulders, accumulates there in white flakes and spoils a person’s appearance.

At the same time, the layer of keratinized scales on the head grows and blocks the access of oxygen to the hair follicles. They dry out, become thinner, and shrink the hair. The latter are starting to fall out. This process is the most difficult to stop, because it takes months of treatment to restore the bulb.

If dandruff has already appeared, or it does not leave your head for genetic reasons, all is not lost. Use our methods of dealing with the problem, which have been tested by thousands of women and men, and do not shy away from treatment. After all, it is not so much the method itself that is important, but the regularity of its application. Dandruff will not disappear in two days under any circumstances.

Causes of dry dandruff

Unfortunately, trichologists have not yet come to a consensus on what causes dry dandruff. Some consider the main cause of the disease to be a lack of sebum, which disrupts the process of cell regeneration. Other doctors believe that the fungus Pityrosporumovale actively multiplies against the background of reduced immunity.

The causes of dry dandruff also include destructive factors such as:

  1. metabolic disorder;
  2. dermatosis;
  3. hormonal disbalance;
  4. gastrointestinal diseases;
  5. climate change;
  6. avitaminosis;
  7. taking antibiotics;
  8. stress, prolonged nervous tension.

Dry dandruff often results from the wrong selection of cosmetics. The wrong shampoo dries out the scalp, causing an unpleasant “snowfall”. Too hard water can also cause problems.

Treatment of advanced cases of dry dandruff

In severe cases of dry seboria (when the shoulders are regularly strewn with white flakes of dead skin), treatment with 10% sulfur ointment is suggested.

Here are the main steps of the procedure:

  1. From the first to the eighth day of treatment, the ointment should be rubbed into the scalp daily. To do this, divide your hair into thin strands and apply the substance along the partings, rubbing it into each part for at least 4 minutes.
  2. On the ninth, give your hair a rest: don’t make masks, don’t go to the shower, don’t use ointment.
  3. On the tenth day of treatment, rinse your hair with clean, freshly boiled water and a specialized shampoo for dry dandruff.
  4. From days 11 to 14 of treatment, treat the scalp with a solution of boric acid (2 teaspoons of acid per 150 grams of hot water). Rub the liquid into the roots of your hair before going to bed, wrap wet hair in a scarf and leave overnight.
  5. Then there is a seven-day rest from the procedure and the entire treatment is repeated. Ideally, you need to do it 3 times.

Treatment of dry seborrhea in the initial stages

When dandruff has not yet spread to your shoulders and has been bothering you for no more than six months, light treatment methods based on specialized shampoos are suitable.

Such shampoos contain tar, zinc or ketoconazole, pyroctoolamine. The last two are considered the main antifungal substances that are used in the treatment of the skin of the body and scalp. Buy medicated shampoos in pharmacies and consult trichologists before using them.

Improvement of the body's condition will enhance the effect of the shampoo. Simply put, you need to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands so that the fungus begins to eliminate itself. To do this, you need to work out your menu, reduce the amount of fatty and flour products, and concentrate on proteins. Walking in warm fresh air and a slight breeze will have a good effect on the state of the body.

A few words about essential oils

Surprisingly, essential oils can also help get rid of dry scalp dandruff. Cedarwood, eucalyptus, cypress and other types of oils normalize the condition of hair and skin. You can rub the mixture after washing, and also add a miracle cure to your shampoo.

  1. suhaya-perhot-i-silnaya-jxsJTS.webp

    Burr oil used against dry dandruff in the form of special masks. They need to be done for 21 days, rubbing a small amount of this miraculous nectar into the roots. It is recommended to keep the mask on for 30 minutes, and then rinse your hair with plenty of warm water.
  1. Tea tree oil helps eliminate the fungus that causes dry dandruff with the help of terpenol substances. The oil needs to be heated, then add a little shampoo and apply the mixture along the entire length of the curls. It is recommended to keep such a mask under the film for 20 minutes. Then the mixture must be washed off with shampoo.
  2. Olive oil It will also help cure dry dandruff, relieve scalp flaking and relieve stress at the end of the working day. The procedure is simple: take a little oil and coat all the strands and roots of your hair. The mask should be kept under the film for 20 minutes and then washed off.
  3. Castor oil Even during the times of the Russian Empire, it helped young ladies get rid of dry dandruff, normalize the exfoliation of the epithelium and strengthen their hair. Castor oil should be rubbed into the scalp before each wash of your hair.
  4. Linseed oil - An excellent helper in the fight against dandruff. In addition, the product is absorbed faster and washed off much easier than other types of oils. You can use flaxseed oil as a mask or rub it into the scalp before each wash.


How to prevent fungus

As we said earlier, the oval bacteria of the fungus Pityrosporum Ovale feed on sebum. The more of it there is on the head, the more favorable the environment for microorganisms and the greater the chance of “getting” them.

The functioning of the sebaceous glands can be disrupted for dozens of different reasons: from chronic diseases of the liver, stomach and other organs to an unbalanced menu with an excess of fatty and carbohydrate-rich foods.

You can prevent the appearance of dandruff in two ways: either constantly monitor your health, menu and lifestyle, or pay great attention to hair care (use shampoos for your hair type, limit the use of styling products, apply masks and balms against dry dandruff). And it’s best to do both at the same time.

The ALERANA line includes a special shampoo to combat dandruff. Piroctone olamine in the shampoo blocks the proliferation of fungus, eliminates flaking of the scalp, procapil stimulates the growth of hair weakened by dandruff.


A few words about a healthy lifestyle

If you often suffer from dry scalp and dandruff, you need not only effective treatment of the problem, but also a reassessment of your own lifestyle.

To prevent dry hair and dandruff from ruining your days, you should start by reviewing your diet. The most useful products in the fight against dryness will be the following:

  1. Cabbage;
  2. Carrot;
  3. Walnuts, peanuts, cashews;
  4. Cheese, cottage cheese, dairy products;
  5. Dates;
  6. Tomatoes;
  7. Seafood;
  8. Avocado;
  9. Bananas.

The consumption of too salty, sweet foods, canned mushrooms and cucumbers should be kept to a minimum. Alcohol and smoking have a detrimental effect on the condition of hair and scalp.

If you are increasingly tormented by dry dandruff, try to give up ammonia hair dyes and use various foams, gels, mousses and other chemical styling products as little as possible.

It's no secret that a healthy lifestyle also has a beneficial effect on the condition of your hair. It is worth walking in the fresh air more often, increasing physical activity, and sleeping enough hours.

As we have already said, one of the most common causes of dry dandruff. Therefore, diseases of the nervous system should be avoided. During prolonged stress and stress, pay special attention to your body, and hair diseases will not torment you.

For an accurate diagnosis, contact a specialist.