How long does it take for the skin to peel off after peeling?

Many women who visit a cosmetologist's office are afraid that peeling will appear on the skin after peeling. For this reason, most of them simply avoid such a procedure. The number of fans of medium peeling increases every year. This procedure, when performed correctly, benefits the skin, improves its structure and color, helps restore tone, eliminates pigmentation and fine wrinkles on the face.

The procedure itself is characterized by the following process - an active acid (often fruit) penetrates deep into the epidermis and becomes an impetus for the natural regeneration of the skin. During the first time after the procedure, the skin may turn red, begin to peel, or even swell. The skin recovery time is about a week (in each case it is individual).

Features of peeling

If you decide to undergo such a procedure, you should first make sure that the cosmetologist who will do it is professional. Pay attention to the relevant documents and certificates, to the components used for peeling, and reviews on social networks play an important role. An important step is preparing the skin for a cosmetology session, and on the advice of a cosmetologist, special products for the skin are selected that prepare it for this type of procedure.


Today, medium chemical peeling using TCA acid in various concentrations and in various combinations with other agents has become a generally accepted procedure.

The next step that you should focus on is the time of year and climatic conditions, because medium peeling cannot be done in the summer and in intense sunlight. It is best to do it in late autumn or winter. If you live in conditions of increased solar activity, you will have to be patient and sit at home or indoors for a week (do not go to the beach and similar places), be sure to wear a wide-brimmed hat or a panama hat on your head, which will hide your face from annoying and dangerous people during such a period sun rays.

As for the type of peeling, it is selected individually for each person, depending on the characteristics of the skin. Regarding age, any cosmetic procedures are performed from the age of 18, with the exception of obvious indications (acne that needs to be treated, or acne scars), but parental consent is required. Superficial peeling is carried out in a course of 3 to 6 procedures, rest after each of them is at least a week. Medium peeling is done in a course of 1 to 3 procedures, the interval between them is at least 3 weeks. It is not recommended to take a course of any type of peeling more than once a year.

Typical and atypical consequences of peeling

Normal reactions to such actions on the skin are:


As a result of the removal of the protective upper layer of the epithelium, dehydration of this zone occurs, its sensitivity to ultraviolet and thermal radiation increases.

  1. Peeling of the skin after peeling is a natural reaction and you should not panic about this phenomenon. Individual skin characteristics and the type of medium peel will influence how long the skin will peel off. For example, after using trichloroacetic acid, not only peeling, but also swelling may appear. The average duration of this phenomenon is from 3 to 7 days.
  2. Redness. Medium peeling is basically a chemical burn, which will go away with proper skin care. It can be described as a thin film on the skin, which after a few days transforms into crusts. This process is similar to a sunburn. The intensity and duration of this reaction after cleaning is influenced by the depth of exposure to chemicals (acids) and the degree of damage. For example, after peeling using trichloroacetic acid and retinoic peeling, redness persists for 5 days. Sometimes the skin may not turn red at all, but may be pink or bright red. This reaction is most intense in the first minutes after the procedure, then gradually disappears.
  3. Swelling and pre-edema - appear on a thin layer of skin (neck, eyelids), such a reaction is normal for medium peeling.

Such consequences are normal and with proper skin care they are eliminated on their own. But you need to remember that if the redness and swelling intensify, then you should not hesitate, you should contact your cosmetologist and take the prescribed antihistamines.

Atypical consequences are: excessive rash, acne. This phenomenon occurs due to improper skin care after cleansing. To prevent this problem, apply anti-inflammatory and anti-acne products to your skin. In case of severe rash, you should visit a cosmetologist. His prescriptions usually include preparations containing zinc and antibacterial substances that help eliminate acne.

Another atypical consequence is scars and scabs. Under no circumstances should you rip off skin that is peeling off; you just need to moisturize it, constantly lubricating it with a rich cream. If the skin is peeled off, spots and unevenness may appear on the skin. With proper care, the crust will come off on its own.

