How to avoid wrinkles around the eyes

It's no secret that the skin around the eyes is thin and delicate, so
The first signs of aging appear here. But sometimes wrinkles
can also be seen in fairly young women. Why is this happening?

Wrinkles around the eyes appear with age. Skin ages, collagen,
which, like a frame, preserves the contours of the face, becomes
less. The skin of the eyelids, being thinner and also subject to greater
stress due to constant movement, earlier than other areas of the face
“gives up” in the fight against age. Usually noticeable changes occur in
fourth ten, but depending on the woman’s lifestyle this period
may come earlier or later.

It is common for every person to show emotions. When we get angry
whether we are nervous or overjoyed, the facial muscles contract, moving the skin.
Gradually, this activity of the facial muscles leads to the appearance
wrinkles of the same name. And, of course, again, first of all, this happens in
eye area.
The habit of squinting your eyes leads to the appearance of folds on the skin of the eyelids,
no matter what reason you do it: because of bad
sight, bright sun or simple coquetry. The result will be the same - like this
called "crow's feet". Lack of vitamins, alcohol consumption, smoking and poor environment
worsen the condition of the skin in general and the thin skin around the eyes in
in particular.

Gymnastics for eyes against wrinkles

Special exercises will help relieve tension in the eye muscles, which
inevitably occurs after visual stress. Relaxed muscles
will tighten the skin, which, in turn, will become more elastic and
less susceptible to tension. Subject to regular implementation
With such gymnastics, existing fine wrinkles are gradually reduced. If
you will start using these exercises before crow's feet appear,
You will be able to postpone your meeting with them for several years. Before the beginning
classes, you need to cleanse your facial skin with any product that you
usually use.

  1. Movement of the eyeball clockwise and vice versa. The eyes can be either open or closed.
  2. Blinking at a speed of once per second.
  3. Concentrating your gaze on an object that is small
    away from the eyes (tip of the nose, pencil held in an outstretched hand).
  4. A short rest with your eyes closed (but not tightly shut).
  5. Concentration of gaze on an object that is at a significant distance
    removal (a decorative element on the curtain, a small sticker attached
    on glass or window frame)
  6. Relaxed viewing of the landscape outside the window. If the opening view is not
    makes you happy or there is no opportunity to look out the window, look at
    the opposite wall, drawing in your imagination what you would like
    see. By the way, this is a good psychological relief.

Anti-wrinkle eye massage

Eye massage can be combined with the procedure of applying caring
cosmetics. It is performed with fingertips, light pinpoint
pressing on the eyelids with one finger, which are replaced by the same
light tapping with two or three fingers.
It is better to start by pressing on the inner corner of the eye.
When massaging the upper eyelid, the movement goes from the inner corner to the outer,
when massaging the lower eyelid, it’s the other way around. From the outside it should seem that
With a dotted line you draw glasses around the eyes.
Care must be taken not to stretch the delicate skin of the eyelids.
Daily massage treatments will not take much time, but in combination with
The most inexpensive cosmetics will give a good effect.
The main thing is to do them regularly, but not to overdo it with strength.
influence, otherwise you will get a completely opposite result.

Masks for the skin around the eyes

Modern cosmetology offers options for masks, gels and creams for
eyelid skins, which are designed for different ages, skin types and budgets. If
you are satisfied with your favorite remedy, do not forget that in
cold season, it must be applied at least 40 minutes before
leaving the room. If you prefer homemade products just before use, try the following masks.

Regular mashed potatoes, which can be adjusted to the desired consistency
milk, cream, sour cream, olive or other vegetable oil.
Cotton pads soaked in infusion of linden and chamomile or any oil
plant origin (peach, jojoba, flaxseed and others).
Natural honey mixed in equal proportions with sour cream, or without adding it.
Ground, steamed and cooled to a tolerable temperature. They can be mixed with the ingredients of the previous mask.

