Pimples all over the face what to do

To effectively combat acne, it is not enough to know a good dermatologist and acquire an arsenal of special cosmetics. Ideally, it is better to prevent a problem, and to do this you need to be aware of its causes.

  1. Causes of acne
  2. Acne map on face
  3. Determining the severity of the disease
  4. Preventive measures to combat acne
  5. Tools Overview

Causes of acne

Not so long ago, recurrent acne on the face received the status of a disease called “acne”, or “acne disease”. The attitude towards them has also become more serious, not just as a local cosmetic defect.

A pimple is an inflammatory element. The process of inflammation is associated with the sebaceous gland. When the outflow of sebum is disrupted for some reason, the ducts of the sebaceous glands become clogged, and acne propionbacteria begin to multiply in them.

To date, several factors have been studied that provoke disruption of the outflow of sebum and inflammation of the sebaceous glands.

Floury, sweet and fatty foods are often the causes of acne © iStock

Poor nutrition

Flour, sweets, and fatty foods are blamed for the appearance of acne - however, these three can be blamed for almost any health problem. Indeed, if you remove these foods from your diet, your skin will become noticeably clearer.

Prevention of rashes includes a healthy, balanced diet and the presence of essential vitamins in the diet. In particular, vitamins A, C, group B. To compensate for the deficiency of useful substances, you can take them in tablets or capsules.

Illiterate care

Oily skin is especially prone to increased activity of the sebaceous glands. That is why she needs products designed specifically for her. Cosmetics for other skin types will not be suitable - they are not able to remove excess fat, if we are talking about cleansing and moisturizing properly (to normalize sebum production).

The ducts of the sebaceous glands become clogged with excess sebum, which mixes with dead epidermal cells, particles of makeup, and everyday dirt. In this regard, when caring for oily skin, special emphasis should be placed on cleansing.

Obviously, touching your face with dirty hands or using unwashed brushes for cosmetics means provoking acne.

Hormonal imbalance

To combat acne, products based on zinc, salicylic acid, and clay are produced. © iStock

And if estrogens (female sex hormones) suppress the production of sebum, then androgens (male hormones), on the contrary, stimulate it. In addition, the point is not so much in the excess of androgens, but in the sensitivity of the sebaceous gland receptors to them. Therefore, with the same hormone levels, one person will have acne and another will not.

Acne in a woman after 20-30 years is a reason to visit a gynecologist and endocrinologist.


These are mainly problems with the gastrointestinal tract. If there are problems with digestion (including as a result of poor nutrition), the balance of microflora is disrupted. This also affects the condition of the skin.

Digestive disorders lead to an excess of toxins in the gastrointestinal tract, from where they enter the bloodstream and can negatively affect the condition of the skin, contributing to the occurrence of inflammation.

Emotional condition

For a person with problem skin, stress is a powerful risk factor. The pimple pops up at the most crucial moment, because this moment is associated with emotions and excitement.

“It is known that the stress hormone cortisol provokes increased production of sebum and, as a result, clogged pores,” explains Vichy brand expert Elena Eliseeva.

For the same reason, the connection between deterioration in skin quality and lack of sleep becomes clear. Lack of sleep is also stressful for the body.

Stress and lack of sleep often trigger rashes. Avoid both. © iStock

Climatic factor

Subcutaneous mite

Demodex (subcutaneous mite) is a rather controversial cause of acne. It lives in the skin of 80% of people, but begins to cause trouble, including acne, only against the background of additional health problems or allergies to its waste products.

Acne map on face

Most often, the localization of the rash indicates that it is in this area that the sebaceous gland receptors are very sensitive to the effects of hormones. It is believed that the location of the rash can determine the nature of the problems in the body. In fact, dermatologists do not support this theory, but for general information we will still write about it.

“Favorite” places for acne to appear are the forehead, nose, and chin. © iStock

Part of the so-called T-zone. There are many sweat and sebaceous glands located here, so the skin is often characterized by increased oiliness. It is believed that rashes on the forehead indicate diseases of the large and small intestines.

In adolescence, acne on the cheeks predominates in boys. If acne appears in this area in women, it makes sense to check the hormonal system and intestines.

The nose is also part of the T-zone, where there are many sebaceous and sweat glands.

Here, acne no longer appears in adolescence, but after 30. They are usually associated with hormonal disorders and gynecological problems.

Determining the severity of the disease

The more rashes and inflammations, the more severe the disease. If we are not talking about single pimples, you should consult a dermatologist.

