Why do stretch marks appear on women's skin?

A cosmetic defect such as stretch marks appears in women during pregnancy and remains after the birth of the child. These are stretch marks on the skin. They also occur with sudden weight loss. This phenomenon is typical for women and men. Striae usually appear on the thighs, buttocks, chest, and abdomen. This defect causes inconvenience, so it is important to know how to get rid of it.


Why do stretch marks appear on the skin? The reasons for this phenomenon are associated with poor elasticity of the skin and its insufficient ability to recover. Skin stretch marks appear during pregnancy. Defects arise as follows: in areas of micro-tears in elastin and collagen fibers, connective tissue is formed, which outwardly looks like stripes of different colors.


Stretch marks on the skin appear due to loss of skin elasticity, which occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Endocrine diseases, for example, Cushing's syndrome.
  2. Long-term use of steroid drugs.
  3. Disruptions in the hormonal system during pregnancy or adolescence.
  4. Sudden and constant changes in weight.
  5. Hereditary factor.

Some doctors believe that the cause of this phenomenon can be determined by the location of the stretch marks. Vertical defects appear during rapid weight gain or after childbirth. And horizontal ones indicate disruptions in the hormonal system. Striae are not dangerous to human health and life, it is only a cosmetic drawback. But if it did not arise due to pregnancy, childbirth, or a sudden change in weight, then you need to go to an appointment with an endocrinologist. In this case, some kind of endocrine system disease is likely developing.

In men

This problem is not only for women. Men also develop stretch marks on their skin. The reasons for this phenomenon are as follows:

  1. using large amounts of corticosteroids;
  2. large weight gain;
  3. genetics;
  4. improper functioning of the pancreas.


If these defects appear, it is necessary to begin eliminating them as soon as possible. Then it will be more convenient and faster to do this.

In teenagers

Striae also appear in children of adolescence. Although their skin is more elastic than that of adults. Why do teenagers develop stretch marks on their skin? This is due to the following reasons:

  1. Genetics.
  2. Weak immunity. In this condition, all organs work poorly. Elasticity deteriorates.
  3. Growth spurt. During adolescence, the child develops unevenly. Some may have growth spurts or rapid weight gain. The skin does not have time to stretch.
  4. Lack of muscle mass. Often stretch marks appear on the back. This confirms a lack of muscle mass or the presence of pathologies. If stretch marks are found on the child’s back, you should consult a doctor.
  5. Rapid breast growth. Some girls have stretch marks on their breasts. This defect is unpleasant. But if treatment is carried out in a timely manner, the stretch marks will disappear.


Whatever the reasons for this phenomenon, it is necessary to begin treatment immediately after detecting a deficiency. Then it will be possible to quickly and effectively eliminate the defect, restoring the skin.


There can be different types of stretch marks on the skin. They look different for all people, since it all depends on the individual characteristics of the skin and hormonal system. For example, the color of defects can range from white to purple. The intensity of the color is determined not only by the structure of the skin, but also by the “status of limitation.” If stretch marks appeared so long ago, they will be red-violet, and over time they lighten and become white.

These areas of the skin do not tan; they will stand out against the general background. The reason for this is that there is almost no melanin in connective tissue, although there are isolated exceptions. The size, number and relief of stretch marks on the skin can vary. Doctors believe that it is impossible to influence the appearance of this defect and know what it will look like after a few years.

For Cushing's syndrome

Stretch marks on the skin that appear as a result of Cushing’s syndrome (endocrine disease) have a special appearance:

  1. the skin becomes thinner;
  2. the vascular pattern is visible even to non-professionals;
  3. rashes appear on the skin, for example, acne or subcutaneous hematomas;
  4. the skin peels off - localized areas of this phenomenon appear;
  5. Striae have a strict localization - they appear on the chest, abdomen or shoulders.


In addition to stretch marks, with Cushing's syndrome there is:

  1. pronounced pigmentation;
  2. moderate obesity;
  3. disproportionate distribution of adipose tissue.

If these stretch marks are present, people usually take steps to remove them, but it should be kept in mind that until Cushing's syndrome is treated, no treatments will help. The following procedures are required for treatment:

  1. surgical removal of pituitary cortitropinoma;
  2. intervention to remove the adrenal gland;
  3. therapy with steroidogenesis inhibitors.


Stretch marks on the abdomen and other parts of the body are treated if the defect disrupts the usual life and psycho-emotional system. But it is worth considering that the earlier treatment is started, the greater the likelihood of success. For example, if stretch marks are 12 months old, then they are less treatable than those that appeared only 1-2 months ago. But old stretch marks are also corrected and made invisible.