Any non-acidic fruits and berries. You can crush a ripe peach and apply
mass directly onto the skin. You can make a paste from watermelon, grapes
or raspberries, spread it on a gauze napkin and apply it to the eyes.
You can lie down with thin slices of apple or banana on your eyelids.
Masks are applied for a period of 10 to 30 minutes, washed off with lukewarm water or
infusion of medicinal herbs. You can complete the procedure with contrasting water

Proper eye care

Let's summarize the above. Wrinkles appear near the eyes or
as a result of the normal aging process of the body, or due to
misbehavior of a woman. Any violation is easier to prevent,
than to get rid of its consequences. Therefore, religiously follow these steps:
Clean your eyes daily of cosmetics and various contaminants,
lying in wait on the street. This must be done at least twice a day.
day either with clean water, or with herbal decoctions, or with the use of
special cleaning agents.

Pay attention to the quality and expiration date of eye cosmetics.
It is advisable that the packaging contain information about
hypoallergenicity of the product, its testing by ophthalmologists.

Do gymnastics and eye massage daily. Use special care products for the skin of the eyelids. Try not to squint your eyes. Alternate visual stress and rest.
Lead a healthy lifestyle. Then your eyes will delight others for many years.

We all experience the appearance of wrinkles sooner or later. The most vulnerable part for their occurrence is the area around the eyes, since the skin there is very thin and delicate. During the day, this area is subject to a lot of stress due to laughing, squinting, blinking, etc. In addition, lack of sleep, an unhealthy lifestyle and daily exposure to cosmetics lead to early signs of skin aging, particularly wrinkles around the eyes. Using traditional medicine recipes, you can eliminate wrinkles around the eyes or make them less noticeable.

Causes of wrinkles around the eyes.
The early appearance of wrinkles around the eye area does not at all indicate aging of the body. Withering of the skin in this area can be associated with many reasons, in particular: inattention to oneself, improper care and the use of low-quality cosmetics. All this in combination can provoke the appearance of wrinkles as early as 22-25 years old.

The delicate skin around the eyes requires special careful and regular care, since a lack of moisture leads to dry skin, aging, loss of elasticity and firmness, and as a result, early wrinkles. Excessive facial expressions, poor nutrition, and stress also adversely affect the condition of the skin around the eyes, which leads to early wrinkles.

The so-called “crow's feet” around the eyes are very difficult to disguise with any means of decorative cosmetics (concealers, etc.), they only make them more noticeable. Therefore, the solution in this situation is the use of natural cosmetics and folk remedies, as well as active prevention of wrinkles from the age of twenty.

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes - moisturizing.
Folk remedies based on herbal supplements are excellent helpers in skin care. Among them, aloe and essential oils have active moisturizing properties. Aloe, for example, is excellent at combating dry skin in the sensitive area around the eyes. To eliminate wrinkles, it is recommended to apply the juice of this plant to the area around the eyes every night at night, avoiding contact with the mucous membrane. If you don’t have this plant at home, you can purchase it ready-made in the form of a gel, which will contain at least 98% of the juice of this medicinal flower, and use it in the same way.

According to traditional medicine recipes, essential oils of peach, almond and apricot serve as excellent moisturizers that fight wrinkles around the eyes. A few drops of any of the listed oils should be driven into the area under the eyes, as if with the pads of your fingers. By the way, you can use natural butter in the same way. It perfectly smooths out crow's feet.

A wonderful method of combating such wrinkles is a homemade cream that you can make yourself. It is necessary to mix a tablespoon of vitamin E oil solution with the same amount of cocoa butter and sea buckthorn oil. This nourishing cream must be applied in a thick layer to the upper and lower eyelids, secured on top in the area of ​​the outer corner of the eyes with small pieces of parchment paper. Leave this mask on for fifteen minutes, after which soak the remaining cream with a napkin. There is no way to rub it. You need to make this mask twice a week, preferably two hours before bedtime.

