A black mole has appeared

Moles on the human body can be of different shades: from light brown to deep black. Color depends on the amount of melanin (pigment substance) - the more of it, the darker the moles.


Photo 1. The color of a mole tells about its character. A black mole itself is not dangerous, but if it changes color, you should consult a doctor. Source: Flickr (Anastasia Catherine).

Causes of a black mole

The darkening of a mole to black is caused by the following factors:

  1. Ultraviolet. Exposure to direct sunlight causes an increase in melanin levels. Moles that are constantly exposed to ultraviolet radiation change color to a darker color;
  2. Hormonal changes. The restructuring that occurs in the body during adolescence, during pregnancy, during menopause, and endocrine disorders can contribute to a significant darkening of moles;
  3. Damage. Mechanical impact on the mole during shaving, scratching, washing with a hard washcloth, and even simple friction with tight clothing can damage the formation, which will begin to darken due to subcutaneous hemorrhages.

Note! If the mole is not completely blackened, but partially, this may indicate its degeneration. You should immediately consult a doctor, preferably an oncologist.

Are black moles dangerous?

Mole - benign formation. In both adults and children it comes in several types:

  1. Flat dark nevus. The most common type of moles. If the spot turns black or a red rim appears around it, this is a signal that can inform about an incipient pathology;
  2. Convex black mole. A black spot slightly raised above the surface of the skin alarms the owner, so such moles are usually closely monitored, noticing the slightest changes;
  3. Red-black nevus. It is less common than others and causes concern due to its appearance. Inhomogeneous color does not mean pathology. It is dangerous if a mole suddenly begins to change color: for example, it was reddish and became half black;
  4. Hanging black moles. Hanging moles should not be black. If the hanging nevus darkens, it means that it has been injured and blood has stopped flowing to it. The mole will gradually dry out and fall off. Experts advise removing dying moles in advance to avoid complications.

Black mole not dangerous, If:

  1. its diameter does not exceed 5 mm;
  2. it has clear outlines of an oval, a circle;
  3. the surface is smooth, repeating the skin pattern;
  4. the edges are clearly defined and not blurred.

Dangerous are:

  1. Dysplastic nevus. A black mole localized to any part of the body. Significantly increases the risk of developing melanoma. Signs: a flat mole larger than 5 mm in size, with unclear contours, asymmetrical, has several shades, the central part is raised;
  2. Melanoma. An ordinary mole that began to change: black, red, blue or white dots appeared, the formation began to resemble a hard lump. The nevus may become discolored, dry, rough, and painful.

We should be wary And nevi, formed after 35 years. Especially black ones, fast growing ones, with jagged edges. You need to undergo examination to avoid complications:

  1. bleeding moles;
  2. formation of nodules;
  3. dysfunction of internal organs: liver, kidneys;
  4. growth of metastases.

Treatment of a black mole

To understand whether a black mole needs treatment, you need to contact an oncologist.

Note! You should not trust the treatment of moles to a cosmetologist: only an oncologist can decide whether the formation is dangerous and whether it needs to be removed.

  1. dermatoscopy;
  2. lab tests;
  3. histological analysis.

If there are more than 40 nevi on the human body, it is advisable to draw up mole map. Based on it, it is easier for the doctor to guide the patient and monitor the growth and development of formations in the future.

Self-diagnosis is also useful - studying moles. Those on the back can be photographed with the help of relatives in order to notice changes in time.

If the oncologist insists on removing the nevus, then the diagnosis has shown possible degeneration. You can’t delay the operation: melanoma is one of the fastest growing forms of cancer.

A malignant black mole can only be removed surgically, using a scalpel. The method guarantees the complete elimination of pathological cells: tissues close to the nevus and those located in the deep layers of the epidermis are cut out. Other methods - cryodestruction (exposure to cold), laser and radio wave removal - are only suitable for eliminating benign moles.

After surgical removal, a wound remains at the site of the mole that needs to be treated to avoid infection:

  1. hydrogen peroxide;
  2. chlorhexidine;
  3. later - with external agents that prevent the formation of scars (contractubex).

