Honey massage technique at home

It is not known who was the first to decide to use bee honey instead of regular massage oil, but this idea quickly spread throughout the world.

In the Middle Ages, honey massage was used by everyone who could afford it, both for cosmetic and medicinal purposes.

And in the notes of the French surgeon Ambroise Pare, even a recipe for a honey-based ointment was preserved, which he used to rub into diseased areas of the patients’ bodies. In the Russian tradition, this procedure especially stands out among other types of massage.

Honey massage: benefits

Massage itself has a powerful effect on the body. What are the benefits of honey massage:

  1. blood circulation accelerates;
  2. muscle spasm is relieved;
  3. the outflow of blood and lymph from the periphery of the body to the center improves;
  4. the immune system is activated;
  5. metabolism proceeds faster;
  6. toxins and cell waste products are removed from the body;
  7. the functioning of internal organs is improved.

As a result, the patient’s well-being and appearance improves, and many health problems are solved.. The use of bee honey as a basis for massage increases its effectiveness due to the fact that honey:

  1. acts as peeling (or sugaring), helping to remove dead layers of the epidermis;
  2. stimulates blood flow and skin respiration;
  3. accelerates the elimination of toxins;
  4. activates metabolic processes in the skin and subcutaneous tissues;
  5. its composition is close to blood plasma - it is quickly absorbed into the skin and penetrates the bloodstream, from where all biologically active substances and chemical elements enter the cells of internal organs, improving their functioning;
  6. has an antimicrobial effect - disinfects the skin and accelerates the healing of minor injuries;
  7. improves your mood with its aroma.

Due to the unique consistency of this natural gift, the massage therapist’s movements become more effective - he carefully works the deep layers of tissue, from skin to muscles. At the same time, nerve endings are stimulated, through which the functioning of internal organs is regulated. Therefore, this procedure has not only a cosmetic, but also a powerful therapeutic effect.

Honey selection

It is very important that the honey used in the work of a massage therapist has the appropriate consistency - it is moderately liquid and moderately thick, but in no case candied.

In addition, it must contain a sufficient amount of biologically active substances and microelements.

Therefore, in good salons, only natural products are used that have passed the necessary controls and purchased from reliable suppliers or manufacturers.

Last year's honey is carefully melted at a low temperature, but preference is given to the fresh harvest. In some cases, the type of honey is also taken into account. For example, linden, like linden itself, has a strong diaphoretic effect. It is indispensable in the fight against extra pounds and cellulite.

But buckwheat has a strong anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and wound-healing effect. It stimulates cell regeneration processes, due to which it is actively used to combat age-related changes, acne (without exacerbation) and is well suited for sensitive skin.

Flower honey is considered a more universal base - it can be used in any case. Some cosmetologists and massage therapists mix different types to get a versatile effect.

Healthy Supplements

Most often, essential oils are added to honey, which help to achieve a certain effect. Citrus oils, for example, help break down fat deposits. Chamomile, mint and rose soothe and relieve irritation. Tea tree, jojoba oil and lavender rejuvenate, while neroli and bergamot purify.

The cosmetologist selects supplements based on the characteristics of the patient’s skin, his age, and existing problems.

Areas of the body to be affected

This technique is used to work on almost any area of ​​the body. It all depends on what effect the massage therapist or patient wants to achieve.

The abdominal area is massaged to improve digestion: normalize the functioning of the liver, gall bladder, and intestines.

In addition, massage helps tone the abdominal muscles, get rid of cellulite and speed up the breakdown of fat deposits in this area.

The face and neck area is massaged to rejuvenate, cleanse the skin, and improve appearance. By regularly performing a honey facial massage, you will get rid of small facial wrinkles, tighten the contours of your face, get rid of swelling, bags under the eyes, “bulldog cheeks” and other problems.

Honey back massage is often used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes - to relieve tension and stress, eliminate pain and muscle spasms. Targeted treatment of the chest area helps to get rid of cough and improves the condition of chronic respiratory diseases.

