Vacuum massage using roller and hardware method

Vacuum massage is one of the most effective procedures of the hardware massage method. To a greater extent, this type of massage is used in the fight against cellulite. The method of exposure is based on the fact that a more profound effect of vacuum occurs on the skin, subcutaneous fat and muscles. The effect of vacuum can be:

  1. static (this effect is similar to how a massage therapist places cups on certain areas of the body)
  2. kinetic (in this case, a certain area of ​​the body is rubbed with slightly heated oil for massage and a vacuum device is moved over the body)

For the procedure to give a 100% result, doctors recommend completing a full course of vacuum therapy. After just a few procedures, you will notice how your body contours are noticeably evened out and your complexion improves. This happens because the vacuum actively stimulates blood circulation. It has also been proven that vacuum is directly related to the production of collagen in the skin, after which it becomes firmer and more elastic. A kind of lifting effect occurs.

Vacuum massage

Depending on the characteristics of the skin, the intensity and strength of the effect is selected

What results can you expect from vacuum massage?

Massage actively stimulates blood circulation and lymph flow, thereby positively affecting the functioning of the sweat and sebaceous glands, relaxing the muscles. After the first procedures, swelling and congestion disappear. The “enemy” of many women – cellulite – disappears. Anti-cellulite massage with cups will help cope with second and third degree cellulite. Under the influence of a vacuum, the fat layer decreases, and along with it the weight decreases, a kind of massage for weight loss occurs.

According to statistics, it has been proven that 90% of women have cellulite to one degree or another. Vacuum massage sessions help get rid of cellulite and excess weight. It also removes toxins from the body and relieves nervous fatigue. Peripheral blood circulation is activated, muscle tone is improved, and blood flow accelerates.

Benefits and effectiveness are also noted for diseases of muscles, peripheral nerves, and during rehabilitation after bone fractures, bruises, sprains and tendons. This procedure is also recommended for athletes after heavy and prolonged physical activity. The method is also indispensable for cosmetic surgeries such as liposuction and tummy tuck.

Vacuum roller massage

Vacuum roller massage is one of the effective and unique methods for solving problems of body and face correction. In addition, a positive effect on several therapeutic problems related to the musculoskeletal system has been observed.

Vacuum roller massage is performed using a special installation equipped with a special manipulator, which is designed to capture the skin fold to a certain thickness. The movement is carried out using rollers that mechanically knead the fat layer. This method is universal in that for each patient you can choose your own individual parameters for the effect on the body and skin.

The method of exposure is similar to that of Lpg facial and body massage, which also leads to weight loss and volume reduction. It should be noted that the results obtained last for many months. And in order to maintain the result for a longer time, one procedure per month will be enough, which will prevent further fat deposition.

What changes can we observe on the skin:

  1. firmer and more elastic skin;
  2. activation of lymphatic drainage;
  3. improvement of microcirculation and blood circulation;
  4. the skin receives nutrition and tone;
  5. swelling disappears;
  6. cellulite disappears;
  7. the muscle frame is strengthened.

Vacuum roller massage, reviews of which confirm all of the above changes, will give you a slim, toned, beautiful body.

Vacuum roller massage

Vacuum roller massage procedure will correct the contours of the figure

Vacuum massage at home

Vacuum massage at home can become a worthy alternative to salon procedures. To do this, you just need to purchase vacuum jars, massage oil and become familiar with the correct technique. And if you have a tendency to cellulite and weight gain, you need to repeat cupping massage once every six months.

It is recommended to take a contrast shower before starting the procedure. This will prepare the vessels for the upcoming load. After your shower, spend five minutes doing a manual warm-up massage, and only then proceed with the massage.

All movements must be carried out along the lymph flow (from the ankle up and clockwise in the abdominal area). Abdominal massage should be carried out carefully, moving clockwise in the stomach area, smoothly moving to the bottom. It is worth noting that massage in one zone for more than 10 minutes is prohibited.

Vacuum massage: contraindications

Of course, there are not so many contraindications, but they do exist:

  1. too sensitive skin, prone to bruising;
  2. exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  3. pregnancy;
  4. gynecological inflammation;
  5. problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  6. phlebeurysm.

Hardware vacuum massage

Vacuum hardware massage helps well with congestion, “orange peel” on the buttocks, thighs, abdomen, and arms. Vacuum massage against cellulite will increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Also, hardware vacuum massage is effective for pain in the back, neck, and lumbar region.

With its help you can get rid of insomnia, headaches, and various gynecological diseases. In general, strengthen the entire body.

To carry it out, special devices are used that, without pain and quickly enough, will establish lymphatic drainage, destroy fat formations and remove toxins from the body. The painlessness of the procedure is ensured by the fact that modern technology, and in particular attachments, are selected based on the physiological characteristics of the body.

The specialist performs careful circular movements with a special apparatus. Movements are performed point by point. Depending on the type of disease and degree, a certain regimen is used. The optimal exposure time is determined by the redness of the skin.

What features does this type of massage have:

  1. various attachments and a vacuum massage device are used;
  2. anti-cellulite massage is performed using a special attachment equipped with metal balls;
  3. a specialist can choose the desired intensity, the desired pressure, based on the characteristics of the skin;
  4. this procedure can be combined with physiotherapy and injection techniques;

Information on how to properly do vacuum massage, its types and scope of application was presented in detail. But, in any case, you need to consult with your doctor, because hematomas may occur or, simply put, this procedure may not be suitable for your body.