A pimple on my cheek

The appearance of a subcutaneous pimple is associated with damage to the pilosebaceous apparatus, and therefore the disease is classified as a much more serious problem than ordinary rashes. In this case, not only mandatory treatment is required, but most often quite long-term. In order to choose the right medications, you need to figure out what exactly caused the subcutaneous pimples on the cheeks. Monitoring your own body and lifestyle, as well as visiting the appropriate doctors - cosmetologist, dermatologist, will help here.

The mechanism of formation of subcutaneous pimple


Subcutaneous inflammation in the cheek area at the initial stage is a knob-shaped compaction located under the layer of the epidermis, most often near the mouth of the sebaceous duct. The neoplasm may be accompanied by painful discomfort.

Gradually the compaction increases and becomes inflamed. The skin on the affected area turns red, and in some cases itching is observed. Over time, the neoplasm fills with pus, and white pimples or especially painful large red inflammations rise above the surface of the skin.

IMPORTANT! A distinctive feature of subcutaneous acne is a long period of maturation and healing. It may take several weeks from the blockage of the sebaceous duct to complete resorption.


A subcutaneous pimple can occur in a person of any age and gender. Moreover, the pathology is most common in people with oily dermis. This is due to excessively active secretion of subcutaneous sebum.

The main causes of internal inflammation on the cheeks are as follows:

  1. Lack of regular care for the epidermis.
  2. Inflammation of the sebaceous duct located deep under the skin.
  3. Hormonal changes in the body, for example, during adolescence. Pregnancy and menopause are also causes of internal acne.
  4. Gynecological diseases.
  5. Disturbance in the functioning of internal organs. These may be pathological processes in the gastrointestinal tract (liver, intestines, stomach). As a result of the accumulation of toxins, the sebaceous ducts become inflamed, resulting in deep and white pimples in the subcutaneous layer.
  6. Pathological processes occurring in the lungs.
  7. Genetic predisposition.
  8. Low-quality cosmetics - skincare or decorative.
  9. Demodicosis, when inflammation can occur as a result of the active activity of the demodex mite. In this case, the lump will turn red, and the number of pimples will increase, covering an increasing area of ​​the skin.

IMPORTANT! It is extremely important to treat internal acne in a timely manner. If you let the process take its course, it is likely that an infection will develop and multiple foci of inflammation will appear. The result may be scars, spots and other visible defects on the skin.

Acne treatment


As for how to remove internal pimples on the cheeks, it is very difficult to get rid of such growths, since the accumulation of pus is located deep under the skin and is difficult to remove. Therefore, if several inflammations appear, you should not delay a visit to a specialist. Only a cosmetologist or dermatologist can prescribe competent treatment after examination and examination.

Therapy may include the simultaneous use of antibiotics or highly targeted drugs to treat the rash. Additionally, cosmetic procedures (ozone therapy, diamond peeling) and ointments are prescribed.

IMPORTANT! You can’t squeeze out subcutaneous pimples on your own! If the procedure is performed incorrectly, pus can spread to adjacent areas of the skin and lead to the appearance of new foci of inflammation. In addition, after such an operation, an unsightly scar may remain.

However, if such inflammations occur extremely rarely and in single cases, you can try to get rid of them yourself. The following medications will help:

  1. Ichthyol ointment. The product perfectly draws out pus, eliminates irritation and inflammation, and disinfects. The product should be applied only pointwise and kept on the inflamed area for no more than 2 hours.
  2. Vishnevsky ointment. The drug has the ability to draw out the pathogenic contents of a pimple, act on the source of inflammation, dry it out, and accelerate regeneration. Using the substance, you can not only treat local areas, but also make masks and applications. However, the latter options should be discussed with a dermatologist.

If an internal pimple develops without pus, it is worth treating it with the following compounds:

  1. Salicylic acid;
  2. aloe leaf juice;
  3. tea tree oil;
  4. Retinoic ointment;
  5. Effezel - cream.

IMPORTANT! Before using any external medicinal product, a sensitivity test should be performed. To do this, you need to apply a layer of ointment on the wrist and wait for the reaction from the epidermis. If it is absent, you can use the product without fear.

Video about the causes of acne

Inflammations formed in the deep layers of the epidermis, first of all, indicate that something is wrong with the body. This is a sign to think about your own health and visit a doctor. If the compaction is isolated in nature, you should try to eliminate it yourself. At the same time, we must not forget about contraindications of medications and a preliminary study of the annotation for the medicinal product.

