Phenomena caused by mental movements

All mental manifestations are followed or accompanied by movements of the pneuma either outward or inward, and this happens either at once or little by little. The movement outward is followed by a coldness inside. Sometimes this becomes excessive and the pneuma immediately dissolves and cools the body both inside and outside; it causes fainting or death. Inward movements are followed by cold outside and heat inside. Sometimes the pneuma suffocates from intense constriction and cools the body outside and inside; this is followed by deep fainting or death.

The outward movement of pneuma occurs either all at once, as in anger, or little by little, as in pleasure and moderate joy.

The inward movement occurs either all at once, as in fear, or little by little, as in sadness; As for the mentioned phenomena of dissolution and suffocation of pneuma, they always follow what happens at once, and the decrease and exhaustion of innate heat always follows what happens little by little.

By “reduction” I mean the suffocation of the pneuma gradually, and not immediately and part by part, and by “depletion of innate heat” - a dissolution that does not occur all at once, but little by little.

It happens that pneuma moves simultaneously in two directions, when this phenomenon is caused by two reasons. Such, for example, is anxiety, which is accompanied by anger and sadness, and then both mental movements are different, or, for example, shame: it first compresses the pneuma inward, then reason and reason returns, and the compressed pneuma is released and rushes out; and the complexion becomes red.

The body is also affected by other mental moods besides those we have mentioned. These are all kinds of mental ideas that affect physical states. It happens that a newborn looks like the person whose image the parents imagined during copulation, or the color of his face is close to the color of the object that the parents were constantly looking at during the eruption of semen.

These provisions sometimes terrify people who are not versed in the hidden circumstances of existence, and they refuse to recognize them; however, those who have delved into knowledge do not reject them as a thing whose existence cannot be allowed.

This also includes the movement of blood from organs located to this, when a person often looks and peers at red objects; from the same area - the teeth set on edge when someone else eats sour, and pain in the members that hurt another person, if such pain frightens. For the same reason, nature changes when you imagine something scary or joyful.