Rashguard is an athlete's second skin

Anyone who has been involved in wrestling, grappling, mixed martial arts, or any other type of contact sport that involves sparring and is directly associated with possible falls on the mat knows how painful it can be when your body rubs against the mats. Sometimes you can even get burned! To protect their skin from this impact, modern fighters today use a rash guard. Recently, this type of newfangled sports equipment has migrated to the “world of iron sports”; now bodybuilders have adopted it. Why? – read further in this article...

Rashguard is one of the types of special sportswear - a special T-shirt with short or long sleeves. They are made from polyester, nylon or spandex. There are variations of this clothing:

  1. tight-fitting body
  2. loose fit.

A good selection of high-quality sportswear is offered by the specialized online store Perun-Shop, where in the “rashguards” section you can buy modern models from leading brands.

Rushguard (the English name for this miracle) was first used by surfers at the end of the 20th century. Such “special clothing” well protected the athlete’s body from impacts on the board or water, while simultaneously protecting the skin from irritation caused by sea water. It kept you warm, which, you see, is important in cold water. And in Brazil, the athletes who practiced capoeira were also big fans of surfing, and adopted the fashion for such uniforms from their colleagues from Australia - when they first lay on the sand in a rash guard, they immediately realized how important and useful such clothing is.

Among non-combat sports, American football players were the first to use such equipment. Moreover, the North American company Under Armor quickly established their production. New-fashioned innovative T-shirts consistently keep muscles in an optimal warmed state throughout the entire workout. They also do not get wet like simple cotton T-shirts and wick away water perfectly.

In addition to its unsurpassed sports qualities, rushguard is also useful from a hygienic point of view: after all, during wrestling, athletes’ bodies come into contact with each other and with the mats. So there is a very high probability of contracting various skin diseases. The same goes for bodybuilding. When you lie down on a machine bench, you don’t know who did it before you. And contracting a skin disease is as easy as shelling pears. But if you train in a rash guard, then not only will it be much more convenient for you to perform the exercise, but you don’t even have to think about hygiene - the super-shirt will reliably protect you.

When choosing rushguard, you should pay special attention to the main parameters. These are the material, the impregnation of the fabric, the cut, the size, and, of course, the pattern.

It is very important to choose the right size. After all, it should fit the athlete’s body. Of course, some people wear these clothes freely, it’s not for everyone, but it’s wrong. That's right - tight. Only then will the workwear perform its functions to the maximum. It should exert light pressure on the muscles. Don't push with all your might, like a bench shirt in powerlifting, but push lightly. But at the same time it should not hinder your movements. Otherwise it will simply break. And when worn loosely, a rash guard is simply a decoration for the athlete’s torso, since there will be no benefit from it.

Now cut it. There are rash guards, as already mentioned, with short and long sleeves. Listen to good advice - buy a product with long sleeves. This will protect your elbows and forearms. In its production, a flat stitching system is used, due to which the product becomes durable, the seams are practically not felt. That is, nothing interferes with the athlete, does not press anywhere, and does not restrict movements. No wonder they call this product a second skin.

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