How to get rid of oily scalp

In the morning you washed your hair, and after a couple of hours the strands look dirty and untidy - terribly unpleasant, right? Those with oily scalp are well aware of this problem. Let's figure out how to reconcile oily roots and dry ends of hair.

  1. Causes of oily scalp
  2. Rules for caring for oily scalp
  3. Special knowledge: cleansing hair for oily scalps
  4. Tips for every day
  5. Professional help

Causes of oily scalp

“The scalp can be naturally oily,” says Elena Eliseeva, medical expert at Vichy. - Most likely, such people also have oily facial skin. In this case, the cause of increased fat content, as a rule, is the sensitivity of the sebaceous glands to androgens, namely dehydrotestosterone, which is inherited genetically.”

One of the reasons for oily scalp is heredity © iStock

Errors in nutrition

Often, increased head fat is caused by a “special” diet, rich in fatty and fried foods, spicy foods, alcohol, and sugar.

Poor daily care

Too frequent washing or, conversely, rare use of exfoliants for the scalp, incorrectly selected shampoo - all this provokes the sebaceous glands to secrete more sebum.

Regular use of heat styling devices

Without a hair dryer, curling iron and hair straightener, it is difficult to imagine the beauty arsenal of a modern girl. But too hot air flow and high temperatures of styling gadgets do not have the best effect on the scalp.

Incorrect washing technique

Unfortunately, most people rub their hair along the entire length, when first of all it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the scalp.

Oily hair is the most difficult to care for © iStock

Rules for caring for oily scalp

The most difficult hair to care for is hair that is prone to oiliness. “It’s quite simple to understand whether you have this hair type,” says Alla Mimikina, L’Oréal Paris brand expert. And lists its main features.

The need to wash your hair arises daily. After washing, the strands look clean, but by the evening they become greasy at the roots.

The ends of the hair do not split.

The strands are practically not electrified (or very rarely).

The hair is easy to style, however, the hairstyle quickly loses volume.

It is impossible to determine your scalp type once and for all. Her condition is constantly changing, because it is influenced by hormonal levels, the work of internal organs (liver, pancreas), environmental conditions, and lifestyle.

When washing, you should first cleanse your scalp, not your hair © iStock

Special knowledge: cleansing hair for oily scalps

Since oily hair quickly loses its fresh appearance, it is better to wash it daily. From time to time it is worth using shampoos for deep cleansing and those that say “to add volume.” Both categories of products contain active cleansing ingredients that dry out hair, so you should use them no more than once a week.

For daily care, look for shampoos with the following ingredients:

extracts of currant leaves, nettle, chamomile, birch, coltsfoot, horsetail, sage, willow bark;

Oily skin refers to the condition of the skin tissue due to excessive work of the sebaceous glands. The latter produce sebum - a natural lubricant. Normally, it protects the skin from loss of moisture and loss of elasticity, and even serves as a natural antiseptic, but with excess production the picture changes.

Description of the symptom

It is worth noting right away: all 4 types of skin that are distinguished today - oily, dry, normal and combination - are variants of the norm and cannot be considered as a disease. However, both oily and dry skin are formed due to improper functioning of the sebaceous glands, and it is precisely the lack of proper care that can lead to the appearance of ailments.

Read more about shampoos for oily hair here.

Oily skin is usually rough, quickly begins to shine due to excess sebum, and accumulates dirt faster. This process affects not only the skin itself, but also the hair. In the scalp, the sebaceous glands are directly adjacent to the hair follicles. Their “responsibilities” include secreting fat sufficient not only to lubricate the skin, but also for the hair. Sebum is also a protection here: it prevents moisture loss, mechanical damage, and protects against ultraviolet radiation. In addition, it performs cleansing functions: gradually frees the skin and hair from weakened horn cells.