Another consequence is hyperpigmentation. This reaction may be due to the wrong season for peeling. To avoid this phenomenon, it is necessary to remember that this procedure is inappropriate in the summer and spring. Before the procedure, you need to prepare the skin by treating it with kojic and retinolic acids.

Features of skin care after peeling

After superficial peeling, you can wash your face after a day, as you will feel tightness of the skin and a thin film will form on your face. After the mid-peel, you can wash your face no earlier than 2 days after your face has become covered with a thin shiny film and the skin has become tight. Washing can be done using thermal water and non-abrasive cosmetics. After any chemical cleansing, the skin should be treated with Panthenol or rich moisturizing creams. You should not be in the sun after the procedure or tan in a solarium for a month after cleaning.

You should remember to intensively moisturize the skin, so it will heal and recover faster. You should give preference to cosmetics that have a gel-like structure, so they will be absorbed in a matter of minutes and moisturize well, eliminating tightness and dryness of the skin.

But it is contraindicated to use any products in the first few days after cleansing; only when the skin begins to peel after cleansing can you intensively moisturize it.

You should protect your skin from the sun, wind, cold and other irritants. This way you can avoid hyperpigmentation. After peeling, focus on creams containing antioxidants. When going outside, apply products with a high level of sun protection (50) to your skin. This also applies to skin care in the autumn. Such products should be used 2 months after dry cleaning.

An important factor is the refusal of decorative cosmetics while the skin is recovering. No need to touch your face, do not use decorative cosmetics for several weeks. By following simple rules, you can ensure fast and most comfortable skin recovery after peeling.

Skin is peeling - what to do?

This process is normal after a cosmetic procedure. This is a sign that the procedure was performed correctly and the process of cell regeneration has already begun. There is no need to be afraid or panic at the sight of flaky skin. When the skin is exposed to aggressive substances, the top layer of the epidermis is practically removed through peeling. Dead cells are removed, new, young and healthy ones appear. In the case of superficial peeling, peeling is not pronounced and disappears a day after the procedure. After the mid-peel, the top layer of skin peels off, which begins a few days later and continues throughout the recovery period.


Uniform darkening of the skin, which goes away on its own after exfoliation (after 1-2 weeks).

There is no need to rip off pieces of what has peeled off. To speed up this process, you should follow the recommendations of cosmetologists and properly care for your skin. This will ensure uniform and painless exfoliation, after which there will be no scars or pigment spots. For skin care, use creams containing Panthenol, fatty creams, and thermal water for washing. All these products help improve the protective functions of the skin and give it the missing moisture for optimal cell regeneration. There is no need to be afraid to visit a cosmetologist's office. All consequences are individual and, if the procedure is carried out correctly, are minimal.

Almost all clients of beauty salons were faced with the question: after peeling, the skin is peeling - what to do and how to speed up the process of regeneration of facial skin? This problem is quite acute, because girls expect smooth and refreshed skin, but in return they receive patches of peeling epidermis and dry skin. And the use of concealers will not help, but will only emphasize this phenomenon. Why does the process of skin exfoliation occur after peelings? Is it possible to speed up skin regeneration and reduce the intensity of peeling?

Why does the skin peel?

Peeling after peeling is a common process that is considered typical after the use of exfoliants. To understand why such changes occur in the face, you need to understand what the exfoliation procedure is.

Peeling is designed to remove the upper, keratinized layers of the epidermis. It is this part of the integument that causes uneven complexion.

In salons, clients are offered the following types of cleaning:

  1. superficial;
  2. median;
  3. deep.

It depends on the type of cleansing on what day the facial skin will begin to peel and how intense the exfoliation will be after peeling.

The results of the peeling are:

  1. Elimination of wrinkles due to exfoliation of the upper layers of the epidermis.
  2. Lightening of age spots and freckles under the influence of acids.
  3. Reduction or complete elimination of post-acne, scars and scars.
  4. Improving complexion, smoothing its surface.
  5. Increasing skin elasticity, tightening the oval contour of the face.

To achieve these results, it is necessary to get rid of dead cells of the surface layer of the epidermis that have fulfilled their function. This effect is achieved due to active peeling of the skin - the peeled “shreds” are those very outdated integuments.

