Why is my face always fat?

There are advantages to be found in the disadvantages of each skin type. What makes a face attractive and healthy is not only nature, but also proper care and selection of products. Every third woman has oily skin. It seems to be the most problematic; acne, comedones, shine, inflammation, and enlarged pores appear more often on it. If you look at it in terms of benefits, this type resists aging longer. Why did the skin on my face become oily, how to deal with it and properly care for it?

Oily facial skin is genetically transmitted to men and women. This is due to the fact that a person has a thick layer of epidermis, and the sebaceous glands function with particular intensity. If too much sebum is produced, the face takes on an unhealthy shine, makeup turns into an unattractive mask throughout the day, and the woman feels uncomfortable. In this case, fatness has cosmetic and medical reasons that need to be eliminated.

Causes of oily skin

1. Hormonal background. Older people practically do not have such problems, because one of the causes of oily skin is an increased level of sex hormones. In other words, excess testosterone. This hormone stimulates the sebaceous glands, which produce sebum. If this is the case, the problem goes away by age 30. Oily skin in women also depends on the period of the menstrual cycle; a hormonal surge occurs in the body during pregnancy. The skin becomes oily or dry depending on testosterone levels. In men, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is stimulated by androgens.

2. Poor nutrition often leads to oily skin. If a person has an unbalanced diet, his diet is dominated by spicy, sweet, fatty foods, he abuses coffee, alcohol, often eats on the go and dry food, the skin takes revenge for this attitude towards the body.

3. Metabolic disorders, excess weight, diseases of internal organs and the endocrine system, debilitating stress, abnormalities in the central nervous system and psyche are also causes of oily skin. It is also caused by a long course of treatment with certain drugs and infections.

4. Incorrect use of cosmetics. Abuse of alcohol-based lotions, scrubs, and frequent peeling dry out oily skin and force the sebaceous glands to work even more actively. Passion for certain salon procedures that injure the skin provokes intense fat production.

5. Climatic and weather conditions are another factor that causes oiliness.

The culprits of pathology can be permanent or temporary. Once you find the root, you can combat oily skin with proper care and lifestyle.

Symptoms and causes of seborrhea

When very oily facial skin suddenly appears, it is most likely seborrhea - an unsightly appearance of the skin caused by internal reasons. Some dermatologists consider it a chronic disease, while others consider it a temporary condition.

  1. oily skin not only on the face, but also on the central part of the back, chest, head, armpits, navel and other so-called seborrheic areas;
  2. small pimples have appeared, these could be comedones, blackheads, acne and other troubles that accompany seborrhea;
  3. the skin acquires an unhealthy oily sheen;
  4. if the face peels, it looks like dry seborrhea;
  5. Dandruff appears on the head.

Seborrhea occurs in men and women. Teenagers are most susceptible to the disease, as it is most often associated with hormonal levels. Dermatologists also consider poor nutrition, stress, the influence of external factors, metabolic disorders and endocrine diseases as provocateurs of the condition. Heredity cannot be ruled out.

Oily skin is a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms. When the ducts of the sebaceous glands become blocked, blackheads or white pimples form. Both are called comedones. Acne accompanying seborrhea requires additional treatment.

Every tenth case of the disease becomes chronic - seborrheic dermatitis. Inflammation worsens during certain periods.

What to do and how to deal with this? Treatment options

Before starting therapy, it is necessary to identify the cause of excessive oily skin. If it lies in heredity, there is no point in fighting, you just need to take proper care of it. But if the fat content increases sharply, while the face peels and becomes covered with acne, there is a reason to visit a dermatologist and cosmetologist. They will help you create a strategy for caring for problem skin.

After examining the condition of the skin, the doctor will order tests and determine further treatment. Procedures that will correct the functioning of the sebaceous glands will permanently rid the face of oily shine and help stop flaking. These include:

  1. vaporization - steaming the face before cleansing;
  2. facial cleansing – ultrasonic or mechanical;
  3. cryotherapy (based on liquid nitrogen);
  4. mesotherapy – saturation of problem areas of the skin with vitamins and microelements;
  5. darsonvalization - exposure to alternating current on the face;
  6. biorevitalization – saturation of skin fibers with moisture;
  7. healing massage.

The procedures are carried out in a clinic and are not cheap. The fat content disappears for a while, after which the glands begin to produce sebum with renewed vigor. Along with such radical methods, therapy is used in a beauty salon.

2. Cosmetological recommendations.

After a dermatologist determines the source of oily skin, you should consult a cosmetologist. In addition to the procedures, he will give the following recommendations.