Removal of skin stretch marks is carried out in the following ways:

  1. Mesotherapy. Enzymes, stimulators of collagen formation, vitamins are introduced into the changed parts of the body - products that improve skin restoration and make its structure homogeneous.
  2. Chemical peeling. To do this, acids are used to eliminate the deficiency and create conditions for the production of collagen.
  3. Microdermabrasion. This procedure is skin resurfacing, which is carried out using special equipment. Microdermabrasion creates positive conditions for the growth of new tissue.
  4. Laser peeling. It is performed using special equipment that emits powerful laser beams. With them, the altered tissues are burned out, and conditions are created for the development of new cells.
  5. LPG massage. This is a standard vacuum massage, which improves blood circulation and normalizes metabolic processes in the skin. The course of procedures stimulates the production of natural collagen.
  6. Therapeutic wraps. Active components are applied to the skin to increase skin elasticity and stimulate collagen production. Spirulina algae is effective for these purposes.
  7. RF lifting. The skin is exposed to a radiofrequency electromagnetic procedure. Its deep layers are heated to 40 degrees, which leads to the restoration of problem areas.

Very rarely, stretch marks are eliminated with plastic surgery. For example, if there is excess skin with stretch marks on the abdomen, then doctors perform abdominoplasty and remove the problem area. But this treatment is associated with the risk of purulent complications, blood loss and other negative consequences.

Folk remedies

Stretch marks on the stomach and other parts of the body can be eliminated with folk remedies. Popular ones include:

  1. Olive oil. You need to prepare aloe juice and olive oil (0.5 cups each), add vitamin A (5 drops) and vitamin E (10 drops). The components must be mixed. The mixture should be stored in the refrigerator, but must be reheated before use. You need to apply the product to problem areas every day.
  2. Yogurt peeling. You will need lemon zest, which is mixed with almond oil (1 tbsp.) and natural yogurt (150 ml). The finished product should be applied to the stretch marks, left for 20 minutes and then massaged into the treated areas. After this, you need to take a warm shower. The procedures need to be performed 2 times a week.
  3. Mumiyo. You will need mummy (1 g), which must be mixed with water (1 tsp). Then add baby cream (1 tbsp). The finished product must be applied 2 times a day.
  4. Fatty oils are effective remedies for stretch marks on the skin. To problem areas you need to apply a composition of wheat germ, jojoba, and almond oils (20 ml each). Neroli oil (3-4 drops) is added to them. The finished mass is rubbed into the stretch marks and a massage is performed with it.
  5. Peeling using palm oil. You will need red palm oil (200 ml) and salt (1 cup). The mass is applied to problem areas and massaged for 15-20 minutes. Procedures should be performed no more than 2 times a week.


These effective products improve skin elasticity and restore its condition. They can also be used as prophylaxis. The use of folk remedies also brings tangible results if the procedures are performed regularly. Home methods will allow you to forget about such a defect as stretch marks.


To prevent stretch marks from appearing, experts advise the following preventive measures:

  1. You should drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day. This amount does not include teas, coffee, drinks.
  2. A regular contrast shower is required, after which you need to use products with a moisturizing effect.
  3. It is important to adjust your diet. You need to eat foods with vitamins A and E, as well as minerals.
  4. Additionally, you should take fish oil and medications with vitamins A and E.
  5. Regular courses of wraps and vacuum massage are required.



Simple rules will prevent this deficiency from occurring. And if it does appear, you should consult a doctor. Effective remedies for stretch marks on the skin will help restore it.


Striae is not a new problem, but it still raises many questions. Why do stretch marks appear on the skin? How to get rid of them? How to prevent their occurrence? Types of striae? But don't worry too much. The problem of stretch marks is not as bad as it seems. Today you can be offered cosmetics, hardware techniques, and plastic surgery. To prevent it from happening to the latter, the most important thing is to detect the problem in time and begin immediate treatment at the initial stage of its occurrence. The main reason for the appearance of stretch marks is hormonal imbalance with a sharp decrease or increase in body weight. But there are a number of other provoking factors. But first things first…


Striae can form due to stretching of the skin. The cause may also be the effects of wound healing, microtrauma and scarring of sutures after surgical operations. It is worth considering the main reasons in more detail.

Stretch marks in men (on the lower back, sides, buttocks, thighs, armpits and forearms). Causes:

  1. Horizontal stretch marks on the sides, lower back and hips are formed as a result of excessive physical activity, sudden weight loss or weight gain.
  2. The defect may occur due to hormonal changes or problems with the pancreas.


