How to tighten your inner thighs

The best way to remove fat between your legs in a week is through diet and special exercises for the inside of your legs.

Excess fat in certain parts of the body causes more problems for its owner than in others. These problem areas include the inner thighs. If fat on the stomach or sides can be hidden with a loose T-shirt or sweater, then such a trick will not work here. Any clothing, be it jeans or leggings, immediately exposes all the flaws in this area and significantly reduces the overall attractiveness of the legs. This is especially important for girls. Many women begin to feel insecure and squeezed if something about them is not ideal.

Removing fat between the legs: diet and exercise

The good news is that fat between your legs responds very well to exercise and diet adjustments, so you can significantly improve your fat between your legs situation in just a week. The bad news is that this week you will have to make sacrifices and be focused and disciplined. The best way to remove fat between your legs in a week is through diet and special exercises for the inside of your legs.

Diet to burn fat between legs

In fact, the diet described below will help you get rid of fat not only between your legs, but throughout your entire body. Thus, in just a week, you can tighten your body and feel much more confident and beautiful.

1. Cut down on simple (fast) carbohydrates. For the entire next week, you must completely avoid certain foods. This includes sugar, flour and bakery products, cereals, alcohol, potatoes, corn.

2. We focus on complex carbohydrates. White cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, spinach, cucumbers, grapefruit, broccoli. Even if you eat large amounts of these foods, you still won't get very many carbohydrates, so you can indulge in them.

3. Increase protein consumption. The bulk of your diet for the next week should be low-fat, high-protein foods. Products that ideally fit this description are: chicken breast, low-fat cottage cheese, chicken eggs, salmon, low-fat kefir, any other low-fat meats. You need to consume at least 1.5 grams of protein per 1 kg of your body per day. Ideally – 2 grams per 1 kg of body.

4. Cut calories. This will be very easy to do if you have a kitchen scale. You just have to write down how many grams and what foods you eat per day. You can achieve an ideal result if you create a deficit of 300-400 calories in your body.

Exercises to burn fat between your legs

By simply following the diet described above, you can easily reduce fat between your legs in just a week, however, for maximum effect, you should include diet and exercise. It has been proven that the best exercises for weight loss are the so-called "basic exercises" When performing them, the human body uses the greatest amount of muscle tissue and loses the most calories.

For our purposes we will use just 2 basic leg exercises.

1. Squats. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and sit as deep as possible. Your back should arch forward. Your knees should not extend past your toes. To improve the effect, you can pick up 2 dumbbells, or, for example, large books.

2. Squats with a forward lunge. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a step forward with one leg and sit in this position. Then return to the starting position and repeat the same with the other leg. When you rise from a squat, try to do so only with the strength of your front leg muscles.

These exercises work the lower limbs very effectively. By repeating them daily, you will not only strengthen your butt and legs, but also quickly get rid of fat between your legs.

You can supplement the exercises described above with other techniques described in the video below. published by

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

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The adductor muscles of the thigh (adductors), located on its inner side, are most effectively tightened using special sets of isolation exercises. If you need to get rid of fat, in parallel with training you should adhere to a dietary diet.

Inner thigh workout

To tighten the inner thigh muscles, you must simultaneously do complexes to strengthen the biceps and quadriceps femoris, and the gluteal muscle. You need to exercise 2-3 times a week, starting with 15–20 minutes and gradually increasing the number of repetitions and approaches.

The training program consists of three types of exercises (in addition to a general warm-up) - squats and lunges from a standing position, leg raises lying on the floor and cardio training.

The exception is for those training for whom jumping, squats and lunges are not recommended due to medical contraindications (people with varicose veins and sore joints).

You can make exercises for the inner thigh more difficult by using dumbbells or special leg weights. As the intensity of your training increases, a special fitness band is used to increase the load, which will help you warm up faster and more effectively tighten the desired muscles. In order to not only pump up your thighs, but also remove excess fat from your muscles, be sure to adjust your diet.

Exercises from a standing position

The inner thigh is tightened using combinations of the following exercises:

  1. Squats (plie): place your feet shoulder-width apart, turn your toes 45°, place your hands on your hips. Perform deep squats with your back straight and your knees parallel to your feet. Execution options - with raising your toes, pulsating plié (without straightening your knees to the end), pulsating squats on your toes. Number of repetitions – from 10 for beginners, 2-3 approaches, with a gradual increase in load.
  2. Lateral lunges: from the same position, squat on one (supporting) leg, transferring the center of gravity to it. Return to the starting position. Execution options: lunge with the supporting foot on the toe, diagonal lunge back (when performing a lunge, while transferring weight to the supporting leg, step back diagonally). Number of repetitions – 10–15, 2-3 approaches.

Alternate and combine the proposed exercises in different ways. Alternate squats with lunges on the right and left leg, pulse squats with toe squats, and to complete the complex - diagonal lunges back. Gradually increase the number of repetitions, increase the pace of execution.

