Oil for stretch marks on chest

A young and fit, beautiful, healthy body is the dream of every woman. To achieve such an effect, representatives of the fair sex are ready to spend a lot of money, time and effort. However, the state of the area that has long attracted men - the breasts - sometimes brings grief instead of joy. The reason for this is the appearance of dark stripes (stretch marks, or striae), which have an unpleasant appearance. Getting rid of them is not so easy.

The main reasons for the formation of stretch marks on the chest

Doctors cite several factors as the reasons for the formation of stretch marks. The main one is a hormonal disorder caused by physical changes in the body. It is observed:

  1. at puberty, when the first menstruation appears;
  2. during pregnancy, when internal changes occur (stretching of the muscles of the anterior wall of the peritoneum, enlargement of the mammary glands in size, etc.);
  3. with sudden weight gain or loss (more than 5 kg within a month);
  4. with long-term use of hormonal drugs.

Among other reasons for the appearance of stretch marks on the chest, experts note the patient’s history of certain diseases:

  1. Cushing's syndrome, accompanied by dysfunction of the adrenal glands;
  2. pathologies of the endocrine system.

In some cases, stretch marks are formed as a result of a flabby muscle frame (with prolonged diets, with a sudden cancellation of sports training, etc.).

Stretch marks that appear after childbirth in nursing women are caused by regular flow of milk to the mammary glands. This creates a strong load on the chest, as a result of which the skin stretches greatly and sometimes sag. Striae formed at the end of the breastfeeding period are caused by a sharp decrease in breast size. The milk no longer arrives, but the epidermis simply did not have time to recover, hence the ruptures in the tissues.

The most difficult case is considered to be a genetic predisposition to the formation of stretch marks.. In such people, the skin is thin. Usually these are inhabitants of northern countries, where there is little sun and warmth.


Types of striae and their features

From a cosmetological point of view, a stretch mark is a narrow area of ​​deformed skin, 5–10 cm long and up to 5 mm wide. Depending on the period of appearance and shade, stretch marks are distinguished:

  1. fresh (newly formed), having a rich color, from bright red to bluish-violet;
  2. old, whitish or with a pearlescent tint.

Fresh stretch marks are easy to correct. With timely measures they are easily reduced in size and become less pronounced. Old stretch marks have a lot in common with scars. It is not always possible to remove them completely. To make the stripes less noticeable, you will have to put in a lot of effort.

The principle behind the appearance of all types of stretch marks is the same. The skin of the décolleté and chest becomes thin, loses moisture, and as a result, its elasticity and firmness decrease. Such depleted skin slowly returns to its original position after stretching caused by various factors. Therefore, micro-tears (of vessels, tissue fibers) are inevitable. Over time, the tears heal, overgrown with connective tissue. A scar, or striae, remains on the surface of the skin. Its color depends on whether there are active blood vessels at the site of the rupture. If they are present, the color of the stretch mark is bright; if there are no capillaries, the stretch mark is light.

How to get rid of them: main methods of removal

The human body has a unique ability to heal itself. A stretch mark, which is a tear inside the skin, may disappear after some time. The healing of the gap occurs due to the formation of new layers of connective tissue. However, a slightly noticeable whitish trace that does not tan in the sun and is not masked by foundation will remain for a long time.


What can you do at home?

Vegetable oils will help you fight stretch marks on your chest at home:

Apply a thin layer of oil to cleansed décolleté skin and rub in lightly.. Thanks to the high content of vitamin E, the skin:

  1. begins to actively update;
  2. becomes elastic, elastic;
  3. replenishes lack of moisture;
  4. acquires a beautiful, uniform shade.

It is useful to include nuts (walnuts, cashews, etc.), fresh fruits, herbs and seafood (mussels, sea fish, etc.) in your daily diet. It becomes mandatory to drink a sufficient amount of fluid (1.5–2 liters of clean water per day).

It is recommended to take a contrast shower daily. It will not only restore elasticity to the skin, but also strengthen the immune system.

You can regularly use special cosmetics for the breasts and décolleté (creams, serums with a nourishing, moisturizing, lifting effect). The funds should include:

  1. vitamins (A, E, etc.);
  2. amino acids;
  3. hyaluronic acid;
  4. plant extracts (from chamomile, horse chestnut, etc.);
  5. synthesized collagen, elastin;
  6. essential oils (from wheat germ, tea tree).

