Ulcer Acute

Acute ulcer: etiology, pathogenesis

**Etiology.** Long-term consumption of spicy foods and frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages are risk factors for the development of the disease. The first factor is that in persons who eat food that is coarse in composition (meat, fish, spicy dishes), as a rule, the protective function of saliva decreases. This makes the small intestine easily vulnerable to enzymes that break down digestion, causing food particles to enter the bloodstream and cause a reaction in the intestinal wall. But the main factor is considered to be that heavy, spicy foods cause increased bile formation, impaired gastrointestinal motility, and changes in the microbial composition of the small intestine. Together, these circumstances lead to changes in chemical digestion and digestive enzymes. Ultimately, active oxygen radicals arise, which are released into the intestinal environment and are able to affect microbes, causing their mutations. All of these factors lead to the fact that normal microflora, under the influence of a changed environment, is transformed into opportunistic microflora. This is exactly what the microbial composition of the intestine becomes when acute gastritis occurs. This is confirmed by the fact that in practice, patients can be relieved of the symptoms of this disease by eliminating the cause of its manifestation - by changing the principles of nutrition. It is worth noting that acute gastritis appears and can worsen against the background of existing chronic gastrointestinal diseases. They can serve as an impetus for the occurrence of acute gastritis, when, under conditions of inadequate or unbalanced nutrition, the protective mechanism of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines begins to suffer and inflammatory reactions occur.

Fractional (uneven), irregular meals, overeating, hunger by the hour, constipation, diarrhea, long breaks between meals, nervous exhaustion - all this can cause the development of acute inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. Infectious diseases, atherosclerosis, irritable bowel syndrome may accompany or may be the main causes of acute gastritis. There are cases when acute gastritis accompanies some other gastrointestinal disease. There may be identical symptoms of different and different inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but the cause of all of them is the same - the presence in the intestines of infectious, toxic, physical factors that have a destructive effect on mucus