Exercises to remove wrinkles on the bridge of the nose

All women, regardless of age, are afraid of the early appearance of facial wrinkles. It is especially difficult to remove wrinkles on the bridge of the nose. In this article we will look at why folds appear in the eyebrow area and how to deal with them.

Reasons for education

Wrinkles on the bridge of the nose are divided into horizontal and vertical, and their development mechanisms are different. Let's look at the reasons for the appearance of each type of wrinkle.

Horizontal folds on the bridge of the nose and above are a characteristic sign indicating overstrain of the frontal muscle. The skin of the forehead is fixed to it, that is, when the muscle moves, the skin also moves.

When we are surprised, the frontalis muscle raises the eyebrows and forms folds of skin. Then the muscle relaxes and the folds disappear. However, sometimes a person may unknowingly keep a muscle in a contracted state, as a result of which it becomes overstrained.

This is especially noticeable with age, when elasticity and tone decrease. In the place where folds usually form, persistent horizontal wrinkles form.

The appearance of vertical wrinkles is associated with the work of another muscle - the one that moves the eyebrows. In another way it is also called “the muscle of the proud.” When it is overstrained, vertical wrinkles are formed, running from the skin of the nose up to the forehead.

Fighting methods

Wrinkles can appear as early as 25-27 years of age. Their appearance is associated primarily with the specifics of our facial expressions - we often frown, frown, and think. All this is reflected on our face, eventually leading to the appearance of wrinkles.

There are several ways to remove wrinkles on the bridge of the nose and forehead. Both salon therapy and specially designed gymnastics are suitable here. In addition, there are many pharmaceutical and folk remedies.

Cosmetology centers provide many methods that will help quickly and reliably remove wrinkles on the bridge of the nose.

These include:

  1. Botox, or botulinum toxin injections. This technique involves the introduction of a special agent that inhibits the functioning of nerve endings in the skin and blocks the transfer of nerve impulses. As a result, the muscles relax and wrinkles disappear. The effect of the procedure lasts for about six months, then it is necessary to repeat the manipulation. This is the most effective method of getting rid of wrinkles.
  2. Biorevitalization and mesotherapy. The method involves the introduction of hyaluronic acid and its preparations under the skin. Due to this, the synthesis of natural collagen is stimulated, as a result of which the elasticity and firmness of the skin increases. In addition, hyaluronic acid helps tighten pores.

However, despite the effectiveness of the technique, in some cases it cannot be used, since there may be individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Much attention should be paid to the qualifications of the cosmetologist who will perform the procedure. In many ways, the result of mesotherapy depends on the experience and skill of the specialist.

  1. Chemical peeling. The method involves exfoliating the upper layers of the skin, “polishing” it. Peels can be superficial or deep. Removing surface formations helps cleanse the skin and stimulate regeneration. However, it is worth correctly understanding the purpose of peeling.

The procedure is not capable of removing a horizontal wrinkle on the bridge of the nose if it is very deep. Peels can be used to get rid of small facial wrinkles. It is worth noting that after using peeling, peeling will appear on the skin for some time, but this is just a side effect of such therapy.

  1. Microdermabrasion. This technique has a similar effect, but here, instead of chemicals, a special laser is used, which easily and quickly deals with facial wrinkles.

After the procedure, slight redness of the skin is observed, but it disappears on the second day. The advantage of this method is its very low morbidity. However, you should not expect results from a laser, like peeling, in the fight against deep wrinkles.

  1. Exposure to microcurrent. The newest procedure involves stimulating the skin with currents of different frequencies. This effect leads to the fact that blood circulation in the area of ​​influence is activated, the flow of oxygen and tissue nutrition increase.

The technique has a good general health effect and significantly slows down skin aging.

  1. Reinforcement. A new word in cosmetology is restoring skin elasticity with the help of special threads. They are made of platinum, gold, polypropylene. Metal products cannot be pulled out of the skin, and over time they become noticeable, which significantly reduces the cosmetic effect.

At the moment, absorbable threads have been developed that dissolve inside the skin about a year after the procedure. In their place remains a strong and elastic collagen frame.

  1. Thermage. This technique involves radio wave irradiation of the skin, which stimulates tissue restoration at a certain depth. The effectiveness of the technique is in no way inferior to surgical intervention.
  2. Lift. An operation in the field of plastic surgery is a technique that is rightfully considered “heavy artillery” in the fight against wrinkles. The procedure will help to quickly improve the shape of the face and remove even the deepest wrinkles, and the effect will last for many years.

Any of the above procedures has certain contraindications. Before performing them, you should consult with an experienced cosmetologist.

You can also remove shallow wrinkles on the bridge of your nose with the help of special exercises:

  1. Place your fingers at the beginning of the eyebrows and press firmly into the skin. Try to furrow your eyebrows while applying resistance with your fingers. Do the exercise 30 times.
  2. Pull the skin of your forehead upward with the edge of your palm. Count to 15 and release. Repeat 20 times.
  3. Pinch the eyebrow all the way from the bridge of the nose to the temple area. Do this 10 times on each eyebrow.

These simple exercises will not only help you get rid of small facial wrinkles, but also prevent the appearance of deeper skin folds. They must be performed regularly, because only then will the result be noticeable.

One of the most effective means of combating wrinkles is self-massage. It should be done by first steaming your face and lubricating it with a nourishing cream. Using gentle circular movements, massage the bridge of the nose, eyebrows, and forehead.

Try to move from the center to the periphery - to the temple area. Massage the skin on your temples. Then go over the same area with light patting movements. Your skin will thank you for this attitude – you won’t see facial wrinkles on your face for a long time.

Video: Useful information