Foot massage helps improve venous outflow and eliminate lymph stagnation; it is effective for chronic venous insufficiency and varicose veins. It makes the skin of the feet soft and silky to the touch, helps to relax and improve overall well-being by affecting the reflex points of the skin of the foot.

How to do

They help warm up the skin and muscles and prepare them for deeper massage effects. Then the massage therapist takes a little warmed honey and gently applies it to the area of ​​the body being treated.

With light sliding movements, he distributes this healing mass over the skin, and then begins to “drive” it into the thickness of the skin with patting movements.

As the sticky mass is absorbed, the massage therapist’s palms become increasingly difficult to tear away from the skin. By lifting them, he removes dead epidermal cells from its surface, and also affects the deep layers of soft tissue and the nerve endings hidden in them.

If the purpose of the massage is a superficial effect on the skin and nourishing it with honey, then the massage therapist works with his fingertips, and deep tissues are not affected. On average, it takes a massage therapist about twenty minutes to work on one anatomical area, and about an hour on the whole body.

Anti-cellulite for weight loss

To combat cellulite and excess weight, both massage and honey wraps are used. Their effectiveness in this case is due, firstly, to the acceleration of blood circulation, lymph flow and metabolic processes in the treated area, and secondly, to the composition and properties of the honey itself. This is why this honey massage for weight loss is very popular.

Often these methods are combined with each other, thereby increasing their effectiveness. First, the massage therapist works well on the “problem area,” and then wraps it in film and covers the patient with a warm blanket. Honey penetrates deep into the skin and bloodstream where it works its magic.

Sometimes a fresh layer of slightly warmed honey is applied before wrapping. This contributes to more active saturation of tissues and the body as a whole.

It is recommended to conduct such honey anti-cellulite massage sessions at intervals of one day, that is, three to four times a week. This mode allows you to get maximum results in a relatively short time.

End of session

Despite all the beneficial properties of honey, it is unlikely that anyone will want to leave the massage therapist’s office without washing off this magical, but incredibly sticky substance.

Therefore, after a massage or wrapping session, the patient is invited to take a shower or visit a bathhouse (sauna) to put his body in order.

Along with the remaining honey, the dead surface layers and metabolic products that came out along with sweat will be washed away from the skin. It is recommended to use a rough washcloth or scrub for a more thorough cleansing.

In addition, after the procedure you will need to drink a lot of liquid - clean drinking water or herbal tea. This is necessary because through his actions the massage therapist triggered many metabolic processes in the body.

Metabolic processes can only occur in the presence of the most important solvent in our body - water. At a minimum, a liter to one and a half liquid must be consumed to prolong the healing and cosmetic effect of the massage.

Indications for use

There are many indications for honey massage. First of all, this is:

  1. excess weight;
  2. poor health, fatigue, stress;
  3. insomnia;
  4. tension headaches;
  5. back pain caused by muscle tension and spasm;
  6. osteocondritis of the spine;
  7. glenohumeral periarthrosis;
  8. chronic joint pathologies (arthritis in remission, arthrosis);
  9. chronic respiratory diseases (beyond the acute stage);
  10. sluggish digestion;
  11. frequent colds;
  12. neuroses, vegetative-vascular dystonia.

In addition, this technique is used to:

  1. cleansing facial skin, getting rid of blackheads;
  2. improving the appearance and condition of the skin;
  3. increasing elasticity and moisturizing the skin;
  4. rejuvenation, tightening of facial contours, getting rid of a double chin, “bulldog cheeks”, folds in the nasolabial triangle, drooping eyelids;
  5. fight acne, pimples;
  6. weight loss;
  7. cellulite treatment and figure correction;
  8. increasing overall vitality, mental and physical performance.

Bad mood and fatigue can also be a reason for a session!

Carrying out this massage in a bathhouse, when the body is more relaxed and the pores are maximally open, will also have a positive effect.


Honey massage, contraindications:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. any disease in the acute stage;
  3. oncological pathologies;
  4. allergy to bee products;
  5. menstruation.