  1. Water for washing a face prone to oiliness should be at room temperature. Hot food promotes increased fat production in the future.
  2. Alcohol tinctures and soap produce a similar effect.
  3. Carefully study the components of decorative cosmetics. It is better to choose a foundation based on kaolin clay. It would be good if it contained zinc oxide.
  4. Do not use liquid shadows and blush.
  5. The powder has a dense texture and is best applied with a sponge. This will help remove oily shine.
  6. Cosmetics should not provoke the appearance of comedones. It is advisable to pay attention to the “non-comedogenic” label.
  7. Peeling should be done very carefully, preferably at home with a soft brush. Only then will your face stop peeling. Chemical procedures activate the sebaceous glands.
  8. Take care of the problem face using disinfectant and anti-inflammatory compounds. Creams, masks, milk, tonic should be marked “for oily skin.”

What products will help remove fat?

In addition to cosmetic products, you can use natural products. This is the most affordable way. To make your face attractive, traditional medicine recommends homemade scrubs.

  1. Mix half a coffee spoon of salt and coffee, apply to a damp face, massage for a few minutes.
  2. 2 tsp. mix brown sugar with 3 tsp. milk, make massaging movements for 3-4 minutes.

Masks at home:

  1. Mix low-fat cream with lemon juice in a 1:1 ratio. Apply for 15-25 minutes.
  2. 3 tbsp. l. Mix oatmeal ground in a coffee grinder with egg white. Apply to skin after cleansing with scrub.
  1. 1 tbsp. l. crushed mint, pour 50 ml of boiling water, leave and strain. Wipe twice a day after washing.
  2. Soak the grapefruit peel in cold water overnight. In the morning, the infusion will turn into an effective means for caring for a face prone to oiliness.

Even using the most expensive creams, doing newfangled procedures, the problem of oily skin will not disappear if its cause is not discovered. Do not rush to a beauty salon without visiting a dermatologist. The doctor will help you understand the source of the disease and adjust your lifestyle: adjust your diet, daily routine, and avoid stress. If necessary, the patient will be referred to other specialists - a nutritionist, psychologist, endocrinologist.

Anyone can understand why the skin on their face has become oily. The strategy for caring for your face depends only on whether it is important for a woman to look attractive, what means she has and how much time she is willing to devote to her appearance.

With oily skin, the sebaceous glands are overactive, and the skin itself becomes shiny, looks unhealthy and rough. Its owners are well acquainted with the problems of enlarged pores, acne and comedones, seborrhea and sebaceous gland cysts. But why did the skin on my face become oily if it was normal or dry before? There can be many reasons, and they need to be correctly identified in order to prescribe further effective treatment.



Oily skin is most often localized in the T-zone (forehead, bridge of the nose, chin). Outwardly, it gives the impression of being rough, unkempt, shiny and dull, with a grayish tint and oiliness. It is often characterized by an uneven surface; makeup cannot be applied to such skin perfectly (it does not adhere well). It is possible to disguise oily shine with powder or foundation only temporarily.

Spider veins often appear on oily skin. The problem occurs not only on the face, but also on the body (in the back and chest). Most often, oily hair is an accompanying symptom.

Such skin cannot always be perfectly cleaned of excess fat. Subsequently, this sebaceous secretion clogs the pores, and dust, dirt, and dead particles of the epidermis also get there. As a result, the pores expand in a funnel-shaped manner, the skin becomes porous and looks like an orange peel. In addition, acne often occurs on it, black plugs called comedones and whiteheads (milia) form.

CAREFULLY! If sebum not only begins to be intensively produced, but also its structural composition changes, then the problem of oily skin degenerates into a pathological painful condition called seborrhea.


Despite the unsightly characteristics described above, oily skin has some advantages over other types:

  1. it retains moisture better, as a result of which it is not so sensitive and is better protected from the effects of adverse atmospheric factors (sun, wind, frost);
  2. retains its elasticity longer;
  3. less susceptible to aging;
  4. and most importantly, age-related wrinkles on oily skin appear much later than on dry or normal skin.

Hormonal disbalance

There are many negative factors that provoke a change in skin type to oily, but more often this occurs as a result of hormonal imbalance. When and why hormonal levels in the body are disrupted:

  1. The first time this happens is during puberty of a teenage girl. During this period, hormones are still extremely unstable and can go astray.
  2. The next strongest surge of hormones occurs during pregnancy and childbirth.
  3. A sharp change in hormonal levels is observed during menopause.

It is at these moments that a woman’s skin undergoes the greatest shocks - it was dry and suddenly became oily, and acne suddenly appeared. This is due to the fact that the active activity of the sebaceous glands is stimulated by the hormone testosterone.A hormonal surge leads to more testosterone being produced, which means that the sebaceous glands work even more actively and secrete sebum more intensely.