An important aspect of the fight against stretch marks is the correct selection of underwear (bodices, bras). On the one hand, cups should not pinch blood vessels or put pressure on the mammary glands. On the other hand, the bodice should tightly hug the chest, fixing its position.


Regular lubrication with Contractubex (anti-scar gel) will help make old stretch marks more invisible at home. You can also do:

  1. contrast compresses (alternately hot water with salt and cold water with lemon juice);
  2. half-hour seaweed wraps pre-infused in hot water;
  3. rubbing with lotions or tonics made from medicinal herbs;
  4. scrubbing (every 7-10 days), which helps get rid of dead cells.

To prepare lotion for stretch marks you need:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. Boil dried rosemary in 1 liter of water;
  2. let cool;
  3. then add 2 tbsp to the broth. l. lemon juice, 2 tsp. medical alcohol or vodka, 2 tsp. table salt.

The lotion is stored in a cool, dark place, in a glass or ceramic container.

To make a tonic that helps with stretch marks on the chest, take:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. mixtures of dry dill seeds and linden blossom;
  2. 0.5 liters of boiling water.

The herbal mixture is poured with boiling water, allowed to brew for about 4 hours, and filtered. Apply to the skin without rinsing off until completely dry.

You can add essential oils to cosmetic creams at the rate of 3–5 drops per 10 ml portion of the product. Here are the main types of essential oils:

  1. geranium - tones and softens the skin;
  2. ylang-ylang - has a smoothing effect, moisturizes;
  3. pink - restores elasticity;
  4. lavender - prevents aging.


To prepare a homemade scrub, you can mix (optional):

  1. white or blue clay with coarse sea salt;
  2. 20% sour cream with coffee grounds.

The scrub is applied to cleansed skin with light circular movements, rubbed on the skin for 5–10 minutes, then washed off with warm water, and the body is wiped dry with a hard towel. After this, apply a quickly absorbing moisturizer.

For pregnant and breastfeeding women, the choice of folk remedies that help with stretch marks in the décolleté area is greatly limited. Some components have a pronounced aroma, others are strong allergens. During the period of bearing a child and lactation, children's cosmetics, unscented creams, or products with special marks are optimal.


Professional ways and means

Breast massage, which can remove stretch marks, can be performed in a salon or at home, having mastered a simple movement technique. It is better to conduct the first sessions with a qualified massage therapist, since he is able to accurately calculate the force of hand pressure and the duration of the course. Movements should be light, clockwise.

To perform the massage, diluted essential oils (cedar, etc.), as well as special creams and mumiyo are used. A course of 8–10 procedures is enough to:

  1. eliminate blood stagnation in tissues and blood vessels;
  2. stimulate metabolic processes in the skin;
  3. improve oxygen metabolism of tissues;
  4. make stretch marks less pronounced.

Cosmetic shops and beauty salons now offer to reduce stretch marks using various techniques that are selected individually for each client.. The most common and effective methods are:

  1. wraps;
  2. microdermabrasion;
  3. course of ultrasound therapy;
  4. chemical peeling;
  5. mesotherapy and the use of ozone mixtures.

A wrap course of 10 procedures helps restore skin elasticity, increases tone, and accelerates the healing process of torn walls of blood vessels and capillaries. A medicinal mass (with algae, mud, etc.) is applied to the cleansed skin of the décolleté, distributed in an even layer and wrapped for 30–50 minutes, after which it is washed off.

Microdermabrasion is essentially similar to home scrubbing, only smaller. The technique has proven itself well in removing fresh stretch marks. Cosmetologists direct an air stream to the problem area of ​​the skin along with a fine abrasive, the particles of which simultaneously:

  1. remove dead particles of the epidermis;
  2. perform a superficial skin massage.

During ultrasound therapy, the fat layer located under the skin is massaged. This effect cannot be achieved with manual massage. Under the influence of an ultrasonic signal:

  1. metabolic processes are accelerated;
  2. collagen production is stimulated.

Chemical peeling is used to remove old stretch marks. The décolleté skin is treated with a mixture containing acids, strictly monitoring the exposure time. As a result, dead cells on the surface and in the thickness of the skin are removed, and collagen production is accelerated.

Mesotherapy and the introduction of ozone mixtures have much in common. A nutrient saturated with oxygen, vitamins and herbal extracts is injected under each stretch with a thin needle. Such injections make the skin “cheer up”, trigger metabolic processes, and stimulate cell regeneration.

