Aloe for eyes at home reviews

  1. October 29, 2018
  2. Dermatology
  3. Oksana Shopina

The skin around the eyes is very delicate. It requires a special approach and care. Wrinkles appear on it from improper use of decorative cosmetics or from the habit of squinting. There are many different cosmetic options for the skin around the eyes. Aloe juice is a very good helper for prolonging the beauty and youth of the epidermis.

Chemical composition

The unique natural components found in the plant will only benefit the skin. An inconspicuous bush, which can often be found on the windowsills of flower lovers, can provide an excellent service for facial rejuvenation.

The rich composition of aloe is striking:

  1. Vitamins A, B, C, E.
  2. Amino acids.
  3. Manganese.
  4. Tannins.
  5. Carotenoids.
  6. Zinc.
  7. Flavonoids.
  8. Catechins.
  9. Sodium.
  10. Enzymes.
  11. Carbohydrates.
  12. Mineral salts.
  13. Glycosides.
  14. Resins.

Aloe is used for both external and internal use. It is used for compresses, rinsing and treatment of affected skin areas.

The value of plant juice

Two components of aloe are widely used in cosmetology:

  1. Juice. Rich in calcium, potassium, chromium and iron.
  2. The gel is a transparent substance with a large amount of antioxidants.

This gift of nature eliminates dryness well, perfectly cleanses and heals scratches, peeling, and burns. The plant extract is included in the structure of many creams that have moisturizing properties. It is present in tanning lotions. The skin perfectly absorbs the juice of the plant. What are the benefits of aloe juice for the skin? Actions differ in their beneficialness in different aspects:

  1. Assists in the synthesis of collagen and elastin.
  2. Saturates cells with oxygen.
  3. Improves the strength of the epidermis.
  4. Excellent moisturizer.
  5. Has a rejuvenating effect.
  6. Soothes and relieves irritation.
  7. Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  8. Disinfects.
  9. Regulates metabolism.
  10. Regenerates, tones and improves skin elasticity.

Aloe saturates the skin with vitamins, antioxidants and minerals, protecting against harmful effects. The juice of the plant encourages the skin to produce collagen, which slows down the process of skin aging.

Aloe juice is very beneficial for the skin around the eyes. It is able to penetrate into the deepest layers of the dermis and remain there for a long time. In the unequal fight against old age, this is an indispensable tool.

Plant juice

In cosmetology, the juice of a plant that is at least three years old is used. It is at this age that aloe gains its strength. The older it is, the more useful elements it contains.

Features of preparing juice for skin:

  1. Choose a thicker leaf from the flower. They cut it off.
  2. Take a napkin or a piece of gauze and wrap the sheet.
  3. Place on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator. This should definitely be done. A cut leaf in a cool and dark environment begins to actively produce biological stimulants. Do not put the sheet in a plastic bag, as it must breathe.
  4. After two weeks, they take it out and wash it thoroughly.
  5. Squeeze the juice into a vessel.
  6. All. The juice can be used for its intended purpose.

The resulting product is safely frozen. At the same time, it does not lose its miraculous properties. The best helpers in the fight against bags under the eyes are ice cubes with aloe juice. For hypersensitive skin around the eyes, it is better to dilute the juice with water and then freeze it. The face is wiped every morning.

What type of aloe is best to use?

Aloe is a very popular plant. It is not capricious, it can calmly grow and bloom both at home and outside.

A perennial plant from the Xanthorrhoeae family arrived in Europe from Madagascar. For cosmetic purposes, two types of such plants are most often used - aloe vera and aloe vera, popularly called agave.

Important nuances

To preserve beauty, it is better to apply the plant juice before bed. In the morning you can see the result. The main thing is to do the procedure regularly. Only then will the effect be noticeable.

The juice of the flower is easily and simply mixed with any cream in a 1:1 ratio. When applying the product, lightly tap the area around the eyes with your fingers.

Aloe juice is a godsend for the skin, especially when there are bruises under the eyes. They may disappear completely with continued use of the following remedy. Scroll the cut leaf of the plant through a meat grinder. Mix the resulting pulp with Vaseline.

At night, lotions based on agave, beet and celandine juice will work well. The first two components are taken in equal quantities. A few drops of celandine juice are added to them.

A course of masks based on agave juice is made for six months. The shortest period is three weeks. Afterwards you should take a break for about two weeks.