There are also folk methods - cauterization with apple cider vinegar, celandine juice, milkweed, treatment with castor oil. Before using them, you should first consult with an experienced dermatologist.


Photo 2. Sunscreens are a necessity of today. It is dangerous to be in the sun without them during the daytime. Source: Flickr (Lena Henry).

It is important! Self-medication of black moles is one of the reasons for complications and the transition of an ordinary nevus to a malignant one.

Prevention of malignancy

It is useful to take preventive measures not only for those who have many formations on their body, but also for those who have only a few of them:

  1. Sunbathe only in the morning and evening, when the sun is not as active as during the day.
  2. You cannot cover moles with a band-aid: the greenhouse effect contributes to the darkening of the birthmark and the penetration of infections.
  3. Fair-skinned people with a large number of moles should choose places where there is less sun to relax.
  4. Avoid visiting the solarium.
  5. Avoid injuring moles.
  6. Give preference to natural fabrics - they do not rub the skin or clog pores.
  7. Get checked regularly by a dermatologist. For those at risk - once every three months, for the rest - once a year.

Note! If changes in the condition of a black mole are noticeable even to the naked eye, this is a reason for urgent medical consultation.

The human body is covered with a large number of moles and birthmarks, which in the vast majority of cases are benign. The risk of degeneration into a cancerous tumor is very low; birthmarks and nevi do not threaten health. A black mole can also be “ordinary,” but it requires a more careful approach. You need to consult with a specialist (dermatologist, oncologist) who will conduct a differential diagnosis and determine whether it is melanoma-dangerous.

Causes of moles

Most moles form in childhood and adolescence. Heredity and genetic predisposition play a key role. In adulthood, the appearance of new formations is facilitated by external and endogenous factors. The most important is hyperinsolation - regular and prolonged exposure of the skin to ultraviolet radiation.

Ultraviolet light is the main catalyst for the formation of melanin pigment in skin cells, and it is melanin that determines the color of the entire skin and its elements. The appearance of a black mole may be a consequence of too frequent and long exposure to the sun. Fans of artificial tanning are at risk, since solarium lamps are a source of intense ultraviolet radiation.

Changes in hormonal balance can contribute to the appearance of new nevi. For women, a risk factor is ovarian dysfunction (imbalance of sex hormones). Changes in hormonal levels can be triggered by taking oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy during menopause. The formation of black moles is possible during pregnancy and lactation.

Dangerous symptoms

Only a very few black moles pose a potential threat. The risk of malignant transformation to melanoma is low, but caution should be maintained. In any case, it is advisable to show the skin lesion to a specialist. You definitely need to see a dermatologist or oncologist if you have the following symptoms:

  1. The black mole increases in size. Even small growth should be alarming; a rapid increase in size is an unfavorable sign.
  2. The surface has changed (becomes “glossy” or loose).
  3. The formation peels off or bleeds.
  4. Unpleasant sensations appear in the form of pain, burning or itching.
  5. The shape has changed, the edge has become striated, uneven, asymmetrical.
  6. The color changes: an ordinary mole becomes black, bluish or dark brown.

Any dynamics should be alarming. There is no need to panic, but you need to make an appointment with a specialist. What you definitely cannot do is try to remove the tumor yourself using traditional medicine. Injury by mechanical or chemical influence is one of the main causes of malignant degeneration.

Melanoma-dangerous nevi

Listed below are specific types of black moles that are melanoma-dangerous. This means that when exposed to unfavorable factors, they can degenerate into melanoma; the risk of malignant transformation is higher than in the case of ordinary nevi.

Dysplastic nevi. This type of nevi is characterized by the presence of melanocytic dysplasia, an atypical arrangement of melanocytes. Only a dermatologist can diagnose melanocyte dysplasia. The patient needs to know that a dysplastic nevus has a smooth surface. It does not rise above the skin, or only its central part rises. The shape is irregular, with uneven edges. The coloring is uneven, with black areas located in the center.

