Several popular myths about hypertension

If your blood pressure is high, you have hypertension. In fact, it can go beyond the upper limit of normal (140/90) even in an absolutely healthy person. This happens when the weather changes, there is strong excitement, climbing stairs, while jogging... That is why we should be wary not of a rise in blood pressure, but of situations that provoke a prolonged rise in pressure.

People become hypertensive with age. In fact, young people also suffer from hypertension. The disease is rapidly making people younger, and what is most unpleasant is that most of its victims do not complain about their health and do not even suspect that they have high blood pressure.

To relieve tension, including from the arteries, it is useful to give vent to anger. In fact, it's better not to lose your temper. For those who have poor self-control in stressful situations, blood pressure makes a sharper and longer jump.

Drinking coffee is harmful to blood vessels. In fact, this drink primarily increases low blood pressure, helps to cheer you up, and relieves weakness, dizziness and ringing in the ears that accompany hypotension.

You can lower your blood pressure by trying to drink less fluids. In fact, keeping the heart and blood vessels dry soldered is dangerous. Systematic lack of drinking leads to a decrease in circulating blood volume.

Cigarettes calm the nerves and normalize blood pressure. In fact, they are raising it. Nicotine increases the tendency of arteries to spasm.

Low blood pressure is no better than high blood pressure. In fact, hypotension can be a variant of the norm in an absolutely healthy person, but hypertension can never be.

Sex normalizes blood pressure. In fact, this is only true for men. It only works on a woman if the couple does not use condoms.

People who are hypertensive and hypertensive are more likely to become hypertensive. In fact, those who are very shy, who constantly focus on their shortcomings, and who are under emotional stress are the first to risk developing hypertension.

Hypertension is inherited. In fact, if there were cases of early (adolescent) hypertension, heart attack or stroke in the family at a young age (before 40 years), if one or both parents died before the age of 60 from a disease associated with hypertension, then the danger really exists.