Preventive measures to combat acne

Clear skin for people whose skin is prone to breakouts is the result of careful daily care. It looks something like this.

Cleansing using a special product: it will remove excess sebum, impurities, and makeup.

Washing using gel or foam for oily or problem skin and toning. Once or twice a week, deep cleansing using clay-based masks is recommended (an approximate scheme for such cleansing is given below).

Hydration – a mandatory step in caring for oily skin. Lack of moisture provokes increased production of sebum. Due to the use of aggressive cleansers, oily skin often becomes dehydrated. It urgently needs moisture to maintain hydrolipid balance. Moisturizing normalizes sebum secretion, which helps fight inflammation and infection.

Camouflage imperfections using foundation, corrector or powder designed specifically for problem skin.

© skin.ru

Tools Overview

Acne prevention program. Cleansing

As a cleansing gel, it cleanses and mattifies the skin. If used as a scrub, it exfoliates and prevents pore clogging. As a mask, it deeply cleanses pores and visually tightens them (apply for 3 minutes, rinse with warm water).

eucalyptus extract, salicylic acid, zinc

Suitable for pre-cleansing before washing: removes makeup, removes impurities.

Completes the cleansing process and tightens pores.

salicylic acid, zinc

Deeply cleanses problematic skin.

two types of mineral clay, thermal water with selenium

Cleanses the skin of excess sebum and impurities, reduces blackheads, pimples and their marks.

charcoal, salicylic acid, blueberry extract

Exfoliates the skin, effectively cleanses pores, prevents the appearance of acne and fights existing ones.

charcoal, salicylic acid, blueberry extract

Useful recommendations for those who have acne on their face: what to do to get rid of them as quickly as possible and forever? Step-by-step instructions will help you do this: identifying the causes and reviewing your own lifestyle, modern treatment methods and folk remedies in the fight against acne.

Acne is nodular inflammation that appears on the face as a result of improper functioning of the sebaceous glands. Their appearance is always a signal from the body that processes are occurring inside it that are not the norm.

Puberty, hormonal imbalance, digestive problems, stressful conditions - anything can trigger the occurrence of inflammation on the skin. Cosmetic measures are often not enough to solve this problem, and you need to undergo a whole course of treatment.

Folk remedies are an auxiliary part of general therapy, smoothing out external defects and speeding up the healing process. So, if you have acne on your face: what should you do to get rid of this scourge and what measures are considered the most effective in combating them?

Step 1. Identify the cause

If the cause of the disease is not identified and eliminated, none of the most expensive drugs and branded products can be a salvation from acne on the face.

The factors that can cause their appearance have not yet been fully studied, and there can be a lot of them. However, it is worth analyzing your lifestyle and the picture of diseases in order to identify possible weaknesses that could cause the formation of acne on the skin.

Having realized them, It is necessary, if possible, to begin eliminating them immediately, otherwise the disease will drag on and stop responding to all your “cosmetic repairs”. Provoking factors may include the following:

  1. Heredity: it is useless to fight this reason - you will have to suffer from acne all your life and use only cosmetics to disguise external defects;
  2. Hormonal activity (puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, menopause): you just need to get through this difficult period;
  3. Stressful situations, which activate the work of the adrenal glands and the release of the corresponding hormones into the body: in the presence of this circumstance, you will need to pull yourself together or make an appointment with a psychologist, psychotherapist and take antidepressants;
  4. Overactive sebaceous glands requires complex treatment, which includes proper nutrition, proper skin care, medication, and salon procedures;
  5. Contamination of skin poressebaceous plugs and dead cells: it is enough to provide the skin with deep and high-quality cleansing not only with home scrubs, but also with more serious professional techniques in beauty salons;
  6. Infection of the skin by microorganisms, suppuration of lesions of a different nature - all this will require mandatory drug treatment;
  7. Long taking certain medications: anabolic steroids, halogen-containing drugs (which contain iodine, bromine, chlorine, fluorine), barbiturates, lithium - may well lead to acne on the face, and the only way to get rid of them is to refuse this drug;
  8. Avitaminosis: according to some studies, a lack of retinol and tocopherol in the body can lead to the appearance of large amounts of acne on the face: this means that you need to provide the skin with these vitamins using a balanced diet or homemade masks;
  9. Bad habitsand: smoking and alcohol cause the appearance of inflammatory lesions on the skin: for the sake of beauty and a well-groomed appearance, it is worth giving up nicotine and alcoholic beverages;
  10. Poor nutrition: As it turns out, not only fatty and spicy foods can cause acne; According to some experts, even such healthy foods as cow’s milk (it contains impurities of sex hormones), seafood (they contain a lot of iodine), foods rich in carbohydrates (they synthesize fatty acids that disrupt the functioning of the sebaceous glands) can provoke their formation. , is sugar, sweet pastries, candies, raisins, marmalade, rice, dates, pasta, honey, jam, etc.;
  11. Insufficient skin care: review all the cosmetics you use: they should be of high quality and suitable for your skin type.