Stretch marks in women (can form in almost any area of ​​the body). Causes:

  1. Pregnancy. During this period, the skin stretches in the chest and abdomen.
  2. Obesity. Rapid weight gain dramatically stretches the skin.
  3. Diabetes. Due to cracking and drying of the leather.
  4. Endocrine diseases and pancreatic diseases. The body releases large amounts of cortisol, which weakens connective skin tissue.
  5. Sharp weight loss.
  6. Long-term use of drugs from the glucocorticoid group, which lead to obesity and, consequently, stretch marks.
  7. Heredity.


Stretch marks in teenagers (form all over the body). Causes:

  1. Obesity.
  2. Hormonal disbalance.
  3. Losing weight or sudden weight gain.
  4. Increased growth. When the skin does not have time to grow behind the body and muscle mass.
  5. Stretch marks on a teenager’s back may indicate problems with internal organs.


Stretch marks in children. Causes:

  1. Hormonal disbalance.
  2. Obesity.
  3. Losing weight or sudden weight gain.
  4. Increased growth.
  5. Poor nutrition.
  6. Sedentary lifestyle.
  7. Excessive physical activity.

Hormonal striae most often appear during pregnancy, as well as during puberty. During this period, the balance of hormones is disrupted, causing the skin tissue to become thinner. You need to see a doctor, get tested and start taking medications that can normalize hormonal levels.


Pregnancy is a wonderful moment in a woman’s life, but skin defects can overshadow this period. As the fetus grows and develops, the belly of the expectant mother grows, extra pounds appear, the skin stretches, there is a lack of moisture, its elasticity is lost and then scars appear.


Striae on the face can form due to mechanical damage to the skin or an increase in the hormone progesterone, which slows down the production of much-needed elastin. Stretch marks on the face can also form due to weight loss.


Pink stretch marks. They are formed at the very beginning, after ruptures of the skin fibers. The scars are still very fresh and close to the surface of the skin.

Purple stretch marks. They become like this after the stretched tissue is no longer so fresh, but there is still a chance to quickly and easily get rid of the defect.

Blue striae. They acquire this shade after 4-5 months. In this case, creams will no longer help.

White stretch marks. Old scars become completely whitish and lose pigment. These stretch marks last about 8 months or more. They are no longer amenable to cosmetic treatment and require, at a minimum, laser resurfacing.

The choice of treatment method depends on the color of the stretch marks. You should contact a surgeon only when all other options have failed and your stretch marks are more than 8 months old.

Still, it is better to first contact a cosmetologist. Modern hardware procedures and professional products have proven their effectiveness many times.


Home treatment should be considered first. Today, on the shelves of pharmacies and cosmetic stores there is a large selection of drugs that are ways to quickly rid the body of stretch marks. But only if they are pink or purple. Such products contain amino acids, essential oils, collagen, vitamins and minerals.

It is impossible to quickly get rid of old stretch marks. Especially on the back and stomach. But in addition to special ointments, gels and lotions, cosmetology can offer you mesotherapy and laser resurfacing.

The essence of mesotherapy is the injection of a special device into the area of ​​stretch marks. This allows you to improve local metabolism. Several procedures are required.


Laser resurfacing allows you to achieve results after one session. However, this method is more painful and expensive.

  1. Try to do physical exercises that strengthen your body muscles.
  2. Take a contrast shower more often and pour cold water over your body.
  3. Do a light massage with your hands in different areas.
  4. Use moisturizing creams and gels that improve the elasticity of the skin.
  5. Don't forget the wraps. Contact them at least once a week.
  6. Wear quality underwear.
  7. Try to eat a balanced diet. This will avoid hormonal problems.
  8. Don't overeat or starve if you don't want to stretch your skin.


Can stretch marks form after breast augmentation surgery?

Yes, they can, due to a sharp increase in volume and stretching of the skin. Therefore, before surgery, it is necessary to take preventive measures against the appearance of stretch marks - moisturizing the skin, various massages, a balanced diet, taking vitamins.


What causes stretch marks on the sides?

If vertical stretch marks have formed on your sides, this is due to sudden weight gain or sudden weight loss. Horizontal striae indicate hormonal imbalance and diseases of the endocrine system.

You need to deal with stretch marks on your sides in the same way as with stretch marks in any other areas, plus you should visit a nutritionist and endocrinologist to normalize your diet and level out your hormonal levels.

Why do stretch marks appear on the buttocks of men?