Subcutaneous acne is a skin disease that affects the pilosebaceous apparatus.

Inflammations can be isolated or cover a large area of ​​skin. This type of rash requires long-term treatment.

It is especially difficult to get rid of subcutaneous acne on the cheeks: Such inflammations take longer to mature and heal longer.

There will be a long struggle with post-acne in this area of ​​the skin. What are the causes of subcutaneous acne on the cheeks and what are the methods of treating them?


The appearance of subcutaneous acne begins with a small, painful lump under the skin.

It is growing quickly. To him inflammation occurs. The sebaceous gland duct quickly becomes inflamed.

If a large amount of pus accumulates, a large nodule can form inside the skin, which will lead to the appearance of characteristic red bumps.

It is especially difficult to get rid of subcutaneous acne on the cheeks. They take a long time to pass and leave behind stains and scars.

Such inflammations on the cheeks appear for the following reasons:

  1. Inflammatory process in the sebaceous ducts, located in the thickness of the skin.
  2. Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. The stomach, liver and intestines cleanse the body of toxins. If the cleansing process goes wrong, toxins can accumulate in the gland ducts, causing inflammation. To solve the problem, you need to contact a gastroenterologist.
  3. Hereditary predisposition.
  4. Hormonal disbalance in organism. Most often, teenagers suffer from acne. Boys are susceptible to this disease due to increased activity of the gonads, and girls due to an unstable menstrual cycle. But this problem can also appear in adults, more often in women. This is due to hormonal imbalance due to ovarian dysfunction, pregnancy, lactation and other factors. In this case, the woman should contact a gynecologist and endocrinologist.
  5. Usage comedogenic cosmetics. The desire to disguise old pimples with cosmetics aggravates the situation. Pores become clogged, foundation or powder does not allow the skin to breathe.
  6. Failure to comply with hygiene rules. In particular, you should give up the habit of touching your face or propping it with your hand.
  7. Subcutaneous pimples on the cheeks may also appear due to skin contact with the mobile phone display. The phone is a collector of bacteria. They carry it in a bag, a pocket, and run it with dirty fingers. Traces of cosmetics, dust, and dirt remain on it. And when talking, it is usually pressed to the ear and cheek. It is necessary to regularly wipe the screen of your mobile device with antibacterial wipes.
  8. Subcutaneous pimples on the cheeks may appear due to lung problems.
  9. Excessive use coffee, flour products, fatty and smoked foods, sweets, chips, fast food, carbonated drinks can trigger the appearance of subcutaneous acne on the cheeks.
  10. Subcutaneous pimples on the cheeks of men often appear due to non-compliance with hygiene measures after shaving.

There are white subcutaneous pimples and internal red pimples. White pimple under the skin is a cavity filled with pus that has formed under the layer of the epidermis.

A red pimple under the skin is a section of dermal tissue that, when inflamed, increases in size and rises above the surface of the skin. These pimples are painful.

The size of a red subcutaneous pimple can reach more than 2 mm. If the cause of inflammation is demodex mite, then red subcutaneous lumps can cover the entire skin and be accompanied by severe itching and peeling of the skin.


Subcutaneous acne on the cheeks is especially difficult to treat.

The layer of skin completely hides the pus, so It is difficult to remove such a formation.

If they are removed incorrectly, they can cause scars to form on the delicate skin of the cheeks.

Self-extrusion often leads to the appearance of new areas of skin, an increase in the area of ​​​​spread of rashes and blood poisoning. How to get rid of subcutaneous acne on the cheeks?

Cosmetical tools

One of the most effective and inexpensive means for treating subcutaneous acne is ichthyol ointment.

Ichthyol ointment draws out pimples and pus, relieves irritation, disinfects, has anti-inflammatory properties, and tightens pores.

Rules of application against subcutaneous acne on the cheeks:

  1. The ointment should be applied pointwise with cotton swabs, and not on the entire surface of the cheek.
  2. After a couple of hours, the ointment should be washed off.
  3. After applying the ointment, you should refrain from using masks for one day, otherwise the skin will burn severely.
  4. If you apply the product to the entire surface of the cheek, a burn may occur. Traces of burns or acne on the cheeks can last especially long.
  5. Use with caution for those with oily skin: one of the main components of the product
    - Vaseline.

Vishnevsky ointment

Vishnevsky ointment is also effective.