Regarding laser peeling for the elimination of stretch marks on the chest, which is in great demand, the opinions of experts are divided. Some believe that the effect of the laser has a detrimental effect on the mammary glands, others note the high effectiveness of the procedure (a noticeable improvement in the condition of the skin occurs already in the 3-4th session).


How to prevent stretch marks from appearing

Preventing the formation of stretch marks is much easier than removing existing ones on the body. The following are used as preventive measures:

  1. strict control of body weight;
  2. balanced diet (introduction of fresh vegetables and fruits, sufficient protein intake to stimulate collagen production, avoidance of sweets and flour products);
  3. moderate physical activity, including stretching all the muscles of the body (yoga, Pilates, stretching, etc.).

Among active sports, push-ups, exercises with dumbbells, and visiting the pool are suitable for preventing stretch marks.

Women are advised to wear a special bra during pregnancy and immediately after childbirth. He is capable of:

  1. reduce the load on the spinal column;
  2. keep your breasts toned and prevent sagging skin.

In addition, you can massage your skin with a hard towel after showering. This speeds up blood circulation.

The appearance of stretch marks on the chest is a nuisance, but not a final death sentence. This phenomenon can be observed both in young girls during puberty and in young mothers after breastfeeding. It is necessary to fight stretch marks at the first signs of sagging décolleté skin, starting with the most gentle methods. Simple preventive measures will help prevent the formation of stretch marks.


Many women face the problem of stretch marks (striae) on their breasts. Despite the fact that this area of ​​the female body is often hidden under clothing, awareness of the presence of a defect causes internal discomfort among the fair sex. Today, there are many methods for getting rid of stretch marks; these can be pharmacy, folk, home remedies or salon procedures. By observing regular cosmetic procedures, it is possible to get rid of this skin defect on the chest forever.

What are stretch marks

Striae are formed as a result of the replacement of normal structures of the epidermis and fiber with connective tissues. Their appearance is preceded by microtraumas caused by excessive stretching of the upper layer of skin. Often, defects are localized in the hips (on the inner and outer surfaces), buttocks, abdomen, chest, shoulders (on the inner surface).

Stretch marks are strips of skin up to 5 mm wide and up to 10 cm long. Immediately after the appearance of stretch marks, they have a bright red, sometimes blue-violet tint. Over time, they become white, even shiny (pearly). Blue and red stretch marks are permeated with blood vessels, in this state they can be significantly influenced and their size reduced. White stretch marks are practically not corrected, and over time they become like scars. The surface of the stretch marks may sink or protrude above the rest of the skin. Damaged areas do not cause pain.

Causes of stretch marks on the chest

Often stretch marks form with sudden significant fluctuations in weight. This may be due to hormonal imbalances or due to rapid changes in body weight. The main reasons for the formation of stretch marks can be represented by three points:

  1. Excessive stretching of the epidermis.
  2. Loss of skin elasticity.
  3. Flabbiness of the muscle frame (to resist excessive tissue stretching, the muscles must be toned).

In addition to obese people, stretch marks on the chest can form in the following groups of people:

  1. Teenagers. During puberty, when teenage girls begin to rapidly grow breasts, stretch marks may form. This process is due to the fact that the muscles do not have time to increase to support the breasts, as a result of which the epidermal tissues are torn.
  2. Pregnant and lactating women. Many representatives of the fair sex gain excess weight during pregnancy, which directly affects breast enlargement, because it consists of adipose tissue. In addition, the mammary gland is prepared for lactation; an abundant supply of nutrients “fills” the breasts. Striae after childbirth are formed as a result of milk flow. During the feeding process, the breasts empty almost at lightning speed. This fluctuation in volume provokes skin stripes. After a period of breastfeeding (BF), stretch marks may also appear, since the epidermis does not have time to recover from the breasts, which have sharply decreased in volume.
  3. Losing weight. As a result of a sudden loss of extra pounds, both young girls and older women are at risk of developing crimson-colored stretch marks.
  4. Athletes. The breasts can significantly decrease in volume due to a sharp decrease in the muscle frame. Such a jump may occur due to the cessation of intense sports training.
  5. Genetically predisposed. Stretch marks can appear in girls due to the fact that from birth they have very thin skin that is prone to injury. Scientists have proven that northern women are more susceptible to this type of defect than southern women.


