The mystery of Thai foot massage

Thai foot massage is one of the most popular wellness procedures performed in Thailand and beyond. The meaning of massage therapy lies in the impact on biologically active points of the foot. The technique is borrowed from Chinese medicine. Stimulation of these points normalizes the functioning of internal organs and the entire body.

Thai foot massage can be performed at any age. The technique is perfect as an additional complex treatment to the main therapy.

What effect can be achieved by performing a Thai foot massage procedure:

  1. Perfectly relaxes the body while stimulating it.
  2. Improves performance.
  3. Increases blood circulation.
  4. Helps align energy in the body, and in particular in the lower torso.
  5. A person’s walking becomes easier, the heaviness in the legs goes away.
  6. Improves joint mobility.
  7. Strengthening the immune system.

How to do Thai foot massage

Thai foot massage technique

One of the techniques of Thai foot massage.

Thai technique involves pressing on biologically active points of the foot using hands, a massager, or special wooden sticks. The fingers and calf muscles are also stretched. The massage is performed using natural aromatic oils, which have a calming, tonic, warming effect.

All techniques are performed very carefully, gently, calmly. The feet are first compressed, then curled, the toes are gently extended, and then the heels are tapped. The massage procedure can be performed in a chair, on a couch, or on a massage mat. After the first session, the patient will feel incredible lightness in his legs.

There are practically no special contraindications to foot massage using the Thai method. But the group of “undesirable patients” includes people with varicose veins, pregnant women, vein thrombosis, fungal infections of the legs, and high blood pressure.

By the way, foot massage serves as a kind of diagnostic method for determining the pathologies of a particular area (worsening of the condition in a particular area can be determined by the greater sensitivity of one of the points located on the foot).