Features of the dermis around the eyes

This area is the most delicate. He is in tension for almost 16 hours a day (constant blinking, squinting and facial expressions). The skin in this area is thinner than in other areas of the face. It lacks fatty tissue in which nutrients would accumulate.

But the fluid in the body safely collects around the eyes, forming bags and stretching the skin.

The dermis around the eyes is deprived of sebaceous glands, which produce oil and naturally nourish, soften and protect the epidermis from aging and negative influences.

Aloe juice will help in the unequal fight against swelling, bruises and wrinkles around the eyes. Reviews after prolonged use are only positive. Many people praise this product.

Compresses for swelling and bruises

Not only wrinkles, but also bruises and swelling give a woman extra years. It is very difficult to get rid of such problems, but they can be reduced.

Aloe juice compresses for the skin around the eyes are very suitable. To do this you will need to do the following:

  1. Pass aloe leaves through a meat grinder.
  2. The resulting slurry should be divided into two equal parts.
  3. Place one half in one gauze pad, the other half in another.
  4. Wrap the napkins and make bags.
  5. Place the bags under the eyes, on problem areas where swelling has formed.
  6. It is better to do this in a lying position so that the juice does not drain and the bags do not fall.
  7. Lie like this for half an hour (or longer). Derma will take as much juice as it needs.

Sometimes the skin begins to tingle a little - this is the action of the plant. After the compress, do not wash your face, but you can apply cream.


At home, you can prepare masks against crow's feet. Making them is quite simple.

  1. Mix milk and aloe juice in equal proportions. Add yolk or cream to the resulting mixture (one teaspoon will be enough). Stir well and apply to the area around the eyes using a cotton swab. When the mixture dries, wash off with warm water.
  2. Mix honey and cottage cheese in equal proportions, add agave juice (1:1:2) and apply the mixture under the eyes. After drying, wash and apply cream.
  3. Aloe juice for skin is good when paired with glycerin. In a bowl, mix a tablespoon of glycerin and two tablespoons of water, warmed slightly above room temperature. Add two teaspoons of agave juice and a teaspoon of honey. For viscosity, add a little oatmeal.

The resulting mixture can be applied to the entire face and area around the eyes. After half an hour, wash everything off without using soap.

Masks with aloe around the eyes, when used regularly, reduce swelling, remove wrinkles and even out skin color.

Excellent creams are made with the juice of the medicinal flower. One of the best is called "Cleopatra". The balanced composition of the cream will help smooth out wrinkles. For preparation you will need:

  1. Aloe juice – 2 teaspoons.
  2. Pure water – 10 ml.
  3. Honey - half a teaspoon.
  4. Rose water – 25 ml.
  5. Pork internal fat – 60 gr.

It is better to cook in enamel or glass containers. Pour the juice, plain water, rose water and honey into a container. Mix everything thoroughly and heat in a water bath. When the mixture is heated, fat is added to it. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth.

You need to set the finished cream aside to cool, then place it in the refrigerator. Regular use of cream with aloe juice for the skin around the eyes will significantly reduce crow's feet and make the skin softer.

It is easy to prepare a cream with agave juice by mixing it in equal parts with any oil from jojoba, chamomile, grape seed, peach, etc.

The resulting mixture is applied to the face with tapping movements. It is advisable to use in the morning and evening. Remove excess with a napkin.


The beneficial and unique composition of aloe juice for the skin receives mixed reviews. Usually this is a delight and recommends everyone to use it. But there are also exceptions. Caution should be observed:

  1. For exacerbations of any pathologies.
  2. During pregnancy, the juice should not be consumed orally.
  3. Use with great caution in young children and elderly people.
  4. Ingestion is dangerous in case of pathology of the cardiovascular system, liver diseases, cholecystitis of various etiologies, during menstruation, internal bleeding, hemorrhoids.
  5. If you have poor vision, aloe injections are contraindicated.

When using aloe juice on the face or consuming it internally, you should strictly adhere to the dosage so as not to cause harm. The mask cycle should be no more than 2-3 weeks. Then there is a break for two weeks.

Remedy from the pharmacy

If you don’t have a treasured flower at home, don’t be upset. Pharmacies sell plant juice in ampoules.

Juice in ampoules or vials does not lose its beneficial properties. Aloe juice purchased at a pharmacy is not inferior in quality to a product made at home.

