Fistula Umbilical-Intestinal

**Umbilical intestinal fistula**

**Navel fistulas** are pathological fistulas between the peritoneal cavity (in typical cases) and other organs (rectum, uterus and vagina, bladder, etc.), as well as the skin. The development of fistulas is associated with inflammation, infectious processes or trauma to the abdominal wall.

Types of fistulas When a fistula develops, an examination is carried out to determine its type, symptoms and causes. In most cases, patients are indicated for surgery. The types of fistulas include: * **Umbilical**. A pathological anastomosis is formed between the intestine and the membranes covering the celiac aorta above the navel. Often the pathology leads to intestinal contents entering the peri-umbilical region. As a result, scars form and purulent inflammation develops. * **Uterine**. This violation is less common. The cause of the disorder is pathological processes in the area of ​​the uterus and appendages, purulent inflammation. Pathology becomes a consequence of operations on the uterus, endometriosis, abortion, postpartum infections. When fistulas form, the connection between the pelvic organs and the abdominal cavity is disrupted. Scars often appear in the area of ​​the uterus, above the pubic symphysis.

Fistulas develop under the influence of various reasons. Among the factors leading to the occurrence of a violation are:

1. Inflammation of the appendix. In acute appendicitis, the infection spreads through the lymphatic vessels to the anterior abdominal wall. When the ulcers rupture, a fistula forms. 2. Infections. Often fistulas occur against the background of an infection introduced into the body: streptococci, gonococci. Acute purulent processes in women can appear after surgical childbirth or ectopic pregnancies. Fistulas are not always dangerous and require surgical intervention. They are recommended to be treated conservatively to restore damaged tissue. Effective methods of conservative therapy are massage with estrogen-based ointments, helium-neon laser irradiation. Since embryonic tissues are sensitive to radiation, treatment is carried out only on the direction of a doctor. 3. Traumatic brain injury. The formation of fistulas during skull fractures is associated with impaired integrity of the dura mater. It is observed only in open injuries with massive tissue damage. The treatment method depends on the severity of the concussion. If it is extensive, the patient is admitted to the intensive care unit or intensive care unit, where he is given intensive care, including medications and rehabilitation measures. Patients are prescribed strict bed rest for several weeks or months. 4. Burns. Extensive injuries to tissues and places of attachment of large vessels often cause combined lesions, including fistulas. They usually occur due to heat exposure, less often due to frostbite. Treatment involves local application of cold. The affected surface is subjected to antiseptic treatment with a 3% iodine solution or alcohol. In case of severe burns, large areas of skin are covered with gauze soaked in iodine solution. The affected area is numbed. 5.