Blue nevus. Despite the name, the formation can be not only blue, but also black. Usually has the shape of a regular hemisphere and rises above the surface of the skin. The surface is smooth, the edges are even. Typical localization is the scalp, feet and hands, and gluteal region. The risk of malignancy increases after injury, including independent attempts at removal.

Nevus Ota. This type of tumor appears only on the face. Characteristic mainly for representatives of the Mongoloid race. The color is black or bluish. The differential sign is the presence of pigmentation of the sclera, iris or conjunctiva of the eye.

Borderline pigmented nevus. The neoplasm is formed in childhood. Subsequently, birthmarks increase in size throughout life, reaching one and a half to two centimeters in diameter. The differential feature is an uneven ring-shaped coloration, with a decrease in color intensity from the center to the periphery. The color is brown, darker in the central part.

Giant pigmented nevus. Refers to congenital. Increasing in size, such birthmarks reach gigantic sizes, up to 15 centimeters or more. A characteristic feature is an uneven surface with “potholes”, nodules and cracks. Hair growth from the nevus may occur.

For melanoma-dangerous moles, the risk of malignancy is higher than for ordinary skin tumors. Such nevi and birthmarks require observation by a dermatologist or oncologist. Malignant degeneration can be caused by exposure to external factors - mechanical or chemical damage, ultraviolet irradiation.


If you have a black mole on your body, it is not at all necessary to remove it, but you need to contact a specialist. The dermatologist will conduct a diagnosis, which consists of examining the neoplasm and studying it using optical or digital dermatoscopy (under magnification).

During the examination, the doctor evaluates the size of the tumor, its density, structure, consistency, surface character, symmetry, edge, color and other signs. As a rule, examination and dermatoscopy are sufficient to make a diagnosis. Biopsy and histological examination are carried out only before removal. In other situations, dermatologists prefer not to injure black moles unnecessarily.

Treatment: removal or observation?

Benign neoplasms of the skin do not require removal, but surgery can be performed for aesthetic reasons, as well as in situations where the nevus is located in an open area of ​​the body, is exposed to ultraviolet radiation, or is injured by parts of clothing or jewelry.

Removal of benign black moles that are not melanoma-dangerous is carried out in the following ways:

  1. Surgical removal;
  2. cryodestruction;
  3. electrocoagulation;
  4. radio wave removal;
  5. laser removal.

Melanoma-dangerous nevi can only be removed surgically. The operation is performed in the presence of an oncologist and involves healthy skin. The removed tissues are necessarily sent for histological examination. Melanoma-dangerous nevi can also be removed in aesthetic medicine clinics if the medical institution has a dermatologist oncologist on staff. The operation is performed in a classical way; cryodestruction and other modern technologies are not used.

If malignant degeneration of the neoplasm is diagnosed, complex antitumor therapy is indicated, which includes surgical removal with wide coverage of adjacent tissues, radiation and chemotherapy.

After the procedure

After removing a nevus, it is extremely important to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. You can’t sunbathe in a solarium; you should be in the sun as little as possible. It is recommended to refrain from thermal procedures. It is impossible to remove crusts at the site of the surgical wound; the skin should be provided with maximum rest. After removing a mole on the face, it is not advisable to use decorative cosmetics.

You can learn more about the diagnosis of skin tumors and methods of their treatment at a consultation with a dermatologist at the Galaktika clinic (Moscow).

Medical expert article

Black moles are an accumulation of a special substance, melanin, the amount of which affects the saturation and shade of the pigment spot.

The appearance of a black mole often indicates health problems, so experts recommend examining your body from time to time for the presence of such spots.

[1], [2]

ICD-10 code

Causes of a black mole

Most often, a black mole appears in place of a nevus of a different (usually brown) color. This can happen for several reasons:

  1. Ultraviolet rays - everyone knows that being in the sun for a long time is harmful to skin health. Remember that black moles contain a large number of melanocytes. They are the ones that degenerate into malignant tumor cells.
  2. Changes in hormonal levels - as a rule, black moles appear on the body during puberty or during pregnancy, during menopause.
  3. Trauma to the mole - even if the nevus constantly rubs against clothing, this can lead to its darkening.