There are many reasons for acne on the face, but they are all possible. The modern rhythm of life, the unfavorable environmental situation, the lack of free time for proper skin care, the abundance of “chemicals” on store and pharmacy shelves - all this is invisibly reflected on the face in the form of hated inflammations, which you want to get rid of by any means.

If possible causes are identified and action is taken to eliminate them, depending on the severity of the inflammatory process, you can use the help of a cosmetologist, or you can try to cure yourself at home with folk remedies.

Step 2. Go to a specialist

If the foci of inflammation on the face are large enough, there are many of them, they do not respond to cosmetics and the actions you take, do not panic.

Modern methods of treating acne are so effective that they guarantee quick relief from them. Trust the experts and seek help from a cosmetology office, where you will be offered a variety of methods for getting rid of acne, depending on the characteristics of your skin.

1. Treatment procedures

  1. Ozone therapy: triatomic oxygen (ozone) has a disinfectant and antibacterial, antimicrobial effect, so that it stops the most severe inflammatory and infectious skin processes. Several ozone-oxygen subcutaneous injections help acne mature faster and not spread further.
  2. Chemical peeling (superficial) allows the skin to be exposed to concentrated acids (glycolic and salicylic acids are most often used), which effectively exfoliate the upper layers of the skin and eliminate sebaceous plugs.
  3. Laser peelingDelicately and painlessly eliminates acne in just a few procedures.
  4. Ultrasonic cleaningfaces cleanses affected skin and improves its appearance.
  5. Phototherapy sterilizes inflammatory foci.

2. Healing ointments

In order to improve the condition of the skin, a cosmetologist can prescribe an appropriate anti-acne ointment. Independent choice of a remedy is unlikely to be successful if the inflammatory process is advanced, since self-medication in this case is fraught with side effects. The most effective drugs are:

  1. "Retinoic ointment" eliminates the causes of acne formation, effectively restoring the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  2. "Curiosin" (gel) prevents the formation of characteristic scars;
  3. "Klindovit" (ointment) is an antibiotic that acts specifically against foci of inflammation;
  4. "Klenzit" (ointment);
  5. "Zinerit" (lotion) also includes an antibiotic;
  6. "Differin" (ointment) is able to regulate the production of subcutaneous sebum and has excellent anti-inflammatory properties;
  7. Ichthyol ointment soothes, disinfects, softens and cleanses inflamed skin;
  8. Zinc and sulfur ointments have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  9. Heparin ointmenthas an analgesic effect;
  10. Antibiotics: erythromycin, tetracyclines, clindamycin, styemycin;
  11. Retinoids normalize the life cycle of skin cells, but at the same time they can irritate the epidermis quite strongly.

3. Medications

Local application of medicinal ointments is sometimes not enough to effectively and quickly get rid of acne. They may disappear for some period of time, but only to appear soon again - and with even greater intensity. Therefore, experts also prescribe a number of drugs for oral use. It can be:

  1. Antibiotics: erythromycin, a number of tetracyclines (oxytetracycline, minocycline, doxycycline, lymecycline), trimethoprim;
  2. Hormone therapy: combined preparations of progestogen and estrogen, cyproterone and estrogen, spironolactone, as well as cortisone injections;
  3. Retinoids: for example, isotretinoin.

A cosmetologist prescribes appropriate treatment only after a preliminary examination and careful study of the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. Therefore, in most cases, it is possible to correctly identify and eliminate the provoking factor and get rid of the misfortune. Self-medication does not have such a high percentage of complete recovery. However, folk remedies against acne can be an excellent additional cosmetic product as part of complex therapy.

Step 3. Trust traditional medicine

If you have recommendations from a cosmetologist, if the foci of inflammation on your face are minor and there are not many of them, you can use traditional medicine methods to combat acne. Most often these are all kinds of lotions, lotions, masks, which contain herbs and products that have anti-inflammatory properties.

Please remember that the naturalness of the products offered does not guarantee safety. Against: they are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance and allergic reactions to them. They should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women. They cannot be used to treat childhood rashes on the face.