With such rapid and increased production of sebum, self-cleansing no longer helps. The pores become clogged, the skin does not breathe normally, and the results instantly appear on the face - acne, pimples and blackheads.

IMPORTANT! Such pimples cannot be squeezed out and constantly masked with decorative cosmetics. If you cover them with powder or foundation, the skin will not breathe at all, and the number of acne will increase. And the result of squeezing will be inflammation and swelling.

First, you need to determine what the causes of hormonal surges, increased testosterone levels and the appearance of acne are, and only then choose methods to combat them.

Risk Factors Causing Hormonal Imbalance


To normalize hormonal balance, you need to determine what led to a sharp jump in testosterone. The most likely reasons are:

  1. physical fatigue;
  2. unstable emotional background – stress, psychological problems, depression;
  3. wrong lifestyle;
  4. poor nutrition;
  5. irregular sex life.

A woman can eliminate all of these factors on her own. But when puberty, pregnancy or menopause occurs, you cannot do without consulting a specialist. Only he will prescribe the correct drug therapy to restore hormonal levels and improve the woman’s condition.

Non-hormonal reasons

In addition to hormonal imbalances, there are other reasons why the skin suddenly becomes oily.

For example, cosmetics are selected and applied incorrectly. This is one of the most common reasons. There are women who constantly and in large quantities apply decorative cosmetics, without leaving the skin the slightest chance to rest and breathe. The pores are clogged, metabolic processes are disrupted, and as a result, the skin becomes inflamed and acne occurs.

IMPORTANT! Give your skin a break sometimes, leaving it absolutely clean.

Sometimes the skin situation is like a swing - back and forth. Either it is so dry that it peels, then suddenly it suddenly becomes oily. And this happens periodically. In this case, poor nutrition is to blame, especially if periods of dieting and overeating alternate. Balance your daily diet. To do this, completely eliminate alcoholic drinks, fatty, spicy and smoked foods. And after a while, your face will shine with health.

High fat content may be caused by taking certain medications.

Video about the causes of oily skin

Skin type can be inherited through the female line. But a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and regular facial care will help cope with this genetic factor.

Answering the question of what to do with oily skin, we’ll say right away - take your skin type for granted. That is, do not panic, do not get carried away with alcohol-containing tonics and generally do not try to go against nature. And remember: improving the color and texture of your face, as well as reducing excess shine, is entirely within your power.

  1. Why facial skin becomes oily: main reasons
  2. Top tips for caring for oily skin
  3. How to care for oily skin during the day
  4. Cosmetics review
  5. Salon treatments for oily skin
  6. Care for oily skin in men

Characteristics of oily skin

Oily facial skin is characterized by excessive shine and is often characterized as problematic. To figure out whether your skin is of the oily type, Biotherm brand expert in Russia Elena Alekseeva advises conducting a small experiment.

To check how oily your skin is, apply a mattifying wipe to it two hours after washing your face © iStock

Here are some more distinguishing characteristics of oily skin.

Pores are enlarged all over the face.

Increased sebum production, oily sheen.

Blackheads, clogged pores, blackheads and pimples.

The skin is not prone to the early appearance of wrinkles.

Why facial skin becomes oily: main reasons

Oily skin can be either hereditary or acquired.

“Most often, oily skin is a companion of young age. Then, as a rule, it becomes combined,” explains Elena Alekseeva. “Greasiness and shine appear due to hypertrophied work of the sebaceous glands.”

Makeup doesn't stick well to oily skin © iStock

Let's figure out why the glands can go into increased work mode.

Hormonal imbalance. The fact is that hormones have a direct effect on the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Increases skin oiliness, for example, adrenaline, the level of which increases in the body during stressful situations.

Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Poor nutrition (spicy, fatty and spicy foods).

Incorrectly selected skin care products.

Top tips for caring for oily skin

“Many people mistakenly believe that oily skin needs cosmetics containing alcohol: supposedly such products will dry it out and make it matte. This is the wrong approach and will not lead to anything good. After all, the more you dry your skin, the more acutely it reacts and produces even more sebum,” warns Elena Alekseeva.

The most common myth is that oily skin does not need moisturizers, both day and night. In fact, everything is exactly the opposite: the problem of excessive sebum secretion can be solved, among other things, by moisturizers.

By ignoring the moisturizing step, you will not only end up with excessive sebum production, but also flaking, which can worsen clogged pores.

In summer, instead of moisturizers, those with oily skin use products with only a mattifying effect. It shouldn't be this way.

