Xarshaf - artichoke

This is one of the types of kankar.

Balanced, slightly hot, moist to the second degree. The Khuzistani says: “He is cold, moist, and al-Masih said: “He is like asparagus in his actions, hot, moist to the first degree. Others say: “It’s hot in the first, wet in the second.”

Galen is credited with saying: “The artichoke is hot at the limit of the second degree.” And in my opinion, the artichoke has many varieties with different natures.

Actions and properties.
Lightly cleans, dries and thins. The Khuzistani says that the artichoke produces bile, but he is moving away from the truth.

Artichoke in the form of an ointment helps against the “fox” disease, and its infusion, if you wash your hair with it, kills lice; it destroys the stench from the armpits, as it has the property of driving away fetid urine.

Artichoke resolves hard tumors.

Wounds and ulcers.
Artichoke juice is useful for “hard” scabies.

Organs of the head.
/ Its juice destroys dandruff.

Nutritional organs.
Artichoke, especially mountain artichoke, causes nausea; Its root and gum, that is, kankarzad, also act in the same way. We will talk about it later in the section letters kaf.

Eruption organs.
Artichoke enhances lust, drives urine, removes fetid urine and softens the nature and removes mucus. Often, if it is drunk with wine, it locks the stomach.