Olive oil is also good for getting rid of wrinkles around the eyes. It is used as a compress, after which you need to lightly massage the skin of the eyelids and the area under the eyes. This herbal product is also effective when added to various masks. In particular, “drive” a mixture of 50 ml of oil and 10 ml of vitamin E oil solution into the area around the eyes with lightly patting movements with the pads of your fingers. After this, you need to wait about five minutes and remove the remaining mixture by blotting with a napkin. This mask can be done every day, preferably at night. To prevent the appearance of wrinkles, it is effective to use a mixture of olive oil with a few drops of lemon juice in the form of a mask. Apply the mixture to the skin and leave for ten minutes, after which blot off any remaining residue with a paper towel.

Masks for wrinkles around the eyes - folk remedies.
Nourishing and moisturizing masks are the main weapon against wrinkles around the eyes!

The simplest and fastest mask to prepare is the following: grind the crumb of wheat bread in slightly warmed milk and apply evenly to the skin around the eyes. Leave the mask on for fifteen minutes, then rinse your face with warm water.

Due to its unique properties, honey is a useful ingredient in cosmetic masks. Mix a tablespoon of wheat flour, add a tablespoon of honey melted in a water bath, and the beaten white of one egg. Distribute the resulting mass, while warm, in an even layer over the area around the eyes. Once the mask has completely cooled and dried, you should wash with warm water. In this recipe, instead of wheat flour, it is also good to use oatmeal, but the time for applying the mask will be about half an hour.

Mix a lot of peeled and chopped raw potatoes with a small amount of high-fat cream and apply to the area under the eyes. After fifteen minutes, wash off the mask. At the same time, compresses in the form of cotton pads dipped in strong tea can be applied to the upper eyelids.

Cosmetic ice is also effective in caring for the delicate skin around the eyes. Its use increases blood circulation, resulting in the skin receiving more nutrition and moisture, which increases its elasticity and tone. To make ice, both ordinary drinking water and a decoction or infusion of medicinal plants are suitable. Pour water or medicinal infusion (for example, parsley, chamomile, calendula, etc.) into special ice cube trays and freeze in the freezer. A mixture of milk and water, taken in equal proportions, is also suitable for making ice. Lightly rub the skin around the eyes with an ice cube in the morning and evening.

Milk compresses are also famous for their positive effects on the skin. It is necessary to apply cotton pads, previously soaked in boiled milk, to the eyelids and leave for five minutes. After this time, repeat the procedure, but use other disks. Do this three times in a row, then wash with warm water and apply a cream specially designed for this to the area around the eyes.

Grind three medium-sized strawberries with a teaspoon of honey. Wrap the resulting mass in gauze and apply to the eyelids. Leave this mask on for at least twenty minutes, then wipe the skin with a cotton pad soaked in milk. This mask not only smooths out wrinkles, but also vitaminizes the skin, giving it a healthy appearance.

Grind the asparagus using a grater and squeeze the juice out of it. Take two teaspoons of the resulting juice and add two teaspoons of almond, peach or olive oil to them. Soak cotton pads in the mixture and apply to eyelids. After thirty minutes, rinse with warm water. Regular use of such a mask, in addition to smoothing out wrinkles, perfectly eliminates swelling and dark circles under the eyes.

Masks based on flaxseed smooth and nourish the skin around the eyes. Pour two tablespoons of flaxseed into 400 ml of boiling water, put on fire and cook until the seed is completely boiled. After this, it must be placed in gauze and applied to the eyelids. After twenty minutes, wash your face with warm water and then cool water.

A mask based on honey and rolled oats perfectly smoothes the skin and helps get rid of wrinkles. To prepare it, you should grind the rolled oats, take two tablespoons and mix them with the same amount of honey and a tablespoon of strong tea leaves. Place the mixture in a water bath to obtain a homogeneous mass. Apply the resulting mask warm to the area around the eyes (you can cover the entire face), cover the face with a towel. After twenty minutes, rinse the mask with warm water, and then apply a specially designed cream to the skin.

