Facial massage lines for tightening

Unfortunately, over time, our skin loses its original firmness and elasticity. As a result, she begins to look tired and sluggish, and this in turn leads to the appearance of such unwanted wrinkles. And no matter how much you would like, no creams with a rejuvenating effect can restore youth, but you should not give up, because the problem of skin aging can be solved with the help of a tightening facial massage, and massage lines should be taken into account.

Where are they located on the face?

Just like on the skin of other parts of our body, there are massage lines on the skin of the face. Which are located above the places where lymph moves, and it is along them that massage movements should be carried out.

You need to remember this fact and not ignore it, because failure to comply with this rule will lead to a deterioration in the appearance of the skin, namely: the appearance of additional wrinkles and blurring of the oval of the face.

The main massage lines for the face and neck include:

  1. line of the middle part of the chin towards the earlobe;
  2. a line from a point located under the lower lip in the middle and to the earlobe;
  3. a line from a point located in the middle above the upper lip and towards the center of the temple;
  4. lines from the corners of the lips to the middle of the ears;
  5. a line from a point located in the central part of the forehead to the center of the temple;
  6. a line from the outer corner of the lower eyelid to the inner;
  7. line from the inner corner of the upper eyelid to the outer corner.

When moving from one area to another, each time you need to make pressing movements with your fingertips in the temple area.

This feature is due to the fact that at these points there are centers responsible for metabolic processes in the skin.

  1. What are the known indications for facial plasmolifting?

Face and neck massage

It is recommended to start the massage from the chin area. In this area of ​​the face, massage lines are located in the direction from the center to the sides and up.

The next area is the cheeks and cheekbones. It is necessary to massage with careful movements from the corners of the lips to the ears and above. In this area, the massage lines are not located straight, but in an arc and directed from bottom to top. As a result, the skin is lifted, preventing sagging and deterioration of the oval of the face.

When performing a nose massage, movements should be directed along the back of the nose from bottom to top and along the wings to the sides.

When massaging the eyelid area, you need to be very careful. It is necessary to move with soft tapping movements from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, and along the lower eyelid with sliding movements from the outer corner to the inner. For a few seconds you need to hold your movements in the area of ​​​​the outer corners of the eyes.

A significant number of women forget that the neck also requires similar care, because this part of the body most accurately reveals age.

To maintain a flawless neck skin, you need to massage every day along the following lines:

  1. in the direction from the chest to the chin (front of the neck);
  2. top and bottom (sides and back).
  1. What methods are effective for a non-surgical facelift at home?

Method of applying cream

Skin care must necessarily consist of: cleansing, nutrition, moisturizing, protection and stimulation. For optimal results, the technique of applying the cream along the massage lines of the face must be followed.

Use your fingertips to spread a little cream all over your forehead. Movements should be carried out in the direction from its middle to the temples. After this, apply the product to the areas under the eyes, using movements from the temples to the nose, and then to the area under the eyebrows in the opposite direction from the previous direction. And from the middle of the chin to the earlobes. It is also necessary to smooth the skin in the area from the wings of the nose to the temples and from the corners of the mouth to the middle of the ears.

It is recommended to apply the cream along massage lines and at certain times, because collagen fibers are located along these lines, and the skin has its own biological rhythms (periods of better perception of the procedures performed). Under no circumstances should you rub your face.

  1. What is the technique of applying cream along facial massage lines?

Useful video on the topic

Chin lift technique

Chin massage procedures are best done using your hands or a soft massage brush. If the fat layer is large, it is recommended to use: creams and ointments with a warming effect, intense pinching and rubbing.

Remember! Under no circumstances should you touch the thyroid gland area.

It is necessary to start a massage only after preliminary cleaning of the skin and lubrication with cream. We take a comfortable position and begin the procedure of light stroking (from bottom to top, and then in circular movements in both directions) using the back of the hand.

Light stroking is replaced by intense rubbing, which is performed with the edge of the palm from the middle of the chin towards the cheekbones and ears. After this, the movements are directed from the center of the neck to the chin and lower lip.

In order to make the oval of the face beautiful, pinching is used, because it promotes better collagen production. But it must be performed with moderate intensity so as not to cause injury to the epidermis. Pinching is carried out with the index and thumb in the direction from the center to the sides and vice versa.

The duration of this tingling should be 1-2 minutes. From pinching we make a smooth transition to vibration (using the fingertips) and patting (with the heel of the palm). 20-25 seconds should be used for each technique. To consolidate the effect, it is recommended to moisturize the skin and tighten the mask.

If massage lines are followed

A facelift massage begins with strokes, which are directed from the middle of the chin to the earlobe, along the lower jaw, followed by moving to the area from the corners of the mouth to the bottom of the ears.

