Video of face and neck massage for wrinkles

Hello my dear readers. Today we’ll talk about how to keep your face fresh and young right at home. After all, our grandmothers did not visit beauty salons. This means that there were time-tested means to prolong youth. One of them is a facial massage for wrinkles; I will definitely give video examples for clarity.

Let's first look at how this massage is useful:

  1. improves blood circulation. This means that the skin of the face will begin to receive more nutrients. This will definitely have a beneficial effect on her appearance;
  2. relieves muscle tension. This leads to smoothing out wrinkles. This procedure also reduces swelling and improves skin tone;
  3. drainage of excess lymph and improved blood circulation normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, the procedure allows you to get rid of seborrhea and acne.

This procedure has some contraindications. It is not performed for any skin damage, inflammation, or rashes. It is also contraindicated for warts. It is better not to touch areas with moles; the impact on them should be minimal. The procedure should not be performed in case of infectious diseases.

There are many types of different massages. I have selected the most effective ones for you. They can be easily made at home.

Before any type of procedure, the facial skin is cleansed. You can take a steam bath, apply nourishing cream or special oil.

Classic facial massage

This technique is the most popular. All finger movements take place strictly along massage lines. Otherwise, instead of elastic skin, you can get saggy skin. The classic version contains the following techniques:

  1. stroking - lightly press the skin with your hand, the pressure should not exceed its severity;
  2. trituration - also involves pressure, stronger than stroking. But so as not to cause discomfort;
  3. kneading - performed in a spiral manner, the pressure on the skin varies from minimum to maximum;
  4. patting, vibration techniques - performed with the edge of the palm. These are oscillatory movements of different rhythms.

Classic facial massage has a very simple technique. The main movements are towards the ears, from the corners of the mouth, the center of the chin, and the lower part of the nose. From the middle of the forehead to the temples. From the outer corner of the eye to the inner - along the top of the eyelid. And vice versa along the lower eyelid in the opposite direction. To better understand this technique, watch the video.

It will be useful to absolutely everyone, regardless of age.

Lymphatic drainage massage

This procedure will help get rid of swelling and improve blood circulation. Massaging is best done in the morning, at least 1-2 times a week. You can do it manually, or you can use different tools. Steel balls, spoons, rollers, special jars for face lifting. Lifting facial massage is recommended for those who have swelling and bags under the eyes. And also swelling. It will be useful for facial asymmetry. If it is caused by a violation of the water-salt balance. I recommend learning more about the technique of the procedure in my article about lymphatic drainage massage for the face.

And here is the detailed technique. Watch the video: will tell you about several excellent massage techniques that will help you stay young and beautiful without much effort.

Every woman, no matter how old she is, worries primarily about the beauty of her face. Of course, everyone wants to have an expressive oval and a clear contour of lines. Unfortunately, with age, the skin almost inevitably fades. But don’t rush to make an appointment with a cosmetologist for an expensive facelift: with a little effort, you can do it stop the aging process at home, having mastered facial massage for wrinkles at home.

Preparation and Precautions

Before you begin any technique, you need to make sure that you do not have any contraindications. As a rule, most massage techniques cannot be used if:

  1. rosacea;
  2. pinched facial nerve;
  3. viral diseases;
  4. inflammatory processes on the face and rashes;
  5. dermatitis;
  6. blood and lymph diseases;
  7. hypertension and some other heart diseases;
  8. skin diseases;
  9. oncological diseases.

If you have any of these diseases, consult your doctor before committing to eternal youth.

Video of face and neck massage for wrinkles