That is why you should not be afraid of peeling; on the contrary, you should expect it, since it is a natural and inevitable process. Peeling is an indicator of the effectiveness of the exfoliant, a sign that the master did his work efficiently and conscientiously.

How long will the skin peel off?

How long does the skin peel after peeling? This question interests every woman who decides to exfoliate.

Is there any way to speed up this process? It is impossible to answer these questions unequivocally - much depends on the type of peeling and the characteristics of the client’s integument:

  1. Clients who decide to undergo a peeling procedure for the first time usually undergo a superficial procedure with a minimal acid content. In this case, the skin peels off after peeling for about 3 days. This process lasts no more than 2-3 days.
  2. How long does it take to exfoliate my face after a peel that includes medial exfoliation? After such cleaning, the epidermis usually peels off in large flaps 2-3 days after the procedure. How many days does the skin peel off after yellow peeling and other procedures of similar intensity? In most cases, this peeling lasts 5-7 days.
  3. After deep peeling, they last from 2 weeks or longer. A more precise peeling time depends on the characteristics of the client’s body and compliance with the specialist’s recommendations for post-peeling care.

For your information. Every woman has her own skin type. In some ladies they are more sensitive and react with a reaction even to completely harmless scrubbing procedures. Others will be disappointed by the lack of effect even after peeling with trichloroacetic acid. For this reason, it is impossible to predict the behavior of the skin or the duration of peeling. It is necessary to carry out at least one procedure and observe the reaction. After this, you can draw conclusions about the type of peeling that is suitable and the frequency of its implementation.

What happens after facial peeling

The first days after exfoliation, the skin remains dehydrated. Also, redness is often noticeable on the face after peeling. The degree of its intensity directly depends on the type of cleaning. For example, after fruit peeling, slight redness occurs, which will disappear after a couple of hours. The skin may remain red for up to 2 days after peeling with trichloroacetic acid. Medium and retinoic peels provide redness for up to 5 days.

Also, after peeling, peeling and peeling of the skin is likely to begin. In this regard, fruit exfoliation is again considered the most comfortable. Peeling after peeling with retinol and triacetic acid is usually more intense and lasting.

It is impossible to guess with certainty on what day after peeling the skin will peel and flake. This usually happens 2-3 days after exfoliation.

Normal post-peeling consequences also include swelling of the face, which goes away on its own after some time.

For your information. Peeling may not be accompanied by peeling at all. This happens after the first exfoliation session - there is simply nothing to peel off. The skin has accumulated an impressive amount of dead skin cells and the exfoliant only affected the surface layers. The product simply could not reach the internal layers. With subsequent procedures the situation will improve and peeling will certainly make itself felt.

Peeling of the skin after peeling can be accelerated. To do this, it is enough to strictly follow the cosmetologist’s recommendations during the post-peeling period.

Side effects

In some cases, the peeling procedure can cause complications and side effects. This happens for the following reasons:

  1. Wrong choice of peeling.
  2. Unaccounted for contraindications to the procedure.
  3. Failure to comply with the recommendations of the rehabilitation period.

Atypical post-pilling manifestations include:

  1. Hyperemia. After peeling, the skin almost always turns red. But if after a long time the redness does not go away and the face, on the contrary, takes on a bright crimson hue, this is a cause for concern. Sometimes the situation can transform into erythema - abnormal redness of the skin, requiring specialist intervention.
  2. Water bubbles. Considered a sign of a violation of the exfoliation procedure protocol. Most likely, the peeling concentration was exceeded, which caused a thermal or chemical burn. Ignoring this symptom can lead to the appearance of age spots and scars.
  3. Allergy. Swelling, redness and irritation that do not go away from the face for a long time after peeling are signs of a severe allergic reaction. To avoid this problem after exfoliation, it is worth using anti-allergenic cosmetics (especially for those with sensitive skin).
  4. Hyperpigmentation. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation negatively affects renewed integuments. Its protective functions have not yet been fully restored, so most peelings are carried out between October and February, when solar activity is minimal. In addition, sunscreen should not be removed from post-peeling care.
  5. Residual scars, scars. They are the result of violation of hygiene rules in the post-peeling period. Most often this happens when dried crusts that have formed on the face after exfoliation are picked off. This is strictly forbidden - on the 7th day the crusts usually disappear on their own.