Similar movements are used to massage the cheeks in the direction from the wings of the nose to the temples and the top of the ears. Massage of the eye area is carried out along the corresponding massage lines, which were noted above.

The next step is to massage the nose, from the top to the bottom. The final stage is massaging the forehead in the direction from its middle part to the temples and the area of ​​hair growth.

The main techniques include:

  1. Stroking. With this technique, blood circulation in the epidermal layer is increased.
  2. Kneading. Allows you to correct the oval of faces and smooth out folds.
  3. Trituration. Using this technique, the layers of the skin are affected and facial wrinkles are smoothed out.
  4. Vibration. Helps make facial muscles elastic.

The listed techniques can be used either alone or in combination, everything will depend on the chosen technique.

The effectiveness of facial massage

With an impeccable and regular facial massage (of any type), you will immediately not only see, but also feel the result, which will manifest itself in improved metabolic processes, firmness and elasticity of the skin, silkiness and a reduction in the number of wrinkles.

Under the influence of massage, blood begins to circulate better, as a result of which the tissues are enriched with more oxygen and nutrients, due to this:

  1. muscle tissue is strengthened, as a result of which the effect of sagging skin disappears;
  2. swelling and redness disappear;
  3. clear facial contours appear;
  4. the skin looks rested and relaxed.

Therefore, remember that tightened facial muscles (thanks to the procedures performed) can resist the negative effects of time and external factors, and also reduce the number of facial wrinkles. Smile and remember that a well-groomed woman is always beautiful!

The correct selection of cosmetics and care options is not the only condition for ensuring the full preservation of the attractive appearance of the skin. Cleaning, applying cream, and performing massage are required strictly following the established procedure. The principle guarantees the skin protection from stretching. Only by following facial massage lines and performing procedures will you be able to maintain a blooming appearance longer.

Why follow the order of movements?

The main purpose of massage lines is to ensure minimal stretching of the integument. By following the technique of movements during any skincare procedure, you will be able to limit the negative impact.

The effect on the skin, taking into account massage lines, will allow:

  1. maintain clear contours, tighten the oval;
  2. achieve expressiveness of features, formation of correct proportions;
  3. improve skin color and texture;
  4. eliminate swelling, congestion, flabbiness;
  5. get rid of age-related changes, prevent the appearance of wrinkles and sagging.


Strictly following massage lines is useful when performing different effects on the skin. Work with the integument is carried out by simply washing, exfoliating, removing makeup, and applying cream. It is especially important to strictly follow the procedure when performing a massage to tighten the skin.

Attention! Failure to comply with the rules of exposure can aggravate the current situation. The likelihood of wrinkles increasing, tissues will sag, swelling will occur, features will change, and the oval will deteriorate.

Face: location of the main lines

The covers tend to stretch non-uniformly when exposed in different directions. You can avoid negative consequences by following the order of actions, making movements exactly in the given direction. It’s easy to remember the rules; the principle of operation becomes clear when you become familiar with the massage lines of each section.


Most massage techniques consider the chin as the starting point. For other manipulations (washing, applying cosmetics), it is customary to touch the area first. The lines of minimal stretching of the skin of the zone are directed from the central part of the chin. Promotion is carried out by heading to the sides, upward. The actions are similar to repeating natural outlines. The lines are strictly ascending.

Eliminating, minimizing, and preventing sagging skin below the chin (formation of unnecessary borders) requires additional work on the area. Perform patting movement along the oval from the side of the neck. It is convenient to work with your fingers folded together, with the backs of your palms.


Having dealt with the chin, they smoothly move towards the cheeks and cheekbones. The massage lines of the zone are arranged in an arc from bottom to top. The starting points of influence are the corners of the mouth and the wings of the nose. Movements are carried out to the ears. Include the mouth area: draw a line from the midpoint above the upper lip to the upper edge of the ear.

Actions are neat. Basic principle of operation: no stretching of the skin. The progression of movements helps prevent tissue sagging. The actions are aimed at a kind of lifting of the skin. The result will be a clear, tightened oval.


The area is least susceptible to visible stretching and sagging of the integument. Skipping the zone or acting chaotically is not allowed. Massage and other procedures for the skin of the nose are carried out from the bottom up. They move, focusing on the center of the bridge of the nose. From the midline, downward movements are made to the sides. The move is not straight. The lines are a bit like an arc.


After treating the nose, move on to the forehead. They work from the bridge of the nose. The lateral surfaces are subject to influence from the center, moving towards the temples. The full surface of the zone is treated in the same way. The massage lines are located in the direction from the bridge of the nose, the beginning is oriented towards the center of the forehead. In addition to the arc-shaped elaboration, vertical movements are made, directed from the surface of the eyebrows to the hair growth.


