Nicotine trend: fashionable, but dangerous!

Every smoker knows about the dangers of smoking, but only makes excuses that he does not depend on his addiction and uses a small dose of nicotine, which is not capable of harming his health. However, none of them realizes the full extent of this danger.

Despite the huge amount of harmful substances in tobacco, the high risk of mental, cardiovascular and other diseases, smokers are in no hurry to get rid of their habit. They simply came up with a convenient explanation for themselves: “I don’t smoke cigarettes one after another, but I just indulge sometimes, it takes 5-6 cigarettes a day. Cigarettes help cope with stress and add a touch of brutality to your external image. You can’t even really call me a smoker.” And who then? The fact is that nicotine in any amount - even a couple of pieces on Saturdays - exposes the immune system to toxins and carcinogens, which lead to a whole chain of serious diseases - from lung cancer to heart disease.

First of all, premature skin aging (wrinkles, spots) and infertility destroy a young body. Yes, studies show that women who smoke have a very high risk of miscarriage and infertility.

You unwittingly become a nicotine hostage, since now you spend most of your time looking for a new cigarette, putting more important needs into the background. Stop deceiving yourself - there are no “half-smokers”, as well as a fleeting passion for cigarettes, because there is nothing more permanent than temporary.