Wheat protein for hair

Wheat – a magnificent natural gift from which you can get not only bread that satisfies our bellies, but also proteins that nourish our hair and skin. Despite the fact that modern technology allows us to purify natural components almost from themselves, unrefined oils and unrefined cereals of the lowest grade still bring us the most benefit. It is from unrefined wheat that gluten is obtained, from which the most valuable wheat proteins are subsequently isolated. Wheat proteins are also known as phytokeratin, a phytopeptide.

Wheat proteins is a protein hydrolysate consisting mainly of amino acids, proteins and peptides. They contain high molecular weight proteins gluten and gliadin. Their key amino acid is glutamine. Glutamine is a component of the most important antioxidant complex, glutathione, which protects cells from oxidative damage. In addition, glutamine is a source of energy for rapidly dividing cells, incl. and cells of the immune system. These cells receive about 1/3 of their energy from the oxidation of glutamine. In addition to glutamine, wheat gluten protein contains significant amounts of proline, serine and glycine.

Gluten, the main protein in wheat gluten, has gained a negative reputation in recent years. It is used to give products (bread, sausages, yoghurts, etc.) the required consistency, as well as to extend shelf life. If consumed in unnaturally large quantities, it, being water-insoluble, can cause digestive problems.

However, in this case we are talking about its aesthetic role. And in this field, gluten does only good. First, gluten is a natural antioxidant. It not only helps extend the life of your sticky hamburger bun, but also your skin. Secondly, gluten undergoes hydrolysis, after which it acquires completely different properties. Hydrolysis makes it water-soluble, and the protein molecules become small enough to penetrate the stratum corneum of the skin and fill the voids of the hair. The higher the degree of hydrolysis, the smaller the molecule and the deeper it can penetrate. And thanks to their composition, proteins are easily absorbed by the skin, nourishing and transforming it. A contraindication to the use of wheat proteins is cealkia - gluten intolerance.

Wheat proteins for hair

For hair, it is a building material that helps restore its structure.

wheat proteins, along with silk and rice proteins, act as active components for protein lamination, which makes hair dense, smooth and shiny. The effect lasts for an average of 3 weeks depending on how often you wash your hair. Positively charged protein molecules help improve hair moisture balance, strength and elasticity, and also help restore damaged structure and appearance of dry and brittle hair. The product works deep in the hair body. Proteins fill voids and unevenness in the hair. Proteins are especially good for damaged hair. Their loose structure allows molecules to penetrate much deeper, and the contrast effect will be most pronounced.

Proteins envelop the hair with a nourishing film, which seals the hair, thereby protecting it from all harmful influences. Penetrates deep into the hair shaft and hair follicle. In this case, the protein keratin is formed in the hair, which gives the hair strength and fills it with healthy shine and silkiness.

Protein lamination is a multi-stage process that is carried out in beauty salons. But something approximate can be repeated at home. To do this, you need to wash your hair with shampoo, apply proteins to the entire length of your hair and warm it up a little for a few minutes. You can warm your hair with a hairdryer through a bag or with a straightening iron through tracing paper. Then wash your hair with shampoo again. And if your hair has experienced at least a little of the hardships of life, then the effect will be obvious.

It is also useful to simply add them to shampoos.

Wheat proteins for skin care

Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult for us to test the effectiveness of wheat proteins in hair care, because this requires hair. And in our friendly work team there is not a single happy owner of at least 10 cm of hair.

But we have skin. We responsibly declare that Wheat proteins show an excellent lifting effect. After applying it to the skin in its pure form, the face immediately straightened out and seemed to be stretched. Wrinkles straightened out even his forehead began to shine. The skin became elastic and velvety. The face is fresher. Even the men noticed. Moreover, those canonical ones who are not strong in assessing halftones and answering the question “what has changed in me?” They always answer with the win-win “have you lost weight?”

Wheat proteins can be applied in their pure form. It is not dangerous or harmful at all. They form a viscous, elastic, breathable film, restore microrelief, soften and smooth the skin. But for all its uniqueness, applied to the face in its pure form, this miraculous natural component feels like a sticky mask with a not very pleasant smell. But after washing, the skin becomes soft and fresh. For daily care, it will be enough to add wheat proteins in an amount of 1-3% to your usual product. Factory-made skin care products with proteins are usually quite expensive, and contain, in addition to a drop of proteins, a bunch of unnecessary things. At the Elena Karpyuk School of Massage, you can purchase pure wheat proteins for less money, as well as base oils that successfully replace the usual cream and gel bases.