Eyes and eyelids

The most delicate, receptive area. Only careful, careful influences are permissible. Minimal stretching has a negative impact on appearance. Particular care must be taken to ensure the immobility of the integument. Massage lines cover the eyelids in a circular manner.

Movements are made from the inner corner to the outer, treating the surface of the lower eyelid. They return back along the upper eyelid. The movements are smooth, sliding, transition to jerky tapping is allowed. Separately, they work on the problem area of ​​​​the border of the outer corner, temple (“crow’s feet”).


Neck: procedure

The classic scheme of action involves the neck. Many people forget an important element. A neglected neck can instantly reveal age and make the number more impressive. It is imperative to take care of the skin of the problem area.

The procedures begin by treating the décolleté area, paying attention to the neck. Smoothly moving higher. The lines of minimal stretching of the skin of the neck area are not uniformly located. In front, movements are made, moving from the chest to the border of the chin. The side surface and back are worked from top to bottom.


Basic rules for performing self-massage

The procedure is carried out on previously cleansed skin. The preparation is thorough, the washing movements correspond to the location of the massage lines. Clean covers are treated with a suitable cream (oil). Products with the most natural component composition are preferred.

Before performing the movements of the main technique, the skin is warmed up: light stroking is performed, alternating with pats. Actions are performed taking into account the location of the massage lines. When performing the basic technique, use:

  1. stroking;
  2. trituration;
  3. kneading;
  4. pat;
  5. vibration.

The sequence of techniques is followed (maximum effectiveness is achieved). The strength of the impact is adjusted individually. There is a dependence on individual characteristics, the problem being solved, and the chosen massage technique.

While performing the procedure, take a comfortable position. Sitting in front of a mirror is the best option. Before the session, you need to relax and continue to maintain your posture. Movements during operation are light and smooth. They work with the pads of the fingers, less often with the palms, or the edge of the hand. Sometimes the participation of a massager is required. The brushes relax, the force of impact is regulated.

Regular implementation of procedures will help you achieve results. Manipulations take 5–15 minutes. An intensive massage course consists of 10–20 sessions. Procedures are performed daily (skipping 1–3 days). Next, they maintain the achievements by treating the skin 1-2 times a week. Self-massage sessions can be performed daily while using cosmetics at home.

Knowing where the massage lines are and following them while caring for your skin is important for maintaining a decent appearance and independently modeling your appearance. Following the rules will help preserve the picture for a long time. It’s easy and useful to get acquainted with the movement pattern, remember the principle of operation, and apply knowledge in practice.

Useful videos

Katya Rumyanka will show and tell you where the massage lines are located on the face.


Skin care in the form of applying various cosmetics can become much more effective if you know how to do it correctly. Massage lines on the face or neck are also called langer and are used to ensure that any, even the simplest procedure with the application of creams, combats visible imperfections. How to properly use skincare products at home to prolong the youth of your skin?

What are facial massage lines

Any specialist in the field of cosmetology will tell you that it is necessary to apply cleansing, moisturizing or nourishing products to the face or décolleté area correctly. For this purpose, langer, or massage lines in other words, were identified. Following the Langer application technique will help combat the signs of aging more effectively. What is it about these massage lines and why, with proper care, the effect of applying even ordinary creams can have such a strong effect on the skin?

The tissues through which the massage lines pass contain blood and lymphatic vessels through which valuable substances are delivered deep into the epidermis. In another way, these tissues can be called lymphatic channels, thanks to which the skin receives what it needs. Bypassing these lines will not cause harm, but even the most expensive creams will not benefit.

Lymph is the main channel through which fluid and beneficial microelements enter every cell of your skin. Toxins and waste are removed through these same channels. Keeping lymph active means giving your skin youth and beauty, regardless of age. Massage along the lines, applying cosmetics - this is the main key to the natural movement of lymph under the skin.

Location of main massage lines

Before you start using massage lines on your face as your main anti-aging weapon, you need to carefully study where exactly they are located. To do this, you can even draw them with a cosmetic pencil to clearly indicate the direction for massage or applying cream. So, the main massages start from:

  1. center of the chin;
  2. corners of the mouth;
  3. wings of the nose;
  4. side of the nose;
  5. outer corner of the lower eyelid;
  6. inner corner of the upper eyelid;
  7. bridge of the nose;
  8. middle of forehead;
  9. base of the neck;
  10. cheekbone


Direction of lines

If you know the direction of the langer line on your face, then any cosmetic procedure will be much more effective. Almost all lines have a bottom-up direction, and this is not just like that: this technique helps make the skin more elastic and tighten sagging areas. How to apply langer cream correctly:

  1. start moving in the chin area and follow the massage lines up and to the sides to the cheekbones;
  2. swipe several times with light pressure from the lips and nose to the earlobes;
  3. The bridge of the nose is massaged along the bottom-up, and special attention should be paid to the area between the eyebrows, where the first facial wrinkles often appear;
  4. It is undesirable to touch the lower eye area, because it is easy to injure;
  5. in the forehead area, move the movements towards the temples and up.