However, when the sebaceous glands work excessively, too much of the substance is produced. This leads to the fact that the mechanism for bringing the lubricant out cannot cope. The fat clogs the duct, which immediately disrupts normal microcirculation and, of course, has a bad effect on the functioning of the hair follicles.

Natural lubricant normally has antiseptic properties and protects both skin and hair from a variety of fungi and bacteria. But when accumulated, sebum loses this wonderful quality and turns into an excellent breeding ground for bacteria.

As a result, the sebaceous ducts not only become clogged, but also become inflamed. And this becomes the cause of diseases inherent in oily skin and hair.

The main signs of oily hair are:

  1. hair remains shiny and clean after washing for no more than a day. The very next day a characteristic greasy sheen appears;
  2. hair roots remain clean for no more than 15 hours;
  3. the ends do not split;
  4. styling with a hairdryer does not have any effect on the hair, but it does not help either: it is very difficult to arrange oily strands in your hair, since they do not hold their shape;
  5. the skin on the scalp is often itchy;
  6. dandruff is often observed - large gray scales;
  7. there is a tendency to inflammation and irritation of the skin.

The matter is further worsened by the fact that excessive work of the sebaceous glands does not in any way exclude dehydration of the skin, and in this case a very complex combination is obtained - dehydrated, but oily skin does not allow the introduction of moisture and moisture-retaining substances from the outside.

Possible diseases

A typical problem for oily scalp is seborrhea. There are 3 types of illness. 1 of them is caused by insufficient functioning of the glands, 2 others – by excess.

  1. Oily seborrhea - excessive peeling is observed, horny particles flake off too quickly and in too large quantities and become noticeable. In this case, sebum is secreted in excessive quantities, but the ducts are not completely clogged with scales and the sebum forms a thick whitish substance - liquid dandruff. Individual scales may be present on the hair, but, as a rule, they are well retained by sebum.

Liquid seborrhea leads to inflammation to a lesser extent, but provides rapid clogging of the strands and itching, sometimes very severe. Attempts to wash your hair more often to get rid of it lead to dryness, but they practically do not affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and even stimulate them. Dry seborrhea is distinguished separately.

  1. Thick oily seborrhea – in this case, dandruff forms large, clearly visible conglomerates that are retained both on the scalp and on the hair. Sebum is secreted thicker, which blocks the ducts and quickly loses its antiseptic properties. Against the background of blocked ducts and disturbances in blood microcirculation, inflammation is more than possible.

In addition, a lubricant that has lost its antiseptic properties no longer protects the skin from bacteria and fungi. As a result, a secondary infection or fungus easily joins the primary inflammation. With a thick form of seborrhea, itching and sebaceous strands are the least of the troubles. Inflammations easily turn into purulent crusts, then take a long time to heal, as they are not protected from bacteria. Scarring may form. Of course, hair growth slows down greatly and there is a tendency to early hair loss.

Thick, oily seborrhea with the addition of a fungus is a rather complex disease and does not require care, but special treatment.

  1. Seborrheic eczema – develops against the background of seborrhea itself. Characterized by the appearance of large, greasy, flaky spots. The color is yellow-brown with the inclusion of small papules. The formations cause severe itching, and when scratched, ichor is released, the skin becomes inflamed and forms serous crusts.
  2. Demodicosis – another common condition associated with oily scalp. This damage to the skin of the hair is caused by the reproduction and activity of a microscopic mite. Mites live in the ducts of the sebaceous gland and hair follicle, but they become active and multiply only against the background of excessive work of the glands. Demodicosis manifests itself as various kinds of rashes, against which conventional anti-acne or dandruff remedies are powerless. People with oily facial skin may develop demodicosis of the eyelids.
  3. Alopecia – non-androgenic type. Associated with suppression of hair growth. In this case, the hair follicles do not die, but the hair itself grows poorly, falls out early, and the resting phase of the follicle turns out to be very long. As a result, the hair thins out until the appearance of bald spots and bald spots.