Mix the egg yolk with the juice of half a lemon, pre-chopped zest, and a teaspoon of olive oil (almond oil is fine). Apply the resulting mass to the area around the eyes and leave for half an hour, then soak cotton pads in cool milk and remove the mask.

Spinach is truly a rejuvenating plant. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, adding it to cosmetic masks not only eliminates fine wrinkles, but also smoothes out deep ones, and also prevents the appearance of new ones. To prepare such a mask, you need to chop and squeeze the juice from two spinach leaves. Take a teaspoon of the resulting juice and add to it 10 g of vitamin A oil solution, as well as a teaspoon of your regular cream or gel for the eyelids and skin around the eyes. Apply the mask to the skin and then remove it using cotton pads soaked in cold boiled milk.

Mix banana pulp and heavy cream or sour cream in equal proportions. Apply the resulting mass for fifteen minutes, then rinse with warm water. Instead of sour cream or cream, you can also use melted butter (natural), only in this case the mask should be kept for much longer (25-30 minutes).

Mix a tablespoon of well-mashed apricot pulp with a teaspoon of high-fat sour cream. Apply the mixture to the area around the eyes for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water. In this recipe, sour cream can be replaced with full-fat cottage cheese or vegetable oil (olive, almond).

You can make a homemade anti-wrinkle eye cream. To do this, pour 100 ml of boiling water into a mixture of one teaspoon of chamomile and the same amount of linden, let it brew for fifteen minutes. Then strain the infusion, take two tablespoons of the infusion, add a tablespoon of butter and a teaspoon of castor oil. Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed, which can be used as a cream before bed. This cream should be kept in the refrigerator for no more than five days. Then make a new batch.

The following lotions or compresses help perfectly against crow's feet: pour dill seeds or chamomile, or sage, or parsley into a gauze bag and dip in hot milk or water for a few minutes. Then remove, cool and apply warm to the eyelids and area around the eyes. After fifteen minutes, wash with warm water. Such compresses help eliminate wrinkles and eliminate swelling.

Parsley is a fairly common ingredient in cosmetic masks. Its use reduces swelling under the eyes and eliminates puffiness. Parsley can be used in combination with chopped raw potato mixture or low-fat sour cream in a 2:1 ratio. Apply the mask for fifteen minutes and rinse with cool water.

Parsley can be used in its pure form. Namely, squeeze the juice out of it, soak cotton pads in it and apply it to your eyelids. After this, you need to wash your face with cool water. This procedure perfectly relieves tension, eliminates swelling and smoothes the skin.

An infusion of birch leaves is also suitable as a compress for wrinkles. Pour the raw material with a glass of cold water and leave for at least eight hours, after which the infusion should be strained.

It is effective to use herbal decoctions as lotions for wrinkles. Mix mint, sage, chamomile in equal quantities, take a tablespoon of the resulting raw material and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Place in a water bath for twenty minutes, then cool and strain the broth. Soak cosmetic discs in this decoction and apply on eyelids for fifteen minutes; no need to rinse off.

There are a huge number of folk recipes for caring for the skin around the eyes. I have given only a small part. If you are not lazy, you can achieve wonderful results.

Prevention of wrinkles around the eyes.
To delay the appearance of wrinkles, you need to learn how to properly care for your skin, and you need to start doing this as early as possible. In particular, you should start caring for your eyelid skin from the age of twenty. In care you should use only high-quality care complexes and decorative cosmetics. Moreover, when choosing cosmetics for the skin around the eyes, you should focus not on skin type, but on age. For mature skin, concentrated preparations are recommended based on active substances that accelerate skin regeneration, the production of collagen and elastin, and normalize the content of lipids and glycans (what fills the space between collagen fibers). And for young skin you can only use cosmetics with plant and fruit extracts.

You should not neglect folk remedies, because they serve as excellent prevention of wrinkles, thanks to natural ingredients.