Prevention methods

It is possible to prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the chest using the following preventive measures:

  1. Care. The décolleté area needs special moisturizing and nourishing care. Products should contain components such as collagen, elastin, and natural plant oils. Nourishing creams and oils should be applied regularly. There are also special cosmetics for the prevention of stretch marks.
  2. Water balance. To maintain balance, you need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day. Dehydrated skin is more easily injured.
  3. Proper nutrition. The diet should be dominated by fresh vegetables, fruits, and herbs.
  4. Balanced diet. When losing weight, you need to ensure that the weight decreases gradually. It is considered comfortable for the body to lose weight from 200 g to 1 kg per week, depending on the initial weight.
  5. Cold and hot shower. This procedure is an effective prevention of stretch marks. The shower should start with warm water and end with cool or cold water.
  6. Massage. Mainly using the Garcia method, it is not difficult to master, but regular procedures are the key to healthy breast skin.
  7. Linen. The bra must fit your breast size exactly. The underwear should tightly surround the glands, without pressing or rubbing. A bra during breastfeeding should be made only from natural fabrics.
  8. Sport. Health-improving gymnastics, moderate physical activity at home or in the gym, strengthen tissues. Choose a sport that you like, it could be Pilates, stretching, swimming or simple morning exercises. It is important to exercise regularly.
  9. Wraps. In this case, mud and algae wraps work well.

Methods for treating stretch marks on the chest

Unfortunately, treating stretch marks is long and painstaking work. Success depends entirely on the regularity of events. Newly formed stretch marks can be removed at home using pharmaceutical or cosmetic products, using traditional methods. The latter include the preparation of homemade creams, masks, scrubs, and body wraps. It is almost impossible to remove old stretch marks using the measures listed above. Salon procedures have been developed for this purpose. Maximum results can be achieved using a whole range of measures.

Cosmetical tools

There are products on the cosmetics market aimed at getting rid of and preventing stretch marks. They can be purchased in many mass markets of decorative cosmetics. It is better to choose products for stretch marks on the chest with a natural composition. The list of components should include vitamins A, E, amino acids, hyaluronic acid, natural oils and extracts. It is important to give preference only to proven brands, otherwise it is better to purchase pharmaceutical products.

Salon treatments

The range of salon procedures is very wide, which allows you to choose a technique that will most effectively solve the problem of skin defects, depending on the size, depth and age of stretch marks. The procedures are highly expensive, and the principle is true: the older the stretch marks, the more expensive their treatment will be, but this does not mean that the salon cannot select effective methods at an affordable price. Popular procedures for getting rid of stretch marks:

  1. Wrap. This procedure nourishes tissue directly through the skin. The wrap can be done at home, but the salon procedure differs in the preparation for applying the product and its composition, which includes a balanced vitamin and mineral complex. The duration of a salon wrap is from 30 minutes to an hour. For a noticeable effect, 10-15 procedures are necessary.
  2. Ultrasonic exposure. A painless and effective way to get rid of stripes is regular ultrasound. The procedure improves blood flow in tissues and accelerates the process of skin regeneration. Ultrasound treatment is effective for young stretch marks.
  3. Chemical peeling. The procedure is very effective, but expensive and painful. Using a special chemical composition, the upper layers of the epidermis are burned, skin regeneration processes are launched, resulting in the formation of new smooth skin without stretch marks. This procedure requires long-term rehabilitation.
  4. Laser peeling. An equally painful procedure, similar to chemical peeling. The burn is carried out by the action of a laser. The opinions of specialists in this field are divided into two opposing categories. Some believe that laser peeling is the most effective procedure against stretch marks, while others are categorically against treating the skin in this way. If the stretch mark is younger than 5 years, then 3-5 procedures will be needed to get rid of it; if the strip is older, about 10 visits to the beauty salon will be needed.
  5. Microdermabrasion. A more gentle but painful procedure. The skin is exposed to a stream of air containing small solid particles. Thanks to this influence, surface scrubbing and micro-polishing of the epidermis occurs. The procedure is effective for fresh strips.
  6. Mesotherapy. It is an injection procedure during which a composition rich in vitamins and minerals is injected under the skin. The quick desired result can be obtained in combination with other methods, this could be plasma lifting or microcurrents.
  7. Collagen injections. The procedure compensates for the lack of collagen protein; its small amount is the root cause of the formation of stretch marks.
  8. Microcurrent therapy. The skin is exposed to current pulses. At the cellular level, the procedure improves blood circulation, increases metabolic processes, and tissue tone. For a visible effect, it is necessary to conduct 8-10 sessions at monthly intervals.
  9. Ozone therapy. The influence is carried out through an ozone-oxygen mixture. The procedure stimulates blood flow and lipid metabolism. To achieve the desired result, ozone therapy should be performed once a week. This technique is often recommended to be combined with breast massage and the use of gels and creams at home.
  10. Surgical intervention. If none of the salon procedures helped achieve the desired result, experts often recommend surgical intervention. During surgery, the affected areas are removed. Such an event is not always justified. Often the operation provokes the appearance of new stripes. Very deep stretch marks are a contraindication to this procedure. In this case, no specialist will undertake the removal of stretch marks on the chest.