Treatment methods

The procedures recommended for oily scalp are most often not therapeutic, but are aimed at preventing possible diseases. But, in addition, one cannot ignore their purely aesthetic effect: greasy shine and dandruff disappear, itching decreases. curls become more manageable and soft.

Hair, or rather the skin of the scalp, needs treatment in cases where there are diseases.


Medications are used for thick, oily seborrhea, demodicosis and other diseases, as well as when fungi or secondary infections are attached. A course of therapy is also necessary in cases where the active work of the sebaceous glands is caused by some primary disease: problems with the gastrointestinal tract, hormonal imbalances, stress.

  1. In case of disturbances in the functioning of the intestines, liver, or stomach, festal or pancreatin is prescribed. If the cause of seborrhea is nervous shock, then a number of sedatives are prescribed: sedavit, for example, novopassit. For infectious lesions, corticosteroid drugs can also be used.

This does not exclude the use of external products necessary to restore the fat and water balance of the skin. These include special ointments, medicated shampoos, masks, etc.

Pharmacy shampoos and ointments for the treatment of seborrhea and seborrheic dermatitis differ from ordinary ones in that they contain an active substance that suppresses the proliferation of fungi and destroys them. The shampoo performs the main functions: that is, it cleanses the strands of dirt and excess fat.

Read also about anti-dandruff shampoos here.

You cannot use medicated shampoos all the time. This composition is used in courses depending on the severity of the disease.

  1. Shampoo with ketoconazole or erythromycin - Sebazol, Nizoral. These substances destroy the fungus and restore the normal pH of the skin in order to prevent relapse of the disease. In addition, the compositions provide a general antiseptic effect, preventing the occurrence of secondary infections and suppressing the activity of the sebaceous glands.
Composition with ciclopirox - sebiprox, for example. The substance also has an antifungal effect, eliminates itching and irritation. Shampoos with ciclopirox are somewhat cheaper. Sulsen-forte, Sulsena - products with selenium sulfide as an active component. Selenium sulfide slows down the proliferation of fungus and changes the acidity of the skin, creating an unfavorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microflora. Zinc turns out to be a fairly effective substance against seborrhea. This component destroys the fungus, relieves skin irritation, and its effect is almost the same for both dry and oily seborrhea. Shampoo based on tar - Sebuton, Friederm Detge, 911. Tar is a very well-known remedy for seborrhea, dermatitis and psoriasis. As part of medicinal shampoos, it quite successfully suppresses the proliferation of fungi. The product with tar does not act as quickly as nizoral, for example, but its cost is much more affordable.

Read in more detail the instructions for using Sebazol shampoo in this material.

Use medicated shampoos at least 3 times a week. It is prohibited to use balms and conditioners after them. It is not advisable to use styling products during treatment.

In advanced forms of the disease, special ointments and solutions are used. The concentration of active substances in them is higher.

  1. Ketoconazole – eliminates fungus, streptococci, staphylococci. The concentration of ketoconazole here is much higher than that of shampoo, so the effect occurs much faster. However, there is a high risk of irritation.
Mycoket is an antifungal ointment with the same active ingredient - ketoconazole, but with lower concentrations and with the addition of components that eliminate irritation and itching. This option can be used by pregnant and nursing mothers. Clotrimazole, an active substance similar in name, destroys molds, dimorphic fungi, some actinomycetes and dermatophytes. Clotrimazole has a wider spectrum of effects.

The course of treatment with ointments is no more than 4 weeks. The ointment is applied to the affected areas 2-3 times a day.

  1. Sulfur-salicylic ointment - sulfur has a general antiparasitic and antifungal effect, and salicylic acid suppresses the work of the sebaceous glands, thereby depriving the fungus of a favorable environment.
  2. Sulfur-tar ointment - in general, sulfur and tar are considered less effective than antimycotic drugs, but they never cause complications.

Ointments are applied 2-3 times a day to the damaged area. If possible, enhance the effect of the medicine by applying an occlusive dressing.