Cardio exercises for the inner thighs

In order to not only pump up muscles, but also remove fat from the inner thigh, be sure to perform cardio exercises - jumping training. They can only be done in sneakers, combining the following simple and complicated options:

  1. Jump with arms and legs raised: Jump up from a position with your feet together, arms straight along your hips, arms and legs spread out to the sides. Land in a shallow squat two shoulder widths apart and jump back to the starting position. Repeat 10 times, rest 20 seconds, do another set.
  2. Plank jumps: From the plank position, push your body up slightly with your legs, spread your legs slightly in the air and land at this width. Try not to bend your arms. Return through the jump to your starting position. Number of repetitions – 7–10, two or three approaches.
  3. Jump Squat: Do a wide squat, jump up, and return to the starting position. Keep your hands on your hips. Number of repetitions – 10–15, total – 2-3 approaches.
  4. Jump into a wide squat: from the position of feet together (hands to hips), jump up, spread your legs two shoulder widths apart, land in a deep squat position, return through the jump to the starting position. Execution pattern: 40 seconds of jumping, 20 seconds of rest, 2 sets.

Exercises from a lying position

The mildest version of exercises that help tighten the muscles of the inner thighs are complexes performed in a lying position. These include:

  1. Scissors: lying on your back (arms along the body), raise straight legs at an angle of 90° to the body, crossing them like the movement of scissor blades. Execution time – 1 minute, 3 approaches.
  2. Lateral extension: from the same starting position, spread your straight legs to the sides as wide as possible and bring them back. Execution time – 1 minute, 2-3 approaches.
  3. Leg Raise: Lying on your side (one arm under your head), lift one straight leg up and hold in that position. Raise the second one to the raised one and lower it back. The number of repetitions is 30 times, then 40 seconds of rest. 2-3 approaches.
  4. Leg raises from a side lying position: From a lying position (one arm under your head, shoulders off the floor), raise and lower your straight legs connected together to an angle of 35°. 15 reps, 2-3 sets.

Slender, toned legs are the dream and envy of women, a subject of admiration and attractiveness for men. But it takes a lot of work to win over a young man with just a hip swing. Everything is clearer with the front and back muscles of the thighs - they at least tense up during ordinary everyday activities: walking, squatting on a chair, running.

The inner surface, like the outer one, is quite “lazy” and you need to try very hard to make it work. It is only used during lateral swings and turning the hip toe outward.

It so happened by the evolution of the body that all the extra calories per day stick more readily to the lower part of the body. To have slim legs, it is not enough to just eat right. If it is not possible to visit the gym, the most effective exercises for the inner thigh at home, presented below, are a must.

The inner surface requires closer attention: combining cardio and strength training. Cardio directs our body's strength to burn fat. A set of strength training exercises tone the thin skin of the inner thigh and help remove fat.

When performing exercises to lose weight on the inner thigh, you can use dumbbells, weights, fitball, expander or gymnastic tape.


High-quality body warm-up - the basis productive workout. It would be great to start warming up with light cardio exercise - running in place, jumping rope, jumping. Do not neglect thoroughly warming up the joints. Rotation of the toes, knees, and pelvis are mandatory points for development. Warm-up should last at least 5-7 minutes.

Top 7 exercises

After you have warmed up thoroughly, you can proceed directly to training. We present to your attention the best exercises for the inner thigh. Perform 3-4 exercises in one workout. The number of required approaches and repetitions is indicated for each option separately.

1. Leg extensions while lying down

The load in this exercise is on the area we need, the adductor muscles of the thigh, while the lower part of the abs is perfectly used. Excellent for removing fat between the legs. Difficulty - medium, can be complicated with weights if necessary. Good for stretching. It has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system, creating a rush of blood to the groin area.

  1. Starting position - lie on the mat on your back, arms are located near the body, legs are extended and raised up 90 degrees relative to the floor;
  2. Inhaling deeply, slowly spread your legs to the sides to the point that is most comfortable for you, hold for a few seconds;
  3. As you exhale, slowly return to the starting point.

Watch the video for more details:

Breeding should begin from 15-20 times in 2-3 approaches, gradually increasing the load.

At the end of doing the breeding, it won’t be amiss hold in the spread-legs position for 20-30 seconds, and then spring the muscles a little.

Carefully! The main thing in breeding is accuracy and unhurriedness; actions with excessive zeal can lead to sprain of the ligament.

2. Plie squat

Squats are a toned lower body's best friend. For the area we are interested in, plie squats are suitable. In addition to the inside of the thighs, the gluteal muscles, quadriceps and calves are also strengthened. High difficulty exercise. Squats with dumbbells, barbells and other weights are very effective.

Also check out our 30-day squat challenge to help you lose fat from your thighs too.

  1. Starting position – feet wider than shoulder width, toes pointing to the sides, back straight, arched in the lower back, gaze directed straight ahead;
  2. As you inhale, slowly lower yourself down until it is parallel to the floor. We freeze for a few seconds;
  3. As you exhale, we slowly return to the starting position.

It is recommended to do squats 10 to 12 times in 2-3 approaches.

Note! This squat will become multifunctional and effective if you rise on your toes at the lowest point. The effort to maintain coordination increases, and the calves are also perfectly loaded.