It is important to pay attention to what is written on the packaging. Usually the ampoules contain a plant extract. For the preparation of creams, compresses and masks, the extract requires

is much less than freshly squeezed juice.


Aloe flower for wrinkles around the eyes has received mostly good reviews. The flower is an excellent assistant for cosmetologists to preserve the beauty and youth of the skin. Of course, nothing can stop the natural aging process, but you can delay it a little. The main thing is not to be lazy and use this product regularly.

According to reviews, aloe juice is not suitable only for those who are especially sensitive to this drug. In such cases, redness, itching, and peeling may appear on the skin. If such allergic reactions occur, the product should not be used.

Hello dear readers. Do you believe that homemade masks and creams can be more effective than products from global brands? What is the cost of aloe juice for the face against wrinkles, reviews of which are more eloquent than the recommendations of dermatologists. Natural aloe masks go well with any creams and only enhance their effect. Don't believe me? Try making this “dessert” for your skin. The result will make you gasp with delight!

Reviews from women about use at home

Over time, our skin loses collagen and elastin, and the production of hyaluronic acid decreases. As a result of lack of hydration, wrinkles begin to form. To prevent premature aging and look younger, daily care, both internally and externally, is very important. Along with a healthy diet and excellent moisturizers, you can use natural products to help solve this problem. Which have rejuvenating and antioxidant properties. Aloe vera works great for this.

Let's see what those who have tried using aloe juice write.

Alina: Aloe is an excellent cosmetic product. Every week I make a mask of juice and honey.

Irina: I only recently appreciated the benefits of aloe. Masks give the same result as many pharmaceutical products: the skin is clean, soft, delicate, small wrinkles are smoothed out. And all this costs much less!

Ksenia: I have my own recipe for ice with aloe: I mix ½ tbsp. still mineral water with a tablespoon of aloe juice. I rub my face with these cubes for a week, and then take a break.

Marisha: I was enough for 1 time. My skin burned so much... I can’t use it anymore.

Tina: Aloe has a strong antibacterial effect and dries problem areas. This is an aggressive drug. It even stops pharyngitis. Dilute aloe juice, otherwise you may get burns and irritation.

Farida: I don't insist on anything. I simply smear the skin with a sheet cut in half. I did this for 3 days and my face noticeably whitened and my skin became better. I recommend it to everyone.

Aloe - beneficial properties for the face against wrinkles

Now this plant is enjoying unprecedented popularity in the beauty industry. The secret of the benefits is that aloe juice promotes rapid cell regeneration and accelerates metabolic processes in the skin.

Thanks to the allantoin component, green magician prevents the formation of wrinkles. Aloe contains more than 200 useful components, minerals and trace elements. It contains amino acids, salicylic acid (a common ingredient in the treatment of acne), vitamins A, B, C, E. In addition, this green plant contains useful substances such as lignins, enzymes, saponins and healthy sugars.

Unlike other natural products, juice is able to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and deliver all the nutrients and vitamins. So necessary to prevent dry skin and premature formation of wrinkles

Who knew the benefits of aloe vera extended so far? So why do we love aloe:

  1. smoothes wrinkles;
  2. natural antioxidant;
  3. regulates water balance in tissues;
  4. stimulates the production of collagen and elastin;
  5. prevents the appearance of folds on the skin;
  6. protects against ultraviolet exposure and subsequent photo-aging of the skin;
  7. lightens age spots;
  8. acts as a healing elixir for cuts;
  9. helps control diabetes;
  10. improves digestion.

Most often, lotions, tonics, and masks are made from the pulp of the plant. However, it is not only external use that benefits. The iodine, zinc, iron, and sodium contained in the plant have a positive effect “from the inside.”

Dermatologists from Seoul National University in Korea have actually proven that drinking ¼ teaspoon of aloe vera juice daily improves skin elasticity and increases the production of its own collagen.

The experiment involved women over 45 years of age. For three months, the women took a quarter teaspoon of aloe (approximately 1,200 mg) daily. The results amazed doctors: the number of wrinkles decreased, the skin began to produce more collagen, and facial features improved. Agree, this is an objective reason to believe in the extraordinary properties of Aloe Vera!