Pharmacy products

One of the most effective remedies against stretch marks on the chest is Contractubex gel. It is positioned as a drug for getting rid of scars. The main active ingredient of the gel is liquid onion extract. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effects. In combination with excipients, Contractubex gel has regenerating properties. It counteracts the formation of fibroblasts - connective tissue cells, which prevents the appearance of scars, including stretch marks. The gel is highly effective and affordable.

A product called Clearvin has proven itself well as a cream for stretch marks on the chest. This budget pharmacy product has a completely natural herbal composition, including neem (margosa), known for its antiseptic properties, lodhra - fights scars and stretch marks, amla (emblica) - contains a large amount of vitamin C, which is necessary for collagen synthesis. The cream fights not only with stretch marks, it generally improves skin tone, evens out and improves its color, eliminates acne and acne marks.


Have you lost significant weight? Have you had a baby and just stopped breastfeeding? All these joyful events (albeit different in significance), in addition to happy smiles, can also slightly spoil the mood with one unpleasant fact - stretch marks. It’s especially sad when unpleasant stretch marks appear in the chest area - you won’t be able to wear a chic low-cut dress, nor will you put your once perfectly smooth mounds on display during intimate relationships. And even though stretch marks are not the end of the world, each of us still wants to have soft, even skin despite all the circumstances. Therefore, let's talk about how to get rid of stretch marks on your chest and regain your body's former beauty.

Cause of stretch marks on the chest

What are stretch marks? These are flat atrophic scars on the body that appeared due to the fact that your body weight has changed dramatically and dramatically. Let's say you had a nice second breast size before pregnancy, but after giving birth you proudly flaunted the fourth, rejoicing at such a pleasant increase in volume. The skin on your chest was greatly stretched, the elastic fibers of the dermis could not withstand such “pressure” and tore. The result is stretch marks on the chest.

About the same thing happens with ladies who have suddenly lost weight and with athletes who have stopped pumping their pectoral muscles. The fact is that while you have more body weight, your skin is more elastic and stretch marks on your chest are almost invisible. But as soon as the mass decreases, the skin sags slightly and unpleasant pink and white stripes simply catch the eye.

This is surprising, but even very young, nulliparous girls can develop stretch marks on their chests. In adolescence, breasts can quickly increase in size by a couple of sizes at once, while the skin cannot withstand the sharp increase in volume and micro-tears appear. Although, the appearance of stretch marks depends quite strongly on genetic predisposition. For some women, they do not appear until the end of their lives - and this despite the fact that they give birth to a bunch of children and periodically gain or lose weight. Others, despite all preventive measures, already at an early age receive a bunch of stretch marks not only on the chest, but also on other parts of the body.

In general, the thinner a girl’s skin, the more likely she is to get stretch marks on her chest and other parts of her body. Therefore, residents of the north, who naturally have a denser skin structure, are much less likely to get stretch marks on their chests than southern women. However, both simply need to take preventative measures to ensure that their breasts remain smooth, even and tender for as long as possible.

Preventing the appearance of stretch marks on the chest

If we don’t talk about surgical methods, then curing stretch marks on the chest is not so easy. Rather, they can be disguised, making them almost invisible, but this result can only be achieved with regular skin care. So it is not surprising that it is better to prevent the appearance of stretch marks than to later face serious difficulties in removing them. We have prepared for you the best methods for preventing the appearance of stretch marks on the chest.