This form of care and treatment as a mask against seborrhea is not used.

Traditional methods

If there is no disease as such, then you can take care of oily scalp and hair using folk remedies. Their task is to reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands, improve flaking in order to get rid of some dandruff and remove excess fat. A home pharmacy can handle this quite well.

  1. Tar soap is a more than affordable product with many advantages. Birch tar, and this is what is included in cosmetic products, is used for many skin diseases, since it has very good antiseptic and antibacterial effects. Tar slightly dries the skin and disinfects it, preventing inflammation or secondary infection.

Also, for oily seborrhea, it is recommended to use tar shampoo, which is described in the link.

You cannot use tar soap for a long time. Until the acute manifestations disappear - profuse dandruff, plaques, hair is washed every day or every other day. As soon as the condition improves, the number of procedures is reduced to 3, and then to 2 times a week. As a rule, a month's course is enough.

  1. Burdock oil is used for mild seborrhea. Of course, it cannot cope with either fungi or the activity of the sebaceous glands, but it successfully relieves itching, soothes the skin and allows you to soak away the most painful crusts. Castor oil works in the same way.
  2. Not only burdock oil is effective, but also a decoction of burdock root. To do this, leave 2 tablespoons of shavings in 1 glass of water for 15 minutes, and after cooling, rub the broth into the skin.

To prevent oily seborrhea or dermatitis from appearing, it is worth taking preventive measures. Of these, the most successful solution is masks for oily hair. Most of them are easy to prepare at home.

  1. Masks with fermented milk products - kefir, fermented baked milk, matsoni, sour milk. Any fermented milk product successfully dissolves and removes fat and, by changing the pH of the skin, suppresses the activity of the sebaceous glands; this mask is kept on for about 30 minutes.
  2. A combination of 1 tablespoon of nettle and crushed garlic clove is infused in 150 ml of boiled water and applied to the roots of the strands. Leave for 30 minutes, wash off with shampoo, otherwise the smell will remain.
  3. A mixture of equal parts of onion juice and vodka effectively eliminates dandruff. It is rubbed into the scalp, left for half an hour and washed off with shampoo for the same reasons - otherwise you cannot get rid of the smell of onions.
  4. A very effective remedy is a mask made from clay and henna. 20 g of colorless henna is poured with hot water for half an hour, and then mixed with 10 g of clay and 6 drops of aromatic oil - bergamot, lavender, to your taste. Leave the mask on for about an hour and wash off with water.

Folk remedies are suitable for caring for oily hair. But if a fungal disease appears, you need to use medicated shampoos.

Antifungal shampoo can also be made at home. Its main active ingredient is tansy - it contains alkaloids and soda. 1 tablespoon of tansy flowers is poured with boiling water and boiled in a water bath for 30–40 minutes. Then the strained solution is mixed with 1 tablespoon of soda and eucalyptus and tea tree oil - 3 drops each. The resulting composition is mixed with 4 tablespoons of baby or any other hypoallergenic shampoo and used to wash your hair.

Hardware cosmetology

You can cope with the symptoms of seborrhea, prevent its occurrence and even reduce the oiliness of your skin and hair to normal levels using special cosmetic procedures. It is recommended to resort to them after consultation with a dermatologist and trichologist, since hardware methods have their limitations.