If there are open wounds, lesions and pustules on the skin in the area of ​​the massaged area, the session is postponed until they are completely healed.

How much does this pleasure cost?

Honey massage: the price for a honey massage session ranges from 300 to 500 rubles for one area of ​​the body. The average course is from 5 to 7 procedures. Some salons offer comprehensive treatment of the whole body, the cost of which usually ranges from 800-1000 rubles per procedure.

Due to its relatively low cost and effectiveness, honey massage is one of the most affordable and popular procedures today. With its help, many cosmetic and medical problems are solved. And, despite the fact that anyone can master this technique and do a honey massage at home, many prefer to visit a salon, because the skillful hands and professionalism of a massage therapist significantly increase the effectiveness of treatment.

Honey massage: video review

Watch a useful video about honey massage of the back, abdomen and face:

Honey massage is one of the most popular cosmetic and wellness procedures. It gives a fresh look to the skin, tones, improves immunity and mood, relieves chronic fatigue, helps in the fight against cellulite, osteochondrosis and arthritis.


Honey as a massage product

To understand what results honey massage can achieve and how to do it correctly, let’s talk about the basic techniques and mechanisms of action on the body.

Preparation and technique

Like any intensive procedure, honey massage begins with preparing the skin. Before applying honey, the massage therapist strokes and lightly rubs the areas that will be worked on in the future.


Preparatory procedures

The type of honey is not of fundamental importance. A small amount is needed (for example, one small spoon for the back and each leg). The product is not smeared or rubbed into the skin; it is applied by lightly touching the patient's body. Then work begins with light patting movements. The specialist’s palms alternately touch the surface of the skin and immediately leave it.

It is important for anyone who is going to practice massage at home to know: the meaning of the positive effect is not valid. It is enough that the skin, sticking to the honey-covered palms, is pulled back. This is what triggers important processes in all its layers, including fatty tissue, as well as in blood vessels. Another rule: the massage therapist’s hands should be as relaxed as possible.

After the massage, you need to take a shower, you can lie down or sit quietly, leaning back in your chair; a cup of green or herbal tea will be beneficial.

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Processes and positive effects

In various descriptions, honey massage is endowed with many wonderful properties. Some of them have been proven by practice, others exist at the level of myths and speculation (more on this below). What exactly happens in the body during the procedure and why does it help with various diagnoses?


Sticky honey glues the patient's skin to the massage therapist's palms. It stretches when moving upward, pulling subcutaneous fatty tissue and blood vessels along with it. Increased blood flow is created. Sometimes the capillaries burst and microhematomas are formed. They should not be confused with bruises. Unlike large hematomas, they do not cause harm. On the contrary, their resorption triggers immune processes. The body begins to actively produce heparin, which thins the blood.

At the same time, honey helps remove old particles of the epidermis, and the upper layer of skin is regenerated. The unique natural composition nourishes tissues, soothes, and relieves irritation. Therefore, it is also used for masks and wraps using cling film.

Massage with honey provides both therapeutic and cosmetic effects. Separately, we can note the improvement in psycho-emotional state and mood after the procedure.

The aesthetic component is present in the form of tightened, smoothed, radiant skin. It is especially noticeable on the face. In this case, the easiest way is to master self-massage techniques and conduct useful sessions at home. Read more in the article: “Honey facial massage”

We often hear about the anti-cellulite properties of the technique. Indeed, stretching and stimulating subcutaneous fat, for example in the abdominal area, helps normalize tissue structure. To get rid of the orange peel effect, it is also recommended to work on the hips and buttocks. Such procedures are difficult to carry out independently.


Anti-cellulite buttock massage with honey

It is believed that honey massage is good for colds and bronchitis. This is true. Many patients with pulmonary problems have reported positive results. When coughing, massage the chest area directly. Along with the movements described above, tapping is used to help the patient clear his throat. The greatest effect is obtained from a session in a bathhouse. Sometimes eucalyptus and other oils that are beneficial for the respiratory system are added to honey. This medical procedure is recommended for both adults and children. But you need to remember that children's skin is very sensitive and work even more delicately.