Applying cream

Even the most expensive cream becomes powerless if it is randomly distributed over the surface of the skin. Today you can purchase fast-acting serums and emulsions, which, according to manufacturers, will make your skin renewed, filled with radiance and beauty in a matter of minutes. The effect of the exposure will depend solely on you. Expensive care or medicinal cosmetics are created on the basis of active ingredients that begin to act only after entering the lymph. Only correct application of the langer will help speed up this process.

Before applying the cream, the surface must be cleaned. Moreover, ordinary washing with water will not be enough. Cleanse your skin with gel or scrub.

Step 2. Toning.

The effect of water can be softened with tonic or milk.

Step 3. Apply cream or massage oils.

The product is applied along massage lines. To enhance the effect, you can do light tapping to increase blood circulation.

The three-step process may seem time-consuming to some, but it actually takes no more than 3 minutes. At the same time, you should not rush: you should not apply the cream with fussy, fast, careless movements, because this can lead to early sagging and sagging. There is also no need to vigorously and quickly rub the product into your face, because this will not make it more effective. Moisturizing cream can be applied to slightly damp skin: this will reduce the consumption of the product and, on the contrary, enhance the effect. Night cream is applied a couple of hours before bedtime.

The meaning of lines in facial massage

Another popular facial skin care procedure is massage, which is performed in beauty salons or can be done yourself at home. The facial massage regimen may vary depending on the problem. Moisturizing is necessary for recovery, drainage promotes high-quality removal of toxins, massage with glycolic acid exfoliates well, and thanks to deep cleansing you can quickly get rid of blackheads. They all use langer.

The meaning of the lines plays a role: only with proper facial massage is it possible to achieve results. By stimulating facial massage lines against wrinkles, you can smooth out even the deepest depressions, and the right cream or serum applied along the facial lines will help achieve the effect even faster. Massage lines around the eyes will help get rid of puffiness and dark circles. Qualified specialists in salons carry out the procedure exclusively using massage techniques suitable for a specific skin type.


How to do a facial massage

You can master the massage technique yourself, because no physical effort is required from you, especially since the facial skin requires only gentle touches, patting and pinching. It is important to study the very lines along which the procedure should be carried out. For the first time, you can identify them by drawing them with a cosmetic pencil: this will make it easier for you to remember where and in what direction to make certain movements.

Several simple techniques are used for facial massage:

  1. Light stroking - do only with the palm of your hand or relaxed fingers from the outer lines to the tip of the nose. Helps remove toxins and waste.
  2. Rubbing - do only in a circle. They help get rid of swelling and dark circles by accelerating blood circulation in the epidermis. An excellent technique for those who want to get rid of a double chin.
  3. Patting - light and quick blows over the entire surface of the face. It is done with the edge of the palm or the pads of the fingers. Helps strengthen muscles and activate the sebaceous glands.
  4. Vibration - a kind of tightening is done with the pads of the fingers. Regular massage will help restore elasticity and youthfulness of the skin, and smooth contours to the oval of the face.
  5. Pinching, stretching of the skin - the epidermis is captured exclusively along the massage lines. Returns healthy color to the skin and accelerates blood circulation.
  6. Applications - press on the skin with your fingertips, then gently release. The technique helps to sculpt facial contours and improves skin tone.

Techniques can be combined according to the photo, starting the procedure with light stroking and gradually moving to more active actions - strong and intense, each of which leads to a separate result. You cannot massage if there are visible lesions, cracks, wounds, acne or allergic rashes on your face. First get rid of the defects, and then proceed with the massage procedure.

Basic rules for facial massage at home

In addition to mastering facial massage techniques, it is important to properly prepare for the procedure and then complete it. Such moments are very important. Before the massage, you can steam your face to open the pores. This will allow nutrients from cosmetic products to enter the lymph faster. What basic rules should be followed when performing a massage procedure at home:

  1. The massage is performed only on clean skin and always with clean hands.
  2. It is necessary to use a nourishing cream only according to your skin type.
  3. For massage and daily skin care of the face and neck, choose natural products that exclude the presence of parabens and petroleum products. If possible, use homemade products from several types of oils (base and essential).
  4. The massage should be energetic, but very soft. Under no circumstances should you damage the skin with strong pressure or pinching.
  5. An additional effect can be obtained from contrasting washes and subsequent moisturizing.
  6. Massage will bring more results if it is performed before bed 2-3 times a month.
  7. In order not to forget the layout of the massage lines, use a photo with the equipment.