She has wide spectrum of action and is popular among people with skin diseases.

The composition of the drug includes xeroform, birch tar, castor oil.

Ointment penetrates deeply skin, can quickly relieve the inflammatory process, disinfect, dry, and draw out pus. Has a regenerating effect.

How to remove subcutaneous pimples on the cheek using Vishnevsky ointment? There are several ways to use the drug:

  1. Large subcutaneous pimples on the cheeks will help remove applique. Apply a thick layer of ointment to a piece of gauze folded in four or a cotton pad, apply it to the pimple, and secure with a band-aid. This procedure should be carried out before bed, after taking a bath: the active substances will be able to penetrate deeper into the cleansed pores, speeding up the treatment process, and in the morning the inflammation will be less noticeable.
  2. For isolated rashes with slight inflammation it will help spot application drug with a cotton swab.
  3. If the pimples are deep, there are a lot of them, they are very inflamed, you can use ointment make a mask. The ointment is applied to a piece of gauze and placed on the surface of the cheeks. The longer the gauze with the drug is in contact with the skin, the better. But if the slightest discomfort occurs, it is necessary to remove the application. This procedure should be carried out only after consultation with a dermatologist.

The ointment has a strong unpleasant odor and is difficult to wash off with cleansers. The drug should be removed with a cotton pad, and the residue should be washed off with water.

After use, you should not use cosmetics with a drying effect.

For the best effect, you need to give up decorative cosmetics and other acne treatments. Skin hypersensitivity is the only thing contraindication.

Klenzit S

Gel Klenzit S is comedolytic, anti-inflammatory agent.

Created on the basis of adapalene and clindamycin.

Adapalene normalizes the process of keratinization of epidermal cells and eliminates inflammation. Clindamycin - broad spectrum antibiotic.

The product interacts with skin receptors, reduces cell density in the area of ​​sebaceous follicles. The drug relieves discomfort and cleanses the skin. Penetrates into the bloodstream and is excreted by the liver without harming the skin.

Rules for using the drug:

  1. Before use, the skin is cleaned, the affected area is washed with warm water, and wiped dry.
  2. The gel is applied with smooth movements three times a day for two months.
  3. Do not use if there are open wounds on the skin.
  4. Wash hands after use; contact with eyes may cause irritation.

The drug has the following contraindications:

  1. individual intolerance to the substance adapalene;
  2. skin burns;
  3. dermatitis, eczema in advanced form.

When using Klenzit with other external agents, it is necessary to take six-hour breaks between the use of drugs from different groups.

Should not be used in conjunction with drying agents that irritate the skin.

Cosmetology procedures

The cosmetology salon may offer effective procedureswhich will help get rid of subcutaneous acne for a long time.


Using microdermabrasion the top layer of keratinized cells is removed.

As a result of such grinding using hard microcrystals in the tissues, blood circulation improves, promoting accelerated cell regeneration, and skin elasticity increases.

The skin is smoothed, cleansed, the work of the structural elements of the epidermis and dermis is normalized.

The procedure is usually performed using aluminum crystals. They are blown out of the apparatus under high pressure.

Aluminum is a hypoallergenic material, it does not emit heat upon contact with the skin, and does not cause micro burns, wounds, or abrasions.

Ozone therapy

With ozone therapy pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed, the process of acne maturation and skin regeneration accelerates, redness and swelling go away.

To treat subcutaneous acne, ozonated solutions are injected subcutaneously or applied to the skin in the form of oil.

It's also possible intravenous administration. Once in the blood, the solution is able to destroy infectious agents.

Foci of inflammation are injected with an oxygen-ozone mixture, allowing you to effectively rid the skin of acne. The pain of acne goes away, they decrease in size and begin to dissolve. After 7-8 procedures inflammation disappears without a trace. The mixture is also injected into the abscess.

Ozone therapy eliminates subcutaneous acne, dilates blood vessels, improves blood microcirculation and metabolism.

Mechanical facial cleansing

Mechanical facial cleansing - squeezing out pimples under extremely sterile conditions.

This procedure you need to trust only a professional. A cosmetologist cleanses the skin of subcutaneous pimples, blackheads and blackheads using special tools. The risk of infection of healthy skin areas is minimal.

Manual facial cleansing has advantages and disadvantages. Advantages:

  1. after cleansing, acne will disappear or disappear completely;
  2. the procedure copes even with those formations that cannot be treated with other means (they can be under the skin for months, but cleaning will get rid of them forever);
  3. improves skin tone and color;
  4. long lasting result.