The technique also shows itself well in the prevention of osteochondrosis. Under conditions of active exposure, the trophism of the tissues surrounding the spine, including the cervical region, improves. In addition, quality relaxation helps relieve back and neck pain.

Massage is effectively used in the prevention of joint diseases: arthrosis and osteoarthritis, which in everyday life is called salt deposition. This is also explained by the activation of metabolic processes around the joints. Let us emphasize that we are talking about prevention or the initial stage of the disease. It is impossible to correct complex cases with massage alone.

Honey procedures are good for health, they provide a complex positive effect. However, in advertising and online discussions it is credited with truly miraculous properties, not all of which correspond to reality.

Here are four of the most popular myths:

  1. Honey has characteristics close to blood plasma and is integrated into it, delivering vitamins and microelements to all organs.
  2. The bee product “pulls” toxins out of the skin.
  3. Significant pain is a sign of an effective procedure.
  4. Massage helps you lose weight.

The first myth must be recognized as untenable. It is the different concentrations of substances in the blood plasma and honey that make it possible for the latter to penetrate into tissues.

A useful product nourishes the skin itself, giving it a blooming appearance. Transport of vitamins to internal organs does not occur.

Honey remaining on the skin at the end of the session is often demonstrated as proof of the second statement. It changes its color from golden to white or gray. Supposedly it is toxins and impurities coming out. In fact, this shade appears due to saturation with air bubbles, as well as mixing with dead skin cells and impurities located in the pores. The latter is very good, because delicate peeling promotes tissue renewal and rejuvenation.

The origin of the third myth is difficult to explain. In reality, the severity of the impact is not a criterion for effectiveness. A massage therapist who hurts a patient most likely does not have a good grasp of the technique. Painful sensations that are difficult to cope with occur in rare individual cases: when the skin is too sensitive or abundantly covered with hairs.

As for weight loss, massage can be used in a set of techniques aimed at combating excess weight. It improves the condition of the skin and subcutaneous fat, is used to get rid of cellulite (lipodystrophy), and prevents the formation of stretch marks. At the same time, massage treatments alone do not help get rid of extra pounds. Activation of processes in adipose tissue gives only a short and insignificant effect of weight loss.

Recommendations and contraindications

Like most techniques, honey massage has indications and contraindications. Among the first:

  1. osteochondrosis (including prevention);
  2. lung diseases (except the acute stage);
  3. arthritis and arthrosis;
  4. cellulite;
  5. decreased immunity;
  6. the period after suffering stress, depression;
  7. physical fatigue, mental overload.

Contraindications to massage are:

  1. blood clotting disorder;
  2. open wounds, burns, skin diseases;
  3. heat;
  4. allergic reaction to honey and propolis;
  5. cardiovascular diseases (massage is allowed no earlier than 6 months after a heart attack or stroke);
  6. fractures and other injuries (recovery period).

Pregnancy imposes certain restrictions. On the one hand, it is not an absolute contraindication; on the other hand, it requires caution. All manipulations are performed without pain, without affecting the thyroid gland, breast, or location of the lymph nodes. The decision on such procedures must be agreed with the doctor who is managing the pregnancy.

Do a honey massage often, but not every day. The top layer of skin that is peeled simply does not have time to recover in 24 hours. There should be at least two days between sessions.

By following the recommendations and listening to your body, you can truly enjoy the massage without any side effects.

Video tutorial on anti-cellulite procedures

Everyone knows the beneficial properties of honey. It is used in cooking, official and folk medicine. Another way to use this bee product is massage with honey. The procedure is aimed at normalizing a number of processes in the body. Women often resort to it to get rid of cellulite and to lose weight.


No one knows exactly when this method was first used. In Ancient Rus', one of the main methods of treatment was the bath. After steaming with birch or oak brooms, rubbing with decoctions of medicinal herbs was used. This is how they got rid of colds, joint pain, and various ailments. Trips to the bathhouse were not complete without honey.