  1. Darsonvalization – the scalp is affected by high-frequency impulses. At the same time, microcirculation improves, the acid-base balance is normalized and the activity of the sebaceous glands decreases. This eliminates the factors that cause high oiliness in the skin.
  2. Ozone therapy – is aimed not so much at combating oily hair, but at eliminating the consequences. Its essence boils down to the injection of ozone-oxygen preparations under the scalp with a syringe. At the same time, the hair follicles receive more oxygen and, accordingly, become more active.
  3. Mesotherapy – also applies to injection methods. The composition, including essential vitamins and minerals, is injected under the skin, thereby ensuring normal nutrition of the hair follicles and rapid hair growth. Normalization of acidity and fat balance in this case acts as a kind of bonus.
  4. Plasmolifting – the patient’s own plasma, including a large number of platelets, is injected deep into the dermis. It has been experimentally proven that shock doses of this substance stimulate the functioning of hair follicles to an extraordinary degree. This method is used in the treatment of seborrhea and alopecia.
Peeling – used to remove horny pigs, dandruff and dirt. Solutions with active components normalize the acid-base balance and suppress the activity of the sebaceous glands. Cryotherapy – the scalp is treated with chilled nitrogen. Exposure to cold suppresses the sebaceous glands, but stimulates the growth of hair follicles. Laser rain – the scalp is treated with laser. This is a completely painless and effective method of stimulating hair growth. In addition, fat content is normalized.



There are many methods to combat oily scalp and diseases that are caused by excessive activity of the sebaceous glands. For severe seborrhea or dermatitis, medications are used; home remedies and hardware procedures are effective in caring for skin and hair.

Read also about dry scalp at this address.

Oily scalp causes a lot of trouble and inconvenience for both women and men. Fortunately, this problem can be successfully solved thanks to care products, proper lifestyle and folk methods.

A neat hairstyle and healthy looking hair are an integral part of the appearance of a successful person. But not every one of us can boast of gorgeous hair. Those with oily scalp have a hard time: their hair becomes oily, looks untidy, and suffers from oily seborrhea and dandruff. You have to wash your oily hair every day. Sometimes by the evening the head looks untidy, itching and flaking of the skin bothers you. If you do not respond in time, the condition can develop into chronic seborrhea, which is difficult to treat.

Excessive sebum production is associated with increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp, dandruff and increased oiliness of the hair can spread to the face and other areas of the body. This condition occurs during adolescence due to the process of puberty, but can persist into adulthood. Then the problem needs to be solved comprehensively, affecting the skin from the outside and from the inside. To objectively assess the condition of the scalp, it is better to seek help from a trichologist.

If the scale of the problem is small, then you can try to cope on your own. The main task is to establish the reason why the problem of oily hair arose. If this is a consequence of diseases of the internal organs, then after treatment of the disease the consequences on the skin and hair will go away on their own.

The health of the scalp is influenced by many factors; here are the common causes of seborrhea and oily scalp:

Poor diet, drinking alcohol, smoking;
Hormonal disbalance;
Impaired metabolism;
Abuse of styling products, hair dryer, hair iron;
Incorrect hair care cosmetics.

Basic rules for caring for oily scalp

The main task in the fight for healthy hair is the correct selection of shampoo. Many people think that to cleanse you need a foaming shampoo that will dry the scalp and give you a feeling of cleanliness. But this is a misconception: such shampoos contain lauryl sulfates and silicones, which aggravate the problem of oily hair. They dry out the scalp, which stimulates the production of even more sebum.

If funds allow, then it is worth purchasing an organic shampoo for oily scalp with a natural composition. It is better to purchase special products aimed at treating seborrhea and increased oily scalp at the pharmacy.
If you wash your hair daily, it is recommended to apply shampoo only to the roots and not lather all of your hair, as daily washing will dry out and damage the hair structure, which will lead to additional problems.
Hair care products such as masks and balms should be selected carefully and according to your needs. Many of them are fatty and contain oils, so they should be applied at a distance of at least 5 cm from the roots.
The water temperature when washing should not be higher than 36 - 38°C. It is better to dry your hair after washing and style it without a hair dryer, curling iron, or flat iron. If this problem occurs, it is better to avoid using styling products. Instead of varnishes and foams, you can use special natural-based sprays (it is better if they do not contain oils).
Experts recommend “accustoming” your hair to washing no more than 1-2 times a week, then the secretion of the sebaceous glands will decrease on its own. This is the most affordable method, but far from the fastest: it takes several months to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and all this time you will have to walk around with an oily head. In this case, dry shampoo will become indispensable. This new product has recently appeared on the market. This shampoo has a consistency similar to flour. It is applied to dry scalp along the partings, gently rubbed in so that the shampoo absorbs sebum, and then combed out with a thick comb.