This is truly a miracle drug in its natural form. You can grow your own aloe vera right on your windowsill. And have this elixir “at hand.” Or just buy the gel in supplement form. My husband admired the virtues of aloe juice and wanted to try it too. It’s not for nothing that this plant was known 5,000 years ago. Now we don't have to wait for it to grow. All you have to do is go online and order ready-made natural aloe juice for home delivery. For example, iHerb has .

Visual impairment is a problem that many people face. There is no need to resort to radical measures through surgical intervention and pollute the body with chemicals, since there is a miraculous home plant - aloe.

The use of aloe-based folk remedies helps improve blurred vision and will also help with various eye diseases. Below are effective recipes and recommendations that will help not only maintain but also improve vision clarity.

Causes of visual impairment

In addition to age-related changes, many factors can affect vision deterioration. Today many young people suffer from this problem. Most often they try to get rid of it by purchasing glasses or contacts, but restore vision it won't help. It will continue to get worse if the reasons are not dealt with. They are as follows:

  1. diseases of the spine;
  2. overwork;
  3. waste and toxins;
  4. bad habits;
  5. eye diseases;
  6. retinal detachment;
  7. brain tumor;
  8. corneal abrasion;
  9. head or eye injury.

The cause of visual impairment can be congenital or acquired pathologies. Sometimes the problem is caused by ocular hemorrhage, a foreign body entering the organ, or incorrectly selected glasses.

What is needed to improve vision

If you want to work on your visual acuity on your own, it is recommended to give up bad habits, get more rest and protect yourself from stressful situations. It is necessary to eat foods that have a positive effect on vision and contain a sufficient amount of useful elements.

Simple eye exercises, which can be done during breaks between work or study, have a beneficial effect. There are many folk remedies for vision that you can turn to to solve the problem. Ingredients such as green tea, ginger, carrots, etc. have proven themselves well for preparing drops, compresses and oral administration.

Vitamins and microelements for good vision

Element Benefit Where is
Anthocyanins Strengthen blood vessels and improve their permeability, protect membranes from damage Dark berries, cherry
Taurine Participates in photosignal conduction, regenerates tissues Seafood, pork, beef, chicken, eggs, milk
Vitamin A Strengthens the retina, helps to correctly perceive information, protects against infections Shrimp, salmon, spinach, carrots, tomatoes
Vitamin C Normalizes the removal of eye fluid, increases the elasticity of blood vessels Citrus fruits, rose hips, sea buckthorn, sweet peppers, strawberries
Vitamin E Prevents exposure to UV rays, slows down age-related changes Peas, parsley, vegetable oil, wheat germ
Zinc Nourishes the lens and protects against aging Cocoa, peanuts, beef, pumpkin seeds
Omega-3 Moisturizes the cornea, prevents cataracts Sea fish, seeds, nuts, flaxseed oil
Copper Protects against inflammation, participates in collagen binding Avocado, nuts, seafood, fish
B vitamins
Thiamine (B1) Improves the conduction of nerve impulses Oatmeal, millet, buckwheat, peas, beans, liver
Riboflavin (B2) Provides glutathione supply, prevents conjunctivitis Eggs, kefir, cheese, cottage cheese, brewer's yeast
Pyridoxine (B6) Protects the optic nerve Potatoes, bananas, chicken, fish, buckwheat, pearl barley
Cyanocobalamin (B12) Prevention of glaucoma, improvement of vascular condition Fermented milk products, heart, kidneys, eggs, fish

Benefits of aloe for vision

Aloe juice contains many substances that are involved in improving visual acuity and treatment of chronic eye diseases. This is due to the presence of the following elements:

  1. vitamin A;
  2. B vitamins;
  3. vitamin C;
  4. vitamin E;
  5. resins;
  6. zinc;
  7. phytoncides;
  8. essential oils;
  9. enzymes;
  10. polysaccharides.

The listed components have a beneficial effect on the organ, stabilize the metabolism in the lens, protect it from clouding, relieve inflammation, prevent the occurrence of cataracts and can change the vision index to one unit. Agave extract can successfully replace chemicals from the pharmacy.


  1. Allergy.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. Lactation.
  4. Uterine bleeding.
  5. Oncological diseases.
  6. Haemorrhoids.
  7. Cystitis.
  8. Renal dysfunction.
  9. Cholecystitis.
  10. Acute phases of any disease.