Remember: the skin will secrete sweat and oil in any case, and a lack of hydration will also intensify this process. So invest in creams that provide hydration as well as mattification.

Cosmetics with a light texture are suitable for oily skin © iStock

How to care for oily skin during the day

As with any other skin type, care is required around the clock.

In the morning

Oily skin loves light textures - gels, foams, mousses. It is advisable that they be washable, so the cleansing will be as thorough as possible.

Wipe your face with a cotton pad soaked in toner to remove remaining impurities, refresh the skin and restore pH balance.

For oily skin, products with a light fluid or gel texture are suitable. In their composition, look for sebum-regulating, anti-inflammatory, mattifying and exfoliating ingredients.

Oily skin needs good hydration © iStock

Your main savior from oily shine during the day is mattifying wipes. They contain sebum-regulating components and absorb excess fat, eliminating excess shine. You can use napkins an unlimited number of times.

In the evening

About an hour before going to bed, begin your evening skin care ritual.

Makeup remover Use a special eye makeup remover. Remove the rest of your makeup with the same products you used to cleanse your skin in the morning. A good thing for caring for oily skin is the Clarisonic Mia2 device with a brush attachment for washing and deep cleansing pores.

Toning. This step is required because it will allow the skin to better absorb the components of the cream that you are about to apply.

Application of cream. Apply night cream about half an hour before going to bed. Don't be afraid of formulas with oils: for example, rosemary or lavender oils will help regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The main thing is to make sure that the packaging of the product is marked “non-comedogenic”.

Deep cleansing. Make cleansing clay masks once or twice a week.

Cosmetics review

For oily skin, choose products with a moisturizing and mattifying effect. This will help prevent rashes from appearing.


Light cream-gel with a mattifying effect Pure Focus, Lancôme with lipohydroxy acid refreshes and mattifies.

Ultra Facial Oil Free Gel-Cream, Kiehl’s retains moisture in oily skin due to glycerin. In addition, the formula is enriched with vitamin E, which has antioxidant properties.

Moisturizing emulsion Effaclar Mat, La Roche-Posay has a mattifying effect and helps protect the skin from dehydration.

Corrective cream-gel for problem skin against imperfections and post-acne Effaclar Duo +, La Roche-Posay does not overload the skin due to its light texture and allows you to moisturize it for 24 hours.

Light moisturizer with mattifying effect Daily Moisture, SkinCeuticals with seaweed extract, allantoin and panthenol maintains optimal moisture levels and is responsible for noticeably narrowing pores.


Purifying mineral face mask Masque Pure Empreinte, Lancôme with white clay and minerals reduces oily shine and visibly evens out the micro-relief of facial skin.

Cleansing mask Purefect Skin 2 in 1 Pore Mask, Biotherm Based on sea extracts and white clay, it cleanses pores without drying out the skin.

Rare Earth Deep Pore Cleansing Masque, Kiehl’s Effectively cleanses and cares for the skin thanks to its aloe vera content.

Cleansing mask “Magic of Clay”, L’Oréal Paris with clay and eucalyptus extract not only reduces impurities, but also visibly softens and smoothes the skin.


Gel for deep skin cleansing Gel Pure Focus, Lancôme with lipohydroxy acid gives the skin a fresh and well-groomed appearance.

Deep cleansing gel Normaderm, Vichy with glycolic and salicylic acids delicately removes impurities.

Pore ​​cleansing gel, Simply Clean, SkinCeuticals acts gently thanks to the formula with hydroxy acids and aloe juice.


Exfoliating toner Purefect Skin Toner, Biotherm with algae extracts and zinc provides a visible result: the skin becomes clean and matte.

Rare Earth Pore Refining Tonic, Kiehl’s with Amazonian white clay and allantoin evens out facial skin texture and refreshes the skin.

Salon treatments for oily skin

Your cosmetologist's office may recommend the following procedures for oily skin.

Mechanical or chemical facial cleansing.

Care for oily skin in men

“Men’s skin is different from women’s skin, as male sex hormones have a huge influence on it. In particular, androgens and their derivatives increase the activity of sebum production,” explains Marina Kamanina, L’Oréal Paris brand expert.

Oily skin is more common in men than in women © iStock

Due to hormonal and physiological reasons, men's skin is oilier and tends to clog pores and form comedones.

“The optimal means for cleansing can be products with activated carbon, since it has good absorbent properties and gently cleanses the pores of impurities and sebum,” Kamanina offers a solution.

Another useful component is salicylic acid, which works on the principle of chemical peeling:

dissolves connections between horny cells on the surface of the skin;

allows you to gently get rid of them and smoothes the skin.