Currently, this technique is considered one of the best reflexology procedures. It combines the beneficial effects of physical impact and the healing properties of a bee product. During the session, you can notice how the transparent liquid honey thickens and turns white. This fact indicates the removal of toxic substances from the body, as well as deep cleansing of the skin.

The composition of honey is enriched with enzymes, vitamins and microelements. Thanks to the warming movements of the hands, blood flow to the skin increases, which promotes the active absorption of substances. Cosmetology uses honey massage for such purposes as:

  1. improving skin elasticity,
  2. normalization of blood circulation,
  3. reduction in the proportion of subcutaneous fat,
  4. cleansing and exfoliation of the surface layer of the epidermis,
  5. fight against stretch marks,
  6. removal of blackheads,
  7. elimination of inflammatory skin processes,
  8. healing of damaged areas.

The beneficial properties are also used for general therapeutic purposes. It is prescribed for the following conditions:

  1. nervous exhaustion, depression,
  2. physical fatigue,
  3. arterial hypertension or hypotension,
  4. diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  5. weak immunity, the need to activate the immune system during respiratory diseases,
  6. headache,
  7. joint pathologies (arthrosis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis of any part of the spine),
  8. chronic bronchitis outside the exacerbation phase.

Rules for massage

How to do a honey massage is taught in specialized courses. However, with proper preparation and following a number of the rules below, you will not have any problems being able to repeat the technique of this massage at home.

Honey selection

The type of product does not matter - you can take any (for example, acacia would be the optimal choice). If the honey is candied, it must first be melted. For this, a water bath is most often used, since when the sweet mass is heated over an open fire or in the microwave, there is a high probability of losing valuable qualities.

If there is no honey in stock, you should purchase it responsibly. You must choose a natural product, without impurities or additives.

Preparing for a massage

You should take a shower before the procedure. This is necessary not only from a hygienic point of view. Warm water helps soften the skin, open pores, and increase blood circulation. It is advisable to use a scrub to exfoliate dead particles of the epidermis. After a shower, dry yourself well with a towel. Moisture prevents honey from sticking to the surface of the skin.

To warm up the body a little, you should massage the areas where the massage will take place without using honey.

You can use special devices in the form of vibrating massagers. It is allowed to turn on the infrared mode for accompanying warming. When performing a preparatory massage, you should not use oils or moisturizers. They impair the adhesion of honey to the skin.

Use of additives

You can add a few drops of your choice of essential oil to the container with the honey mixture. It can be apricot, rose, lavender or lemon oil. Thanks to this, additional effects are achieved (improving the appearance of the skin and its deep nutrition). In addition, the smell that the essential oil emits promotes relaxation and calm.

The proportions depend on the type of essential oil:

  1. geranium and juniper oils (drop by drop) mixed 1:1 with 2 drops of lemon, orange and grapefruit oils;
  2. in equal proportions (2 drops each) combine the oils of the fruits of orange, lavender and eucalyptus tree;
  3. 1 drop each of orange, lavender, lemon and juniper oils;
  4. 3 drops each of lemon and orange concentrate;
  5. 2 drops each of lemon, mint and lavender oils.

The above mixtures are added to two tablespoons of liquid honey and stirred thoroughly. For one procedure you will need about 3 tablespoons.


Methodology of massage

A massage session with honey is the same for all parts of the body and consists of several stages:

  1. Prepared honey (or a honey mixture with the additives described above) is applied to the massage area and hands.
  2. Using circular movements, the sticky mass will be evenly distributed throughout the entire area. After some time, the honey should thicken and sliding movements will become impossible.
  3. The main time of the procedure is occupied by the alternation of sticking and unsticking of the massage therapist’s hands from the surface of the working area. The palms are lowered onto the skin and connected tightly with it. With a quick movement, the arms rise up and fall again. You cannot massage the same place for a long time. This can be quite painful. The brushes should randomly select a new area.
  4. You can diversify the massage technique using only the fingertips, the edge of the hands or one hand. Alternating movements with the palms is allowed.
  5. One of the most popular techniques is to peel off the lower part of the palm first, then the fingers. The movements of the brush resemble a wave.