This is usually due to excessive exercise, as well as sudden weight loss or weight gain. Therefore, at the first symptoms you should take immediate action.


Can stretch marks form on the hips after childbirth, and not just on the stomach and chest?

Yes, during childbirth, when pushing, there is a strong tension in the entire body of the expectant mother, including the skin. It tears, and stretch marks can form both on the thighs and buttocks, between the legs and in other areas. There is also a high risk of getting stretch marks on the legs and calves, since the legs are forced to bear a lot of weight during pregnancy. In this case, doctors usually recommend resting more often.

Stretch marks on the body greatly spoil the appearance and most often appear in the hips, abdomen and chest. It is quite difficult to fight them; this requires a lot of effort and patience. They arise due to the fact that the skin tears and cracks, and on top begins to connect with the help of structural tissues. After this, atrophic scars with uneven edges form, which doctors call “striae.”


Experts distinguish the following types:

- New ones, they have a purple or reddish tint, they occur during the healing of connective tissue at the sites of ruptures in the collagen and elastin fibers of the skin. There is an established pattern that the larger the size of the scar, the more intense its color will be. These are called stretch marks on the body that are no more than one year old. They are easiest to cure even in the most harmless ways.

- Old ones, they are lighter in color. This is the name for stretch marks that are more than one year old. Loss of color in scars is caused by the emptying of blood vessels directly in the stretch marks. Old tears, even if tanned, will have a light shade, since there is no pigment production in the connective tissues.

Reasons for appearance

There are certain factors that contribute to the appearance of unpleasant stripes on the body:

1. Sudden weight gain or loss. In this case, the skin cannot have time to adapt. This problem often occurs in those who are on a diet, as well as in children and adolescents due to active growth.
2. Genetic disposition to the appearance of striae.
3. Use of anabolic hormones or other similar drugs. Most often found in athletes. Such stretch marks appear on the body even in men.
4. Pregnancy. It can cause blemishes due to hormonal changes and stretching of the skin.
5. In adolescents, there is an excess of adrenal hormones. This condition is called hypercortisolism syndrome.

Is it possible to prevent the appearance of stretch marks?


In order to never find out about such defects, you need to spend more time on your skin. If you regularly moisturize and clean it, the chances of their occurrence are significantly reduced. In addition, it is recommended to eat well and exclude white bread and flour from your diet; you should try to eat as many whole grains and cereals as possible.

Regular exercise is a very good helper, since activity helps to constantly keep the body in good shape, thereby eliminating the appearance of microscopic voids.

In order to completely get rid of scars and not think about them anymore, you can use a special gel, scrub, peeling or body cream for stretch marks. It is best to purchase such products directly from the pharmacy. In order to restore already damaged areas, they need to be massaged regularly so that oxygen begins to flow into the cells again and over time they will become less noticeable.



The main cause of stretch marks in women is pregnancy. They can naturally form on both the stomach and chest, because these are the most vulnerable parts of the body. At this time, expectant mothers begin to experience hormonal changes, which can help understand why stretch marks begin to actively appear on the body. There is no escape from this, but proper care can significantly reduce this problem. It should be noted that at this time the use of potent drugs is strictly prohibited, as this can harm the fetus. Therefore, good hydration and folk remedies will be the best helpers for obtaining a positive result.

Ailments causing striae

Many people wonder why stretch marks appear on the body and how to get rid of them. It is important to know that certain diseases can also be responsible for the occurrence of these scars. If the problem does not appear in the usual places for scars, for example, on the back, then it is not recommended to postpone a visit to the doctor. You should not self-medicate; only a doctor can make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Most likely, the doctor will prescribe medications that reduce the production of hormones that cause stretch marks on the body.

Another reason for the appearance of unwanted scars is genetic predisposition. If your mother got stretch marks during pregnancy, then most likely you will also have them. Therefore, it is better to prepare first and start using special creams or gels in conjunction with physical exercise and a high-quality diet.

Stretch marks in teenagers

When the first stretch marks appear in teenagers, they are initially simply shocked, although this problem on the stomach, back and hips is quite common. They are formed due to completely different reasons, which of course are based on changes in hormonal levels. You shouldn’t hope that they will go away on their own, so it’s best to start treatment right away.

Stretch marks on the body of teenagers will soon turn from purple and red to whitish, as the tissues lose pigmentation. Such scars stand out very strongly on a tanned body, and such a disease can cause a huge number of complexes and significantly lower a child’s self-esteem. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to clearly determine the cause of the appearance. Most often it is weight gain, but there can be many factors, they can only be determined by a doctor.

Prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy


Many people know and understand why stretch marks appear on the body during the period of waiting for motherhood, but not everyone is familiar with the information on how to prevent them.

1. Healthy and proper nutrition. It is necessary to increase the intake of protein and vitamins, which increase skin elasticity. The diet must include fatty fish, poultry, fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs. You need to regularly eat fermented milk and dairy products and cereals, as they are rich in potassium.
2. Use special cosmetics against stretch marks. When choosing products, be sure to purchase those that indicate that they are suitable for use during pregnancy.
3. Be sure to consult your doctor; if there are no contraindications, then use a contrast shower, as it increases skin elasticity.
4. Use self-massage of problem areas with small pinches every day after water procedures.
5. Wear a brace and support garment every day. A prenatal bra is used for the breasts.
6. With your doctor, choose a set of exercises that will help your skin stay toned.
7. Use homemade scrubs twice a week. When exfoliating the top layer, the product will help activate the production of the necessary substance to maintain elasticity.

Salon removal methods


Many people are interested in how to remove stretch marks on the body and what is best to use for this. The most effective procedures include:

1. Retinol or glycolic peeling. It perfectly cleanses and promotes the growth of new epidermal cells.

2. Microdermabrasion is the process of resurfacing scars. This method will increase the production of collagen and elastin.

3. Ozone therapy is the introduction of gas under the skin. This procedure is very painful, but effective.

4. Laser resurfacing helps make stretch marks invisible in a few sessions.

5. Injections of enzymes restore damaged tissue and smooth out scars. The effect of the procedure lasts up to 3 years.

6. Myostimulation - during the procedure, the skin is treated with a current of a certain frequency.

7. Plastic surgery consists of complete removal of areas of skin damaged by striae; it is used only as a last resort.

8. Wrapping can be done with sea mud, algae, plankton extracts and mineral salts. It only works on small scars.

Folk recipes

Anyone who cannot afford salon treatments is interested in how to remove stretch marks on the body at home. The most effective methods are:

1. Skin peeling using finely ground coffee beans, this is done every day for several months. It is carried out using a washcloth or a special mitten. The composition is rubbed into local places.

2. Consumption of fish oil improves the elasticity of the integument.

3. Masks made of blue or green clay diluted with water. The mass is brought to the state of sour cream and applied to the affected areas for 20 minutes. Then everything is washed off and a bath is taken with 30 drops of rosemary oil. This procedure is used daily for 20 days.

4. Apply olive oil with vitamin E, as it significantly improves skin tone. This action is performed at least 3 times a week.

5. Self-massage using your hands or a towel rolled into a roll, with further rubbing and pinching. Such procedures are done after a contrast shower. After 20 minutes of manipulation, you need to apply almond or olive oil to the body. With this you can improve skin tone and increase blood circulation.

6. Taking baths with sea salt and oils. For the session you will need 15 drops of orange, rosemary, lavender, apricot, fir oil, as well as any amount of salt.

7. Taking a contrast shower daily will enhance tissue metabolism and help improve blood circulation. This procedure ends with cold water.

8. Daily rubbing of the affected areas with wheat germ oil. This is done before bed for 10 minutes.

Proper nutrition


A well-chosen diet can also help quickly remove stretch marks on the body. Photos of women who have similar problems can be seen below. To avoid such ailments, fresh fruits and vegetables, protein foods and healthy cereals should be on the table every day. It is necessary to eat lean fish and meat, because protein is the best material for the synthesis of elastin and collagen, and these are building materials for the skin. The daily diet should include a complex of vitamins, especially C, A and E, as well as all the necessary trace elements and minerals, which include silicon, calcium and potassium.

A proper diet in combination with another method of removing stretch marks is a very effective and high-quality method that can be easily used by anyone.



Now you need to figure out how to remove stretch marks on the body using rubbing. Regular stroking using various oils is an excellent remedy in the fight against the disease. Orange or almond oil, rosemary, hazelnut, and wheat germ are perfect for the procedures. All these products contain vitamin E, which makes the skin firm and elastic. Movements must be done carefully so as not to stretch the skin, without applying strong pressure.

If you understand why stretch marks appear on the body, then you can choose the right oil or a special pharmaceutical product and begin performing massage procedures, which must be carried out with light rubbing movements for 5-15 minutes. It is best to do this after a contrast shower and before bed. Thanks to this, the effect will be the strongest. There are no restrictions on rubbing in oils, and creams have a shelf life indicated on the packaging.