Advice. If several days have passed after peeling, and redness, swelling and other unpleasant symptoms do not seem to go away, you need to entrust the solution to the problem to a cosmetologist. The specialist will determine the cause of the complications that have arisen and prescribe the correct therapy.

How to care for your skin after peeling?

A flaky, red and swollen face is not the most aesthetically pleasing sight. With such a “picture” few people will risk showing themselves to others. On the other hand, not every girl can afford to sit at home all day, hiding from prying eyes. How to speed up peeling after peeling and restore normal facial condition? To do this, it is recommended to follow a number of tips during post-peeling care:

  1. Do not rip off crusts and flaps of skin. They must certainly come off and fall off on their own. Otherwise, scars may remain on the skin, and it is very easy for the wounds to become infected.
  2. Another “no” in the post-peeling period is the use of scrubs, alcohol lotions or other cosmetics that provoke intense peeling.
  3. You should wash your face with thermal or mineral (still) water. Some cosmetologists advise adding a few drops of lemon juice to it.
  4. Daily application of a rich cream to your face before going to bed will help remove peeling from peeling.
  5. Before going outside, you need to apply sunscreen with a high level of SP filter to your face. You can wear a wide-brimmed hat.
  6. After peeling, you can get rid of peeling by regularly using Panthenol or other ointments with a wound-healing effect.

Recommendations from cosmetologists

How to get rid of peeling after peeling? After all, it is after this integral stage of exfoliation that the skin acquires an even tone and a fresh, well-groomed appearance. This period usually occurs towards the end of the first week after peeling, depending on the type of product used.

To facilitate and speed up the skin renewal process, you should listen to the recommendations of leading cosmetologists:

  1. For the first 24 hours after cleansing, it is forbidden to wash your face or even touch or rub your face.
  2. The final stage of exfoliation is the application of a special product. This procedure is done after peelings to speed up peeling, protect and regenerate the skin. This stain cannot be washed off. After a day, the skin becomes dry and tight. Now you can use the cleanser.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to sunbathe, and you cannot visit the solarium for the first time after peeling. Failure to follow this recommendation may result in hyperpigmentation and irritation.

Following all the cosmetologist’s recommendations will help the skin exfoliate better and faster after peeling.


Post-peeling peeling is a typical and constant phenomenon that accompanies almost every exfoliation session. This process indicates the launch of skin renewal processes and the elimination of dead layers of the epidermis. The intensity of exfoliation depends on many factors: the type of peeling, the characteristics of the skin and the woman’s body. In addition, the skill of the cosmetologist and the absence of possible contraindications play an important role.

The duration of peeling depends on proper skin care. Usually the process does not last longer than 1 or 2 weeks. In cases where the skin does not return to normal for a long time, it is necessary to consult a cosmetologist.

Will my skin peel after peeling? And if so, for how long? Such questions concern everyone who has decided to undergo this procedure and wants to understand whether it is possible to speed up the recovery process.

  1. Why does facial skin peel after peeling?
  2. Typical and atypical consequences of peeling
  3. How to remove peeling after peeling
  4. Review of anti-flaking products

Why does facial skin peel after peeling?

“It is important to understand: exfoliation of the skin (not to be confused with peeling) is the essence of the peeling procedure. The composition applied to the skin affects the connections between the cells of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. After some time, they peel off, which leads to accelerated division and renewal of cells in deeper layers. But sometimes the skin literally peels off in flakes, and sometimes it doesn’t.”

Several factors influence whether your skin will peel.

Intensity of the procedure

Superficial peeling removes dead cells of the stratum corneum and, depending on the concentration of the substance in the composition and the pH level, can cause intense peeling. Medium and deep peeling, affecting the deep layers of the epidermis, Always accompanied by peeling, redness, swelling.

Active substance

Alpha hydroxy acids, such as glycolic, apple, milk, pyruvic, are among the most gentle.