It is very important to pay attention to your facial expressions, because squinting is often one of the main reasons for the early appearance of wrinkles around the eyes, since regular exercise contributes to faster wear of collagen fibers. Forget about rubbing your eyes! This childhood habit should be eliminated as quickly as possible, just like propping your face with your fist.

A nutritious and balanced diet plays an important role in the health and preservation of youthful skin. Over the years, the natural process of collagen production decreases significantly. Replenishment of its losses must occur through chemicals entering the body with food. Include more vegetables in your diet that contain carotene (carrots, spinach), eat more fruits, especially red ones, drink natural fruit and vegetable juices (carrots).

To prevent wrinkles around the eyes, it is advisable to wear high-quality sunglasses when in the open sun, regardless of the time of year. If you are nearsighted, it is worth purchasing contact lenses or glasses.

In order to increase blood circulation, it is recommended to self-massage the area around the eyes daily with light patting movements. It must be carried out after morning cosmetic procedures and application of cream. All movements must be performed strictly along the massage lines with the pads of the third and fourth fingers. If you already have deep wrinkles, then in addition to self-massage, once a week you need to get a massage in a beauty salon.

It is effective to use homemade anti-wrinkle cream based on camphor oil. To prepare it, mix 50 ml of unsalted fat (lard), previously melted in a water bath, with the same amount of camphor oil and pour into a jar. Use this cream twice a week at night.

Wrinkles around the eyes very often appear due to the incorrect position of our head during sleep. You should not use a pillow that is too high for sleeping, as it disrupts the venous outflow in the skin of the eyelids and contributes to the appearance of bags. Sleeping on your stomach with your face buried in the pillow is a very bad habit. Sleeping in this position leads to the early appearance of crow's feet. It is best to use a bolster or a flat pillow for sleeping, and the position should be either on your back or on your side.

Very important too. So that your sleep is complete. That is, you and I need at least eight hours to feel normal. The room in which you sleep must be well ventilated. In addition, it is desirable that there are no sources of electromagnetic radiation (computer, cell phone, TV, etc.). Chronic lack of sleep negatively affects the condition of the skin around the eyes.

Useful tips for maintaining youthful skin around the eyes.

  1. For washing, use only cool, clean drinking water; you can use melt water (not from the tap or boiled!). This water will improve blood circulation. You can use cosmetic ice.
  2. The cream should be applied to the area around the eyes in small portions, distributing it in dotted strokes using the pads of the ring fingers (since the ring fingers are less developed, they will not be able to deform the skin).
  3. You should apply nourishing creams or gels in the morning, and cosmetics with a lifting effect in the evening. Otherwise, you may get severe swelling.
  4. Never use face cream on your eyelids.
  5. Be sure to use skincare products with a sun protection factor.
  6. Cosmetics should be changed every three to four months to avoid addiction or allergic reactions.
  7. In winter and autumn, you should take multivitamin complexes.
  8. Walk more in the fresh air and lead an active lifestyle.

Beauty and youth of the skin are the result of regular and thorough care. Therefore, learn to take care of yourself and your skin as early as possible in order to prolong its youth and blooming appearance.

Hello, our dear subscribers! Irina and Igor are in touch again. Unfortunately, humanity has not yet come up with means to slow down the aging process of our body. And the first thing that the aging process affects is our skin, or rather, not even all the skin, but the skin around the eyes. This is where the first wrinkles appear on the face, which is why the skin around the eyes requires your close attention.

Today, in our article, we will look at how to avoid the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes.

How to prevent wrinkles from appearing?

The beauty of a woman is in her eyes, because they are the ones that lead to the heart - the place where love lives

- words of the famous actress Audrey Hepburn.

Yes, the first thing we pay attention to when meeting a person is his eyes. That is why it is worth paying attention to caring for the skin around the eyes and preventing the first wrinkles from appearing.

