Goiter Epidemic

A goiter or struma is an increase in the volume of the thyroid gland. Epidemic goiter predominantly affects people of childbearing age, and more often girls and women. However, it is also found among children and the elderly. In men, epidimic strumitis is an extremely rare phenomenon. Inflammatory diseases of the thyroid gland are not such a rare occurrence. Every third adult inhabitant of the earth suffers from goiter.

People called goiter epidemic because this pathology occurs mainly in women and children. The word epidemic means “outbreak,” that is, characterized by repeated exacerbations. This is a focal form of goiter, which occurs as a chronic infectious disease with attacks of exacerbations. That is, this diagnosis can appear, then disappear and appear again. The exact cause of such relapses is not yet precisely known, but a certain image has been assigned to it. The diagnosis of “epidemic goiter” was raised for two reasons. Firstly, goiter is found everywhere. And the second is the social significance of this phenomenon, since this disease is mainly diagnosed in people of working age. According to some reports, up to 27% of women have problems with the thyroid gland. Recent statistical studies indicate that more than half of women may suffer from goiter. The most common cause is iodine deficiency in the diet. But it happens when other diseases are mistaken for goiter. These include diffuse goiter, nodular goiter and gland dysfunction. Diffu