[3], [4]

Are black moles dangerous?

When the pigment substance accumulates in maximum quantities, the nevus can darken to black. Of course, a black mole always looks very unpleasant and dangerous, but this does not mean that it is degenerating or has already degenerated into a malignant tumor. If the size of the nevus does not exceed 4 mm, its surface is even and smooth, and its shape is correct, then most likely there is no need to fear a serious illness.

As a rule, black moles are congenital pigment spots. They often appear in children under 16 years of age and are not a pathology. If a black nevus appears on the body of an adult, it is necessary to show it to a doctor.

[5], [6]

The mole has turned black

Black moles can appear on the human body throughout life. This process is influenced by changes that occur on the skin, as well as external factors. Such changes may not always be dangerous to your health. Sometimes changes in the appearance of moles are considered normal.

It is worth remembering that if a mole turns black very quickly and begins to change its shape, size, surface, then you need to visit a doctor as quickly as possible. Even if the nevus has dried up and fallen off over time, this does not mean that the danger of getting cancer has passed.

Red mole turned black

If a black nevus appeared on its own during adolescence, there is no need to panic. It is much more dangerous if a red mole turns black in a short period of time. This change may indicate that you are developing melanoma.

Please note that a red mole may not turn black immediately. In some patients, black pigment spots first appear inside the mole, which indicates an unfavorable process occurring in the body.

Symptoms of a black mole

Not always, if a mole turns black, it means you are developing skin cancer. Such pigmentation may be associated with changes in your hormonal levels. It is worth understanding that new nevi appear constantly, regardless of the age and health of the patient.

It is considered normal if the pigmentation that appears in a certain place on the skin does not change over time. If a black pigment spot appears on a child’s leg or arm, it should grow with the baby throughout his life. If you notice that the nevus is growing too quickly, or its surface or shape is changing, this may indicate the development of melanoma.

Dangerous is the fact that the darkening of a black mole may not be noticeable at first, but then patches of gray or red appear on it. When a mole darkens, you should pay special attention to the following symptoms:

  1. Itchy skin.
  2. Peeling of the nevus or the skin around it.
  3. Bleeding mole.

Red and black mole

A red-black mole appears on the human body quite rarely. Despite its unpleasant appearance, it does not always indicate the development of skin cancer. Such nevi can be of different varieties, which differ from each other in location, cause of appearance and other factors:

  1. Nodular appearance - appears, as a rule, in the place where a blood vessel “exits” to the surface of the skin.
  2. In the form of a bump - they protrude above the skin.
  3. In the form of an asterisk - if blood vessels extend from the nevus.
  4. Flat - have the shape of a plaque, often interspersed with a black tint.

[7], [8]

Black raised mole

Convex black moles in their properties are not much different from flat ones, but their condition needs to be monitored more carefully. The fact is that such nevi are very often damaged by clothing or household items, which can lead to the development of skin cancer.

There is an opinion among doctors that black convex moles are less likely to degenerate into malignant tumors, since people observe them much more often than ordinary nevi.

Typically, raised black birthmarks are larger in size, so they attract much more harmful ultraviolet rays. Statistics show that in 40% of cases it is trauma or deformation of a convex mole that leads to melanoma.


Flat black mole

People usually pay little attention to a flat black mole, since it looks harmless in appearance. But this does not mean that you do not need to go for regular examinations to specialists, especially if such nevi often come into contact with clothing.

But you should understand that any mole can begin to darken for one reason or another. If this happens, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo the appropriate tests.

[10], [11]

Black hanging moles

Hanging neoplasms usually darken after injury, so you need to be extremely careful and careful if such nevi are on your body. This happens if, after a tear, blood stops flowing to the edge of the mole.

Over time, a blackened hanging mole may dry out and fall off on its own. But you shouldn’t delay and it’s better to contact a specialist in advance who will remove the nevus.

[12], [13]