Trichloroacetic acid, which is most often used for medium peels, acts quite aggressively.

Enzyme peeling (active ingredients - bromelain, papain) rarely causes visible peeling.

Enzyme, or enzyme, peeling is the least likely to injure the skin, but does not provide such a powerful renewal effect as acid peeling.
© Getty Images

Individual skin characteristics

Sensitive, reactive, very dry skin can respond with peeling to even the most gentle composition.

Proper preparation

Well-moisturized skin, rich in nutrients, comes to its senses faster. So start preparing for your peeling session early.

Post-peeling care

mild cleanser;

alcohol-free tonic with a calming effect;

restoring cream or gel;

maximum sun protection.

Careful preparation for peeling, increased skin hydration, as well as gentle care after the procedure will help enhance its effect and avoid unpleasant consequences. © Getty Images

Typical and atypical consequences of peeling

These phenomena after peeling should not be a cause for panic:

redness (erythema) of the skin; occurs in the first minutes after the procedure; with superficial peeling it lasts 1–2 days, with medium peeling it lasts up to 5 days;

edema (starts 2–3 days after the procedure); lasts 2–3 days;

peeling (starts on days 2–3); with superficial peeling it lasts 2–3 days, with medium peeling it lasts up to 5–10 days.

Here is a list of atypical manifestations of peeling:

rashes in the form of acne - as a rule, are the result of improper care;

crusts and scars - formed when scales are torn off;

In all these cases, you must consult a doctor!

Sometimes after peeling, a thick crust forms on the skin that does not want to peel off. A cosmetologist also has special methods for this case.

How to remove peeling after peeling

Cleanse your skin properly. The ideal option is gentle cleansing, after which you can use drying lotions and tonics. Put gommages and scrubs aside.

Use intensive moisturizing and regenerating products with vitamins and antioxidants, hyaluronic acid, glycerin, urea, vitamins E and B3.

For severe itching and flaking, soothing and healing products based on panthenol and bisabolol will help. They are used for at least 3 days after the procedure.

If the peeling is alarmingly severe, consult a doctor. It will help remove flakes, reduce irritation and redness. Typically, in this case, enzymatic peeling based on whey is used. Plus, suitable cosmetic preparations are prescribed to speed up skin restoration.

In some situations, they even perform additional peeling with enzymes or lactic acid to facilitate the exfoliation process. © Getty Images

Under no circumstances should you:

peel off the scales - they must fall off on their own, otherwise scars may appear;

touching your face frequently, especially with dirty hands, can cause an infection;

apply decorative cosmetics to irritated skin;

go out in the sun without a strong sunscreen with SPF 50+;

visit a bathhouse or solarium;

contact with chlorinated hard water (in a swimming pool).

Review of anti-flaking products

Cream care for protecting very dry skin Nutrilogie 2, Vichy restores its own lipids, removes the feeling of tightness and evens out the relief. Jojoba and apricot oils, glycerin, arginine, vitamin E provide nutrition.

Soothing multi-regenerating balm Cicaplast Baume B5, La Roche-Posay makes the skin tender and soft, removes irritation and peeling. Panthenol and shea butter soothe. The plant component madecassoside accelerates recovery. A complex of copper, manganese and zinc has antibacterial properties.

Intense moisturizing regenerating gel Hydrating B5 Gel, SkinCeuticals with a high content of hyaluronic acid, as well as a component of natural moisturizing factor and vitamin B5 - excellent help after peeling. 4-5 drops in the morning and evening are enough for the skin to come to its senses faster and stop itching and flaking.

Moisturizing balm for dry and very dry skin Ultra Facial Deep Moisture Balm, Kiehl’s guarantees comfort, hydration and smoothness. Edelweiss extract strengthens the skin's own defenses. Antarcticin promotes its restoration. Glycerin retains moisture and soothes.

Cream 48 hours of nutrition and hydration for dry skin Aquasource Nutrition, Biotherm reduces tightness, restores the protective barrier and moisturizes the skin. Shea butter is responsible for lipid saturation.