Women's Viagra will go on sale in 2016

In the field of medicine and pharmaceuticals, new developments and drugs are constantly appearing, aimed at combating many diseases and health problems. One of these problems is decreased libido in women, which can occur for various reasons and seriously affect the quality of life. Since the appearance of male Viagra on the shelves, pharmacists have been unsuccessfully struggling to create a female analogue of the drug. However, finally, the first female Viagra will go on sale in 2016.

A joint American-Dutch company, Emotional Brain, announced the creation of the world's first remedy that can combat decreased sexual desire in women. The new drug is called Lybridos (from the word “libido”), and it will contain the male hormone testosterone and blood circulation stimulants similar to those contained in Viagra for men.

After taking the drug, the woman’s brain increases the production of serotonin and dopamine, which are responsible for arousal and pleasure, which, in combination with blood flow to the genitals, causes desire. Thus, the new drug Lybridos is an innovative solution for women suffering from decreased libido.

Additionally, Lybridos tablets will have a refreshing mint flavor and are recommended to be taken an hour before sexual intercourse. This will make it easier to take the drug and more convenient to use.

However, it is worth noting that like any other medical drug, Lybridos has its contraindications and side effects. Therefore, before you start taking this drug, you should consult your doctor and evaluate all possible risks and benefits.

Thus, the appearance of female Viagra on the market is a significant event for many women suffering from decreased libido. The new drug Lybridos, thanks to its innovative composition and convenient method of administration, can become an effective solution to solve this problem.