Flaws procedures:

  1. pain: the more advanced the rash, the more painful the procedure;
  2. severe redness and swelling after cleaning;
  3. long-term skin restoration: about 4-6 days.

Manual facial cleansing lasts from an hour to two, depending on how bad the skin is. First, the skin is cleansed with antibacterial gels or other means.

If the inflammation is not severe, a specialist can do acid peeling. Then the cosmetologist warms the skin with lotions, ointments or masks or performs a massage.

By using special tools a specialist checks the skin and removes acne.

After cleansing, a darsonvalization procedure is performed, which promotes tissue renewal, accelerates blood circulation, and reduces the secretion of sebum.

Then regenerating products are applied to the skin: mainly masks that tighten pores, soothe the skin, and reduce the duration of redness and swelling.

If the cosmetologist allows it, for faster skin healing You can make a compress from chamomile infusion or a lotion from soda solution.

Other cosmetic procedures for subcutaneous acne

Mesotherapy is a procedure that involves the introduction of vitamins and homeopathic medications, as well as antibiotics, into the mesodermal layer of the skin.

Very thin needles are used for injections. Injection marks remain for up to 2 days.

This procedure eliminates the inflammatory process, and the skin recovers quickly. Procedure practically painless. Unpleasant sensations may occur on the forehead or cheeks.

For mild skin lesions, laser resurfacing can be used.

Laser beams remove the top layer of skin. The procedure eliminates external defects, removes shallow wrinkles, accelerates the flow of oxygen to new cells, produces additional collagen.

It takes about two weeks for the skin to recover. And you need to use sunscreen for about three months.

Folk remedies

To get rid of subcutaneous acne there is several effective recipeswhich are suitable for delicate cheek skin.

Add two tablespoons of salt to a glass of warm water and bring to a boil.

Soak a cotton swab in the solution and apply to the skin until it cools. Apply several times a day. This procedure will allow the subcutaneous pimple to mature faster.

Daily washing calendula tincture It will also help rid the skin on the cheeks and the entire face of subcutaneous acne. White clay mask promotes rapid maturation of subcutaneous pimples.

The skin can also be treated with a mixture ground coffee with tea tree oil. Leaves aloe beat and apply to the affected areas of the skin for half an hour.

Such products help relieve swelling, inflammation, and get rid of subcutaneous acne on the cheeks and post-acne.

Other recommendations

First you need adjust nutrition and give up fatty, sweet, starchy foods.

It is worth introducing more greens, vegetables and fruits into your diet. You should also give up smoking and alcohol.

We must not forget about hygiene: completely cleanse your facial skin of cosmetics, regularly wash your makeup brushes and sponges, change your bed linen, razor and wash your hands more often.

Since pimples on the cheeks often appear due to the habit of propping the cheek with your hand, you need to learn to control yourself. Also, do not forget to wipe the screen of your mobile phone with an antiseptic.

If the cause of subcutaneous acne is hormonal disbalance, you need to contact an endocrinologist for therapy that normalizes hormonal levels.

Self-opening of subcutaneous pimples on the cheeks and all over the face threatens the appearance of scars, scars, and the spread of infection inside the skin.

Such an infection causes a boil, carbuncle or cellulitis - acute diffuse purulent inflammation. For this reason, it is better to entrust the opening of subcutaneous acne to a professional in a cosmetology salon or to refrain from opening it altogether.

Video: Getting rid of subcutaneous acne

Healthy and beautiful skin – This is an indicator that the body is functioning fully. The appearance of acne on it symbolizes the fact that some kind of failure has occurred in it. There are several reasons for the appearance of pimples on the cheeks; they can be associated with illness or the consumption of harmful foods.


Causes of acne on the cheeks - internal diseases

  1. Hormonal imbalance in the body. Acne usually appears during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This may also be due to adolescence and the menstrual cycle;
  2. Intestinal and gastric diseases;
  3. Gynecological diseases. Basically, acne appears due to inflammation of the ovaries;
  4. Metabolic disease;
  5. Similar irritations can occur due to a common cold. Because of it, immunity decreases and the level of production of sebaceous glands increases;
  6. Hereditary disposition to the appearance of acne.