All the best and beauty! Respect yourself, use what nature has given us, and not cunning chemists chasing super profits.

Description: soluble in water; It is recommended to add up to 2% to cosmetics for skin and up to 5% for hair; stored for more than 2 years.
Smell: -
Color: -
Composition: proline, serine, glutamine, glycine.
Cosmetic effect
Wheat protein has a lifting effect, smoothes the skin, maintains the necessary level of moisture in the skin, provides moisture to the hair, strengthens it, restores shine, gives elasticity and thickens the hair, its use also has a good effect on the condition of eyelashes and nails.

Humanity needs wheat not only for flour production. Wheat protein is one of the effective components of cosmetics. And now we will tell you how it is good for skin and hair.

  1. What is wheat protein
  2. Useful properties and functions
  3. What are wheat proteins made of?
  4. Application in cosmetics
  5. Review of products with wheat proteins

What is wheat protein

Several wheat components are used in cosmetics and the most important of them are:

  1. germ oil;
  2. proteins (phytokeratin, phytopeptide).

The latter consist of high molecular weight proteins - gluten (gluten), gliadin, liftilin.

  1. Yes, the same one gluten, which is harmful to the figure, has proven itself to be an excellent beauty ingredient. For example, as a natural antioxidant.
  2. Gliadin - stimulator of collagen synthesis.
  3. A liftilin is able to create a film on the surface of the skin that protects and smoothes it.

There is a lot of protein in wheat - up to 14% of the grain composition. To increase their potential, proteins are hydrolyzed, this helps reduce the size of the molecules, making them water soluble and facilitating their penetration into the epidermis and hair structure.

The amino acids that make up wheat proteins are similar to the human ones that form our skin and hair. That is why wheat proteins are perfectly absorbed by the epidermis, stimulate renewal and, accordingly, recovery.

Wheat proteins are one of the effective components of cosmetics. © iStock

Useful properties and functions

Hydrolyzed wheat proteins:

  1. increase skin elasticity and turgor;
  2. level the microrelief;
  3. help maintain optimal pH levels of the epidermis;
  4. fights skin dehydration and prevents it;
  5. neutralize the effect of free radicals;
  6. maintain a protective barrier;
  7. strengthen (compact) the structure of the hair and nail plate.

What are wheat proteins made of?

They contain many amino acids, let's list the main ones.

Glutamine - a precursor to the important antioxidant glutathione, which protects cells from oxidation and, accordingly, from destruction and aging.

Proline - one of the components of collagen, promotes its synthesis, has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Serin is part of proteins and lipids, as well as natural moisturizing factor (NMF). Activates enzymes, improves skin water balance, and participates in regeneration.

Glycine - a natural moisturizing agent that can penetrate into the deep layers of the skin. It is an antioxidant, improves blood flow, prevents rosacea, and inhibits the aging process.

Arginine - one of the components of NMF (natural moisturizing factor), responsible for moisturizing the skin and healing microcracks. It is also part of keratin, stimulates hair growth and strengthens it.

The amino acids that make up wheat proteins are similar to the human ones that form our skin and hair. © iStock

Application in cosmetics

Hydrolyzed wheat proteins are widely used in the production of many cosmetic products, such as:

  1. moisturizing, nourishing, anti-aging creams;
  2. products for children;
  3. tonics;
  4. shower gels;
  5. lip balms;
  6. hair care products;
  7. decorative cosmetics (powder, lipstick, foundation).

Review of products with wheat proteins

Balm-mask for damaged hair Elseve, “Full restoration 5”, L’Oréal Paris

Restores hair structure, gives it a healthy shine, makes it silky, elastic, and bouncy.

Elseve Revitalizing Shampoo, “Full Recovery 5”, L’Oréal Paris

Works to restore shine to strands, regenerate and strengthen along the entire length.

Rice & Wheat Volumizing Shampoo, Kiehl’s

In addition to wheat proteins, it contains hydrolyzed rice proteins, which improve the condition of dry scalp, and honey to moisturize and soften the skin and hair.

Rice & Wheat Volumizing Conditioning Rinse, Kiehl’s