Recipes with aloe for good vision

Recipes based on aloe can be prepared at home; the juice of a home plant can be used as the main ingredient, as well as aloe extracts from a pharmacy, but the option using home-grown agave is more natural and healthy.

How to get aloe juice

The eyes are a delicate organ, so the preparation of raw materials must be approached responsibly. Plants older than three years are suitable for this purpose. Leaves are taken from the lower tiers with dried tips. Their length usually starts from 15 cm. They are cut near the very base in order to use as many useful substances as possible. It is better not to water the plant for about two weeks before this.

The leaf is used for cooking within three hours after cutting, or during this time it is put in the refrigerator to biostimulate the substances inside it. Before this, the raw materials are wrapped in paper, and its ends are not tied. It is kept in the refrigerator for 14 days at a temperature of 4 to 8 °C.

The prepared leaves are washed and chopped with a knife or meat grinder. The pulp is squeezed out using gauze folded in three layers, and the resulting liquid is used to prepare recipes.

Aloe products from the pharmacy

If agave does not grow at home, then you can look for it from friends or choose a recipe with a different composition. Aloe juice from the pharmacy contains a preservative, which is most often alcohol. It causes a burn to the visual organ.

Among the ready-made pharmaceutical preparations, one can highlight “Aloe extract according to S. Fedorov.” This is a ready-made product that includes silver, which plays the role of an antiseptic. Used for farsightedness, myopia and other vision problems.

Infusion of aloe, eyebright, cornflower, honey and wine

  1. dry cornflower petals – 50 g;
  2. dry eyebright herb – 50 g;
  3. Agave leaves – 200 g;
  4. honey – 0.6 l;
  5. dry red wine – 600 ml.

The leaves are crushed and placed together with the herbs in a three-liter jar. The raw materials are poured with wine, honey and left for three days in a dark place, stirring occasionally. When the time is up, cook the infusion for one hour in a water bath under a closed lid. The product is cooled and filtered through cheesecloth. Take it one tablespoon three times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Juice for drinking or instillation

You can use pure juice aloe to improve vision. It is obtained in any convenient way from fresh leaves of the plant. The product is stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days, so it must be prepared regularly. Drink one teaspoon of juice 3 times a day or instill 2-3 aloe drops for vision in each eye before bed.

Compress with honey

  1. Agave extract – 1 tbsp. l.;
  2. honey - 1 tbsp. l.

Both components are mixed. A small piece of bandage is moistened in the finished product and applied to each eye for 15 minutes. It is also suitable for eye drops.

With green apple and honey

  1. green apple (preferably the Antonovka variety) – 1 pc.;
  2. honey – 1 tsp;
  3. aloe extract – 1 tsp.

The top of the apple is cut off and a large depression is made. Honey and agave are placed in it. The fruit is left in a dark place for three days. The liquid from the well is drained into a sterile container and placed in the refrigerator for storage. It is used as eye drops daily before bed. 2-3 drops are enough. 7 days of treatment, 7 days of break and so on until complete recovery.

Recipe from V.P. Filatov

  1. lemon – 3-4 pcs.;
  2. chopped walnuts - 2 cups;
  3. Agave extract – ½ cup;
  4. bee honey - 1 glass.

Juice is squeezed out of lemons and mixed with other ingredients. The mass is consumed before each meal 30 minutes, one teaspoon. The course of treatment is stopped when possible improve vision. Pasta has a positive effect on the condition of the body as a whole.

How to maintain good vision

  1. Do not work in poor lighting.
  2. Avoid bright lighting.
  3. Try to be at the computer less often or buy special glasses.
  4. Do not consume caffeine, alcohol, or starchy foods.
  5. While working, you need to give your eyes a rest by closing them for a few minutes.
  6. It is necessary to perceive visual information naturally without tension.
  7. Learn a simple Palming exercise.


Lena, 39 years old:

My vision began to deteriorate; images in the distance blurred. I didn’t want to ever start wearing glasses, so I took action. I often treat myself with home remedies, which I still do now. I squeezed the liquid out of the aloe, diluted it a little with water and began to drip it before going to bed. After about three months I began to see better.

Sasha, 25 years old:

Since childhood, vision has been falling, to stop this process I use various home recipes. I really liked the paste with aloe and nuts from ophthalmologist Filatov. While taking it, your eyes become less tired and your vision stops deteriorating.