Nutrition correction

Nutrition also plays an important role in the condition of the skin, hair and body. A proper and balanced diet will definitely have a positive effect on your appearance and well-being, so to achieve results you should change your taste habits forever.

The basis of nutrition should be:

Fresh vegetables and fruits;
Poultry meat;
Sea fish;
Dairy products;
Dried fruits and nuts.

These include: liver, eggs, buckwheat and oatmeal, whole grain bread. During the period of spring vitamin deficiency, the use of vitamin complexes is necessary.

Be sure to limit:

Sweets and chocolate;
Bakery products made from white flour;
Coffee and carbonated drinks;
Spicy and smoked dishes;
Fat meat;
Strong alcoholic drinks.

Be sure to follow the correct drinking regime. You need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day. Replace strong tea and coffee with herbal teas and fresh juices from fresh fruits and vegetables.

Correction of hormonal levels

Skin problems are associated with metabolic disorders and hormonal imbalance. Women may have problems with the ovaries or adrenal glands. In this case, you need to make an appointment with a gynecologist and endocrinologist to conduct the necessary studies.

Recommendations for treatment should only be given by a doctor. Perhaps, after correcting hormonal levels, the problem of oily hair will go away on its own.

Traditional methods in the fight against seborrhea of ​​the scalp

When washing your hair, you need to add 2-3 drops of tea tree essential oil to a portion of shampoo. It has an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, normalizing effect, and also prevents dandruff. After regular use, hair stays fresh longer. After using shampoo and applying conditioner, you should rinse your hair with boiled water, acidified with apple cider vinegar or lemon at the rate of 2-3 tbsp. l. vinegar or juice of 1/2 lemon per 1 liter of water. This rinse has a beneficial effect not only on oily scalp, but also on all hair.

Burdock root decoction

A good result in the fight for hair health is achieved by using herbal decoctions of burdock root. Preparation of the decoction:

1 tbsp. l. pour 1 cup of boiling water over burdock root;
Place in a water bath for 20 minutes;
Remove the broth and leave until cool;
Dilute the broth with 1 liter of boiled warm water and rinse your hair after washing.

Oak bark infusion

Also, the use of oak bark gives good results. To prepare a medicinal infusion, take:

2 tbsp. l. oak bark;
1 glass of water.
Pour water over the bark and cook in a water bath for 25-30 minutes.
Rub the infusion into the hair roots twice a day for two weeks.

Mustard mask

The mustard mask is popular. It cleanses the scalp well, has a warming effect and stimulates hair growth. Required ingredients:

1 tbsp. l. dry mustard;
50 gr. hot water;
2 tsp. Sahara;
Mix the ingredients until the consistency of sour cream, add a little water if necessary;
Apply to dry scalp. The mask will burn, so you need to hold it according to your own feelings. If you reduce the amount of sugar (it is sugar that makes mustard so hot), the mask will have a milder effect. Use once or twice a week. The mask has contraindications – hypertension. It should not be applied to inflamed areas of the skin.

Kefir-oat mask

Masks based on kefir or sour milk and oatmeal are popular. It is better to choose homemade dairy products.

Mix 6 tablespoons of kefir (yogurt, sour milk) with 2 tablespoons of oatmeal;
Apply the mixture to the hair roots;
Cover hair with film and a towel and leave for 1-1.5 hours;
Rinse hair under running water and wash with shampoo;
To remove the smell of kefir, rinse your hair with acidified water.

Beautiful hair and a healthy scalp require hard work and self-discipline. Therefore, you should be patient, arm yourself with information, and a positive result will not keep you waiting!