  1. The more elastic your skin, the less likely stretch marks are to appear. Therefore, the first thing every woman who wants to prevent the appearance of stretch marks on her chest should do is exercise and maintain the tone of her skin. When performing exercises, place special emphasis on the muscle groups that support the mammary glands; this will help you not only gain beautiful, high-lifted breasts for as long as possible, but will also protect you from the appearance of stretch marks during future pregnancy and subsequent breastfeeding.
  2. Regular contrast showers do wonders for your skin. The more often you practice it, the fewer negative effects on the skin there will be. And this applies not only to stretch marks, but also to sagging skin and the appearance of early wrinkles. Start your shower with warm water, gradually increasing the temperature, then gradually reduce the heat, cooling your body with cool water.
  3. Breast massage is an excellent prevention against stretch marks. Garcia's plastic massage is especially good in this regard; any girl can learn to do it on her own. The beauty of this massage is that it does not cause any pain, but you can relax and get great pleasure from delicate, soft touches. Garcia massage can be done on the face, chest, and other parts of the body. The Internet is full of information about his technique; if you wish, you can quickly learn the basic techniques.
  4. In order to maintain water balance in the fibers of the dermis, it is necessary to nourish and moisturize the skin well. Special breast cosmetics with a lifting effect will help you with this, designed to preserve the beauty and elasticity of your skin. Use creams based on cocoa, grape seeds, avocado, as well as products with collagen-elastin - they will help you achieve good results and maintain healthy breast skin.
  5. It is very important to wear comfortable, well-supporting bras. Moreover, it is necessary to remember that the bra should be comfortable and not tighten the chest, or vice versa, not fall off it. If you are pregnant, do not forget to purchase special underwear that will help your breasts not to sag under the weight of increased weight and wear it during the lactation period.

If stretch marks cannot be avoided, then the sooner you start getting rid of them, the more chances you will have to solve the problem once and for all. As long as the stretch marks are pink, you can cope with unpleasant marks on the skin at home. If you have had them for many years and have acquired a white tint, then removing them will be much more difficult.

Folk remedies for getting rid of stretch marks on the chest

Our generation is far from the first to decide to fight stretch marks on the chest and make their skin beautiful and attractive. We present to your attention the best folk recipes on how to get rid of stretch marks on the chest:

Algae wrap

Seaweed wrap is a great way to get rid of fresh stretch marks on the chest. For these purposes, it is best to purchase spirullina at the pharmacy - a special genus of blue-green algae, rich in many useful microelements and vitamins. Take a warm bath to warm up your skin, then apply seaweed paste (add some drinking water) to problem areas. Wrap your chest in film and wrap yourself in something warm, such as a down shawl. After this, go to bed under a thick blanket and rest for thirty to forty minutes. Thanks to the thermal effect, all the beneficial substances of spirulina will instantly penetrate your skin. With regular use of this wrap, minor stretch marks will disappear, and the skin will become firmer and smoother.

Contrast compresses to combat stretch marks on the chest

For contrasting compresses, you will need two basins - one with hot water (about thirty-eight degrees Celsius), the other with cool. Add a teaspoon of salt to warm water, and the same amount of lemon juice to cold water. Dip a terry towel in hot water, wring it out and apply it to your chest for thirty seconds. We do the same procedure with cool water, applying a compress for one minute. Repeat your steps five to six times per session.

In order for the compress to be more effective, be sure to lubricate the breast skin with a special lotion after it. It can be prepared as follows: boil two tablespoons of dry rosemary in water (four glasses), cool and strain. Add four teaspoons of lemon juice, two teaspoons of salt and two teaspoons of alcohol to the broth.

If the ingredients of the previous lotion cause allergic reactions, then try another lotion: take one teaspoon each of dried dill and linden flowers, pour two glasses of boiling water and leave for two hours. After this, cool and strain the infusion. Apply to the affected areas of the skin; there is no need to rinse off after the procedure - let the skin air dry. This lotion perfectly helps fight stretch marks on sagging skin.

Essential oils for breast stretch marks

Essential oils are slowly but surely helping to get rid of stretch marks. Having decided to use this particular remedy to combat stretch marks on the chest, you should not expect instant results: fresh stretch marks will disappear in four to five months, old ones - in at least a year. But during treatment, the skin will receive a sufficient amount of nutrition and become elastic and smooth. Do not forget that using essential oils in their pure form to remove stretch marks is not recommended, as these products are concentrated and can cause burns on the skin. It is best to make homemade creams and lotions using these oils, adding other beneficial ingredients.

