
Why is it necessary to perform VPS in newborns? In a child with congenital heart disease, the appearance of heart failure is noted; in some patients, pulmonary hypertension appears in the second half of life. Some patients may die or survive until adolescence; other patients die after pneumonia due to hemorrhage or repeated atelectasis. The mortality rate of newborns with congenital heart disease in the early postnatal period reaches 95%; among survivors after surgery, no more than 25% remain at one year of age. The survival rate of children operated on during the period reaching 6 months of life is 58%. The low survival rate is associated with poor differentiation of the intraatrial intercalary connections of the pulmonary veins, which makes them predisposed to “transfer” to the blood supply through the superior collateral vein. In order to promptly recognize congenital heart disease, medical examination of all newborns is carried out. At the patient's appointment, the parents are interviewed and asked to pay attention to the physical

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Wolf (W.) – Parkinson (P.) White (W.). Syndrome (W.P.U. - diagnosis of a doctor who gave a formulaic description of the disease) is a condition that can be caused by damage to the autonomic nervous system and manifest itself with multiple heart rhythm disturbances, including atrial fibrillation.

Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (WWS) is a genetically determined disorder of the formation of electrical impulses in the heart. SVC is one of the most common forms of cardiac arrhythmia. This pathology is characterized by a combination