Nutrition for kidney problems

The food should give good chyme and consist of the meat of birds that you know, fish that live in rocky places, and good vegetables like garden quinoa and goosefoot. While the ulcers remain malignant, food should be given to the patient fried; the best of them are fried meat of mountain birds and sparrows or, for example, the yolks of soft-boiled eggs, from which they gradually move on to fatty chickens and noodles. The milk of various animals is beneficial if only the sick digest it. As for donkey milk and camel milk, it is beneficial, for such milk corrects the matter in ulcers, washes them and glues them with its curds, and cow and sheep milk, in addition to this, strengthens and nourishes the diseased organ. However, donkey's milk and goat's milk are useful in terms of correcting nature and washing, as well as in terms of their special properties, more than any other milk, especially if the animals were fed with herbs suitable for ulcers, the qualities of which were explained earlier. Some medicines useful for ulcers, for example, tragacanth, starch, gum and drying substances, as well as some diuretic from among the known seeds, should be mixed with the milk and foods that such patients take. Milk should be given after cleansing the body, and when the patient drinks the milk, he is not given anything to eat until the milk has descended into the intestines. If the descent slows down, then add a little salt to the milk; sometimes they put salt and honey in it. Milk is suitable for such a patient both as a drink and as food. During the outpouring of pus, the patient benefits from sheep's milk, which heals, glues and strengthens. He should drink milk when thirsty.

As for snacks and fruits that are suitable for it, these are melons, ripe cucumbers, pears, hawthorns, sweet pomegranates, quinces and apples, and dry snacks: almonds, especially peeled, pistachios, nuts, especially pine nuts and dates. Let such patients avoid dry figs. It is bad for ulcers, exposes them and causes itching, because it has hidden properties of yattu. They should also abstain from everything sour, with strong acid, everything spicy, salty and very sweet.