Only proper use of home remedies for acne can alleviate skin conditions and get rid of unwanted rashes.

  1. Rubbing with aloe juice

Keep the lowest, juiciest leaves of two-year-old aloe in the refrigerator for at least three days, chop thoroughly, and squeeze out the juice. Wipe your face three times a day.

  1. Rubbing with calendula infusion

Pour boiling water (250 ml) over dried flowers (one tablespoon), cover with a lid, leave for half an hour, strain through cheesecloth, cool. Use for daily wipes three times a day.

Herbs (dry or fresh birch and nettle leaves, dandelion and burdock roots, wild rosemary) in the amount of two tablespoons, pour boiling water (500 ml), boil over low heat for 15 minutes, strain through cheesecloth, cool. Take 100 ml orally three times a day.

Onion application helps when a pimple breaks out, causes severe pain, but the pus cannot break out. In order for this to finally happen, it is recommended to apply a warm baked onion to the inflamed area, secure it with a band-aid and leave it overnight.

Cut fresh lemon into slices or half-slices. Once a day (better before bed) apply them to the pimples for 5 or 10 minutes. At the same time, the skin will not only be cleared of rashes, but also whiten from all kinds of age spots. However, such applications can be harmful to dry skin or if there are flaky patches.

Dilute baking soda with cold water until it forms a thick paste. Apply it to the pimple for 1-2 minutes. Such daily lotions tighten pores and control sebum production, so those with oily skin types will appreciate this folk remedy.

Separate the white from the yolk, beat it thoroughly until foamy and apply to the face for 15 minutes. Do it every 2-3 days until the acne dries completely.

  1. Green tea compress

Moisten a napkin with slits for the eyes and nose in steeply brewed green tea and apply it to the face for about 15 minutes twice a day. Such a procedure will not only stop inflammatory processes, but also soothe irritated, problematic skin, and neutralize the most harmful bacteria.

Honey is known to have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It needs to be heated until warm in a water bath and a thin layer applied to the face for 15 minutes.

All these remedies are effective only if all the factors that could trigger the appearance of acne are carefully analyzed. After all, this may be the most common reaction to some food product or even climate change. In such cases, they usually quickly disappear on their own.

However, if the neoplasms do not go away for too long, and even begin to fester, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor. Before using any folk remedies, you need to enlist the support of a doctor and be confident in the technique used.

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Acne on the face is a rather unpleasant problem, causing a lot of discomfort and various psychological difficulties, since the unaesthetic appearance of facial skin in the presence of acne gives impetus to the development of a lot of complexes. Pimples on the face can be localized in the forehead, above the eyebrows, near the mouth, on the chin, cheeks, nose, and also in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose.

[1], [2], [3], [4]

ICD-10 code

What causes acne on the face?

If acne on the face is located mainly on the chin, this may be closely related to problems with the gastrointestinal tract or problems with the endocrine system (inflammation of the ovaries, hormonal imbalance, etc.). If acne on the chin does not go away for a long time, then it is advisable to consult a gynecologist. Another factor in the formation of acne in the chin area can be a decrease in the body’s protective functions during colds and acute respiratory viral infections. Touching your face with dirty hands too often can also provoke acne on your face in the chin area.

Acne on the face in the forehead area most often occurs due to excessive sebum production, since the largest number of sebaceous and sweat glands are located on the forehead. If acne on the face forms in the very upper part of the forehead, this most likely indicates a malfunction of the gallbladder, various intoxications of the body, and an improper diet. If the pimple is located directly above the eyebrow, this may indicate problems with the intestines.

Pimples on the face around the lips can also be associated with problems of the digestive tract and intestines. For many people, acne on the face in the nose area is associated with increased oily skin and excessive enlargement of pores, with hormonal imbalances that occur in the body during puberty, as well as during menstruation in women. If facial acne forms at the very tip of the nose, this may mean that there are problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. If acne is located on the bridge of the nose, there may be problems with the liver, resulting in insufficient blood purification.

Excessive thickening of the upper layer of the epidermis, or hyperkeratosis, can also lead to the formation of acne. This is most likely due to a lack of vitamin A in the body, prolonged compression or friction of the skin, and exposure to chemicals on the skin.

Acne on the face can occur due to the use of various cosmetics that clog the skin and cause inflammation in the sebaceous glands. Squeezing pimples is strictly prohibited, regardless of location, as it can lead to quite serious negative consequences. If you have inflammatory rashes on your facial skin, you should also not peel or use scrubs.