Pay attention to the following essential oils that are great for treating stretch marks on the skin:

  1. Rose oil soothes the skin, restores its firmness and elasticity, and helps prevent the appearance of new stretch marks.
  2. Neroli oil helps strengthen the skin, leaving it smooth, firm and velvety.
  3. Lavender oil has an anti-inflammatory and deodorizing effect. It helps slow down the aging process and regenerate skin cells.
  4. Ylang-ylang oil is suitable for any skin type, it moisturizes and smoothes the skin, making it firmer, more elastic and soft.
  5. Tangerine essential oil is great for treating stretch marks, acne and scars. It has an antiseptic effect on the skin, while toning it.
  6. Geranium oil has an excellent rejuvenating and healing effect. It improves the normal functioning of metabolic processes in cells, tones and softens the skin.

There are many more different essential oils, and each of them has specific benefits for the condition of the skin. You can mix them with blue and white clay, with yogurt, honey - any ingredients that do not cause an allergic reaction in you. The main rule for composing such lotions is to use no more than three to five drops of essential oil per ten milliliters of the base you choose.

Olive oil against stretch marks

Olive oil has been used to treat the skin since ancient times, helping it cope not only with stretch marks, but also with sagging and early aging. To prepare the lotion, you will need half a glass of olive oil, ten drops of vitamin E and five drops of vitamin A. Add two teaspoons of fresh aloe juice to the resulting mixture. The lotion should be rubbed into the skin of the chest twice a day - morning and evening. It is best to store this product in the refrigerator.

Salt and sugar scrub for stretch marks

Prepare the following mixture: take half a glass of olive oil for one glass of granulated sugar and the same amount of salt. In order to speed up the effect, you can replace olive oil with palm oil. Before taking a shower, apply the scrub to the stretch marks using smooth, circular movements. After you wash the mixture off your skin, you need to use a rich, moisturizing cream.

Medical procedures to remove stretch marks

You can fight stretch marks with folk remedies, but if you don’t have any financial difficulties and you can’t wait to quickly get rid of stretch marks on your chest, then we bring to your attention a list of the most popular medical procedures for removing stretch marks on the skin:

  1. Peeling is perhaps the most popular and most harmless medical means of combating stretch marks on the chest. What does a peeling procedure do to your skin? Burns the top layer of the epidermis, stimulating the production of collagen in cells and the restoration of new, healthy skin cells. There are two types of peeling: chemical (various acids are used) and laser. Both methods are quite painful, and they cost a lot of money. Despite the fact that peelings help remove stretch marks on the chest, they do not guarantee the impossibility of their reappearance after the restoration procedure.
  2. Abdomenoplasty gives a more lasting result, however, it is a much more dangerous procedure. Its essence lies in the fact that doctors surgically remove part of the skin along with stretch marks. The recovery process is quite complex; inflammation of damaged tissues and even the appearance of pustules are possible. Despite this, abdomenoplasty is still the most effective way to remove stretch marks - nothing more productive has yet been invented.
  3. Mesotherapy is subcutaneous injections administered into areas of the skin affected by stretch marks. The injections consist of a mixture of collagen, amino acids, enzymes and various vitamins; they are not carried out independently, but in addition to the peeling procedure. However, we should not forget that breasts are not a place on a woman’s body, which allows complex chemical experiments to be carried out for the sake of beauty and the absence of stretch marks. This is especially true for nulliparous girls who want to carry a child to term and feed it with mother’s milk.

There is no doubt that stretch marks on the chest are not a particularly pleasant sight. However, this is far from the end of the world - in the end, what is much more important is how you feel about yourself and whether you love your body. When resorting to rather dangerous surgical methods of getting rid of stretch marks, subcutaneous injections and peelings, remember the main postulate: do no harm! After all, your physical health is much more important than the small white and pink stripes on your chest! After all, if we get rid of stretch marks and acquire a much more serious disease, will such a result bring us much joy?

If getting rid of stretch marks is a vital necessity for you, then it is better to use proven folk recipes that do not pose a serious danger to your health. It may take much more time, but you may well get a taste for home self-care procedures, and very soon you will be proud of perfectly smooth, smooth, velvety skin without a single blemish.