What causes pimples on the cheeks - harmful foods

  1. The most common harmful product is coffee. In 30 percent of cases it becomes the main cause of acne. Especially if you drink it on an empty stomach and with a lot of sugar;
  2. Another category of harmful products is fast food. Mostly, acne from consuming such products appears in children. Such products include rolls, sweets, cakes, chips, cakes and others;

It is strictly not recommended to do this, since this action can renew the “site of infection” and the number of acne will increase. We need to try to establish the reason for its appearance. If it is more or less clear, then we can begin to treat it. This can be done in two ways: With the help of medications or with the help of folk remedies.


The most famous medical products are:

  1. "Skinoren" - a gel whose action is aimed at treating inflammatory and non-inflammatory acne. They should be applied to the entire affected area. It will normalize the production of follicles in the sebaceous glands, remove microbes from the surface of the skin and pores and reduce the production of free radicals;
  2. "Zinerit" is a widely used medicinal product available in the form of a lotion. It comes in a very convenient form in the form of a bottle with an applicator. Thanks to it, pimples dry out and begin to clear up faster, bacteria are destroyed and inflammation is reduced;
  3. "Differin" - medical acne gel with a cooling effect. Allows you to relieve inflammation and destroy bacteria.

Folk remedies

If you don’t have a medication at hand, or there is a need to enhance its effect, then you can try to cure acne with folk remedies.

There are several proven techniques that will improve the structure of the subcutaneous tissues and make the skin tone even:


  1. Homemade lotion – the best product that dries the skin and removes oily shine on it. It can be made from various components. For example: aloe juice. This natural remedy was used even when cosmetics did not exist. To prepare it, you need to cut off several aloe leaves and put them in a dark place. After two weeks, you can squeeze the juice from them. You should wipe your face with the resulting natural lotion every day;
  2. St. John's wort contains a lot of vitamins that are beneficial for the skin. It is recommended to make a decoction of it and pour it into molds. You need to wipe your face with the resulting cubes every day;
  3. If blackheads are bothering you, then it’s worth doing decoction of chamomile and sage. You need to wipe your face with it three times a day until the tone becomes more even;
  4. The most effective remedy is face mask, it is made from blue clay, diluted in a small amount of water;
  5. You can also make a mask from fresh cucumber pulp. This natural mask will not only help cure acne, but will also noticeably soften the skin.

Folk remedies are practically harmless; they will only be so if the person does not have allergies.

Professional acne treatments

It is best to contact an experienced cosmetologist to treat acne; only he will be able to determine the cause and extent of the problem and prescribe an effective way to eliminate them.

There are several professional treatment methods:


  1. Cosmetic method (masks, peelings or medical gels) are selected strictly by cosmetologists depending on skin type;
  2. Phototherapy. Treatment is carried out with direct streams of light. One procedure lasts about 25 minutes, the number depends on the scale of the problem. During the treatment process, light penetrates the skin and disinfects it from hated bacteria. In this way you can cure external and internal acne;
  3. Laser therapy. This is a more local type of treatment. With its help you can eliminate even the deepest pimples. After just one procedure, sebum production is reduced several times and the protein shell of bacteria is destroyed. Typically, cosmetologists offer their patients a set of procedures (laser and peeling). For complete treatment you will need to do 15 – 25 sessions;
  4. Chemical and mechanical peeling. Its composition is selected depending on the type of acne and skin type. A special massage mechanism allows the components to penetrate deep into the pores, as a result of which acne dries out and goes away several times faster. For complete recovery, it is enough to do 20 procedures of 30 minutes each;
  5. Mesotherapy. This method is based on injection treatment and is one of the most effective. Just 10 procedures are enough to completely even out your skin tone.

Recommendations for acne treatment, diet

Acne can be cured without any remedies at all if you adhere to proper nutrition.

  1. You need to eat 4 to 6 times a day, at intervals of 2-3 hours. Serving size should not exceed 400 grams;
  2. Not recommended for use fatty foods, preserves, sweets, oil and fast food;
  3. You need to drink as much water as possible. The norm should be 2-3 liters of water per day. In this case, the sebaceous glands will produce less, and pimples will begin to dry out and fall off;
  4. You should eat as much fresh food as possible (add raw vegetables, fruits and herbs to the diet);
  5. It is necessary to take care of your skin and protect it from harmful factors (frequent use of foundation, spending a long time in the cold and under the open rays of the sun).

All these methods are also a good preventive measure. If you always stick to this diet, then problems associated with acne will not appear.