What should you pay attention to so that wrinkles do not upset you when you look at yourself in the mirror? To begin with, try to squint as little as possible.

  1. If you have poor eyesight, you should get glasses or contacts
  2. In sunny weather, it is better not to leave the house without sunglasses
  3. When applying makeup, try to relax your eyelids
  4. Take regular breaks from working at the computer to prevent your eyes from getting tired

A balanced diet helps prevent the first wrinkles from appearing. It is necessary to select foods in your diet that are good for your vision and for your skin.

To do this, you should eat foods rich in vitamins A, C and E, zinc and fatty acids. These are primarily carrots, spinach and broccoli. Dishes made from fish, Brussels sprouts, cranberries, apples, prunes and blueberries will also be a useful addition to your diet.

Do not forget about maintaining a water-drinking balance, since water is a life-giving force for our skin cells. You should drink filtered or boiled water, but it is better to reduce the consumption of tea and coffee.

In addition, smoking and alcohol also have a negative impact on the structure of our skin, so you should also say goodbye to bad habits.

The cause of wrinkles can be constant stress.

“My eye even started to twitch,” people who are subject to severe or constant stress often say.

An effective way to learn how to manage your attitude towards certain situations is the book by Neil Fiore “An easy way to start a new life. How to get rid of stress, internal conflicts and bad habits" , which will help you get rid of old ineffective behavior patterns and acquire a new positive thinking style.

A very important factor for the health of our skin is healthy sleep. Dark circles under the eyes are not the only problems after sleepless nights or regular lack of sleep; wrinkles also appear more often in people who do not give their bodies enough rest.

In addition, you should not forget about “rest for the eyes.”

Give your little eyes a palming session or use tea bags to relieve tension.

In addition, you can use various silicone masks, which can be selected in the online store In chapter "Beauty and health" .

How to remove wrinkles under the eyes?

In addition to all of the above, it is worth providing the skin around the eyes with proper care, which will help effectively fight existing wrinkles, as well as prevent the appearance of new ones.

To do this you need:

  1. Before going to bed, be sure to remove your makeup. Makeup remover should be used carefully, making sure not to stretch the skin.
  2. Also, before going to bed, you should take care of moisturizing the skin of your eyes, since dry skin inevitably loses its elasticity. To do this, you should use specialized means, for example, stops the aging process and ensures deep hydration Goji Cream
  3. To quickly get rid of wrinkles that have appeared, you can use specialized smoothing creams, for example, Ageless instant anti-wrinkle cream
  4. Drinking green tea, which contains natural antioxidants, can stop the formation of wrinkles. You can also use green tea bags as a refreshing eye compress.
  5. Coconut oil has a smoothing effect, so you should pay attention to massaging the skin around the eyes using this oil at least once a week

Folk remedies are widely used in the fight against wrinkles.

For example, pineapple or grape juice rubbed into the skin around the eyes has a good tightening effect. Various chamomile or rosemary lotions are also popular to reduce wrinkles.

They are usually made using cotton pads or sponges, which are soaked in a heated herbal decoction and applied to the eyes for 10 minutes.

Quite often, cosmetic ice is used, which is also effective in the fight against dark circles under the eyes.

To do this, herbal decoctions, fruit or vegetable juices, as well as tea and coffee are frozen in a special mold.

Before using such a piece of ice, you should moisturize the skin around the eyes with any oil so as not to harm it from a sharp drop in temperature.

A bread mask helps well in the fight against wrinkles. To do this, the crumb of white bread is mixed with melted butter, after which the resulting paste is applied to the skin around the eyes for 20 minutes. After this procedure, you should wash your face with warm water.

Do you have any of your own recipes that you use to combat wrinkles around the eyes? Maybe share with us the secrets of your care?

Don't forget to take a break from your gadgets and computer to give your eyes a rest! And in order not to miss updates on our blog, you just have to subscribe to them! See you soon!

Best regards, Irina and Igor