A massage of one area of ​​the body lasts 15-20 minutes, depending on the area of ​​the working surface and the sensations that a person experiences during the session.

During the procedure, the honey gradually thickens. This is accompanied by increased skin sensitivity. If a person begins to experience significant discomfort, it is recommended to end the session.

Ending a session

Upon completion of the procedure, it is necessary to remove any remaining honey from the body. The honey becomes quite thick, and therefore it will not be possible to remove it with napkins or a towel. It is best to take a warm shower and dry yourself with a terry towel. Next, to soften the skin, you should use a nourishing cream. It is advisable to choose a high quality product with natural ingredients. A cream with the addition of bee products (royal jelly or propolis) is recommended.

During the massage, the body loses a significant amount of fluid. Honey has the property of water adsorption. Therefore, immediately after completing the session, you should drink at least a glass of clean water at room temperature, then sit, wrapped in a terry robe, and drink a cup of green herbal tea.


Duration and frequency of procedures

It is best to carry out a comprehensive honey massage with treatment of all zones. Impacting only certain areas may worsen the condition of others. This is explained by the peculiarities of blood circulation: with increased nutrition of one part of the body, a compensatory depletion of the rest occurs. The full body massage lasts about 1 hour. The session time, depending on the situation, can increase to 2 hours.

To ensure that the body has the opportunity to adapt to new conditions, sessions are alternated with periods of rest. The best option is to perform a massage every other day. The full course can reach 19 procedures, but not less than 10. Cosmetic wraps go well with massage.

If a repeat course is necessary, it is performed after 2-3 months. For the purpose of prevention and consolidation of the obtained effect, procedures can be continued to be performed once a week.

General massage

A comprehensive restorative massage with honey is performed while lying on your stomach. It is better to start the procedure from the back, as this will ensure proper blood flow and prevent an increase in blood pressure. It will take about 15 minutes to work through each zone. The neck, back, arms, buttocks, and legs are massaged alternately.

It is important to remember that particularly sensitive areas cannot be affected. These include the armpits, popliteal area, chest, and groin.

After 30 minutes, the person should be asked to turn over and work on the backs of the limbs and the stomach. You should be gentle in your movements and not slap your palms too hard on your body. This may cause bruising.

Anticellulite massage

Honey massage for cellulite at home is quite possible. It is not fundamentally different from the general strengthening effect. The only difference is that special attention is paid to problem areas:

It is these parts of the body that are prone to excessive fat deposition and the appearance of “orange peel”. When performing anti-cellulite massage, the following mixtures can be used:

  1. Honey and salt in a 1:1 ratio;
  2. 8 tablespoons of melted honey with 4 tablespoons of ground coffee. It is better to leave this mixture for 1 week, then add a couple of drops of juniper or lemon essential oil;
  3. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey with 5 drops of lemon oil and 2 drops of lavender eucalyptus essential oil.

It is better to follow the recipes with salt and coffee. These components penetrate deeply into the skin, maximizing blood flow and lymph circulation.

After preliminary preparation of the skin surface, the honey mixture is applied in a thin layer to the work surface. A classic honey massage is performed, the technique of which was described above. The pops should get louder as the mixture thickens. It takes 5 minutes to treat one area, after which they move on to another area.

The effectiveness of the procedures is noted after 15 sessions. This is the minimum amount required to achieve a visible result. Repeated courses are often required.

Fighting excess weight

A thin waist and elastic skin are every girl’s dream. Along with physical activity, proper nutrition and a contrast shower, honey abdominal massage is used for weight loss. The procedure requires 1 tablespoon of liquid honey and 5 drops of essential oil of your choice.

A sticky mass is applied to the prepared skin of the abdomen and sides. Since the skin of this area is quite thin and sensitive, at first only movements with the fingertips are used. After 1-2 minutes, when the body has become accustomed to the new sensations, they move on to a full weight loss massage.

The palms move in two directions: a circle and a zigzag. This way you can cover the entire problem area. It is necessary to perform gluing and tearing of brushes from the skin.

The first session lasts no more than 5 minutes in order to adapt and prevent the appearance of bruises. The following days the duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

Don't worry if your first belly slimming honey massage was unpleasant. By the third session, the skin will get used to it and the sensations will change. A minimum of 15 procedures will be required to reduce waist size. How many centimeters will be lost depends on the intensity of movement, individual characteristics of the body, physical activity and diet. To maintain the result, you can repeat sessions 1-2 times a month.

Back treatment

The main indication for performing a honey back massage is osteochondrosis. This disease is characterized by changes in bone tissue, which is accompanied by pinching of nerves and blood vessels, and spasm of surrounding muscles. Of course, a massage with honey for osteochondrosis will not completely eliminate the pathology, but it will relieve pain and restore blood circulation.

This way you can work on any part of your back. The treatment of lumbar and cervical osteochondrosis is especially relevant. In the absence of contraindications, after consultation with a specialist, a course of treatment for osteochondrosis with honey is started.

If the problem area is the cervical spine, find the seventh vertebra from the base of the skull. Usually its spinous process protrudes somewhat in relation to the others. First, the skin and muscles are prepared. You can stroke, rub and pinch the surface. Then they move on to the main part of the procedure.


The disease is accompanied by severe pain and severe muscle spasms, and therefore the first session is best shortened to 5-7 minutes. Subsequent ones should last 15 minutes. The classic course includes 10-15 sessions, conducted every other day.

When it is difficult for the patient to lie on his stomach, it is suggested to perform the session while sitting.

It is important to remember that treatment of osteochondrosis cannot be limited to physiotherapy. A complex consisting of medication and physical therapy is required.

Face massage

You can save money on a cosmetologist by performing a rejuvenating honey facial massage at home. The main effects are:

  1. elimination of facial wrinkles,
  2. improving skin elasticity,
  3. peeling,
  4. cleansing,
  5. highlighting facial contours,
  6. enrichment of tissues with oxygen.

Before starting the session, you should wash your face with warm water, tie your hair in a bun or use a headband. If your facial skin is dry, you can use supplements in the form of olive oil or cream (in a 1:1 ratio).

Apply the honey mixture with a brush to the entire surface of the face and neck, excluding the area around the eyes. For the first 5 minutes, honey is used as a mask to saturate the epidermis. Anti-wrinkle massage starts from the chin, moving to the cheeks, nose, and forehead. The movements are performed with the pads of three fingers: index, middle and ring.

When the fingers stick to the face, a vacuum is formed, which, when the pads come off, helps remove sebaceous plugs and areas of dirt.

The procedure is performed within 5 minutes. During this period, you need to use all areas of the face. The sticky amber is washed off with warm water. The final step is to apply moisturizer.


Before starting a course of treatment, it is necessary to check whether there is an allergy to bee products. Apply a small amount of the mixture to your wrist and observe the reaction. If after 15-20 minutes the skin does not turn red, there is no allergy.

People should avoid honey massage if they have the following diseases:

  1. chronic pathologies of the cardiovascular system (especially varicose veins),
  2. mental disorders,
  3. oncology,
  4. tuberculosis,
  5. poor blood clotting,
  6. thrombosis,
  7. pregnancy and lactation,
  8. fever,
  9. exacerbation of any chronic process,
  10. hypertonic disease,
  11. diabetes,
  12. violation of the integrity of the skin,
  13. eczema,
  14. bronchial asthma,
  15. epilepsy,
  16. dermatitis,
  17. fungal skin infections,
  18. psoriasis.

If the work surface is covered with hair, it should be removed or the massage should be abandoned, as in the process the hair will stick to the hands, which will cause severe pain.