3. “Bow and arrow” - side lunges

An exercise that perfectly stretches the ligaments and affects the inner thighs. Not difficult, made more difficult by holding dumbbells in your hand. It affects not only the area we need, lunges perfectly tighten the gluteal muscles.

  1. Legs wider than shoulder width, back straight, abs tense, hands on your belt or in front of you, look forward;
  2. Inhaling, we land in a squat on the right leg, bring the knee to 90 degrees, the left leg is straight, the foot is pressed firmly to the floor. Let's pause for a second;
  3. We return to the starting position and lunge in the other direction.

Lunges should be used 12-15 times in each direction for 2-3 approaches.

Important! Warm up the pelvic ligaments well before lunges. Otherwise, a sprain (and in the worst case, even a tear) of the ligaments is possible.

4. Pinching the ball

Static an exercise based on muscle contraction and retention in this state. In addition to the area we need, the muscles of the buttocks are tensed. The difficulty is low, aimed at concentration and endurance. A good static exercise for the legs, inferior in effectiveness to the “Chair”.


  1. Starting position - lying on your back, knees bent, feet pressed firmly to the floor. Place a ball (from a small rubber to a medium-sized fitball) between your legs in the area of ​​your knees;
  2. As you inhale, squeeze the ball with force and hold in this state for a couple of seconds;
  3. As you exhale, relax your legs, but the ball should not fall.

You need to repeat such actions 10-15 times in 3-4 approaches.

Note! Clutching the ball can also be performed while sitting on a chair, sofa, armchair. The execution rules are the same. Only when performing while sitting do you need to monitor the arch of your back - straight with your lower back tucked inward.

5. Swing your legs while lying on your side

There are several types of swings. Below we will look at 3 types. Each is unique in the amplitude of its action, the strength of its complexity. All of them perfectly work the inner thigh, while connecting the buttocks, outer and back of the thighs. They help get rid of riding breeches.

Option one

  1. Starting position – lying on your side, fixation on your elbows or on your side, legs straight, one placed on top of the other;
  2. As you inhale, raise your upper leg as high as possible and hold the pose for a few seconds;
  3. As you exhale, return to the starting position. After performing a certain number of times on one leg, we turn over to the other side and perform the swings in the same way.

Option two

  1. Starting position – lie on your side, fixation on the forearm, lower leg straightened along the body, upper leg bent at the knee and lying on the lower one;
  2. As you inhale, push the knee of the bent leg forward;
  3. As you exhale, return to the starting position. At the end of the execution on one leg, we turn over and do it on the other.

Option three

  1. Starting position - lie on your side, lower leg straight, bend the upper leg at the knee and place it in front of the body, its foot pressed firmly to the floor;
  2. As you inhale, lift your straightened leg off the floor;
  3. As you exhale, lower your leg to the floor. We repeat this exercise on the other leg.

You can include several variations of swings in your training, or choose one that you like best.

You need to perform 12-15 swings on one side in 3-4 approaches. You can make it more difficult by attaching weights to your legs.

In the first embodiment, you can use a gymnastic tape by attaching it around the feet.

6. Leg swings while standing

To implement these swings, you may need support. A chair, the back of a sofa, an armchair, a door or just a wall will do. You can perform this movement without support. The swing itself can be done in two directions - back and forth or sideways. In the first option, the front and rear surfaces of the bottom of the body are also loaded, and in the second - the outer surface. The execution rules are the same.

  1. Starting position – sideways to the support, placing your hand on it, back straight;
  2. As you inhale, move your leg forward/to the side;
  3. As we exhale we go back.

The actions should be performed rhythmically so that the muscles contract as often as possible, which will result in the result. A more complex exercise can be made using a gymnastic tape. It has good resistance, which will add additional resistance to the lower body.

7. Scissors

Actions that tone not only the hips, but also the abs. Difficulty of execution – medium, endurance.

  1. Lying on your back, straight legs extended, arms along the body;
  2. After inhaling, we raise our legs 45 degrees to the floor and swing our legs, imitating the action of scissors to failure;
  3. After some time, exhale and lower your legs to the floor.

It is advisable to start performing scissors with one minute in 2-3 approaches, gradually increasing the delay time.

Recommendations for training

  1. When performing exercises for the internal thigh muscles on the floor, be sure to use gymnastic mat, a blanket or at least a towel to avoid bruises;
  2. Don't forget about both the warm-up and the cool-down. Stretching after exercise will reduce muscle pain and help you relax;
  3. Between workouts for one muscle group there must be break. It is necessary to allow the muscles to rest and recover. It is in this case that you can count on muscle growth;
  4. You can help “melt” fat with a balanced proper nutrition. Include more water, cottage cheese, fatty fish, chicken, turkey, vegetables and fruits in your diet and not only your figure, but your entire body will thank you;
  5. Will be a good helper against sagging and cellulite cosmetical tools. Steam your lower body thoroughly, treat the skin with any scrub (store-bought, ground coffee/sugar/salt plus shower gel), rub with a brush or washcloth, wipe dry and apply a warming/cooling store-bought anti-cellulite cream, wrap yourself in film and wrap yourself warmly. If there is no cream, mix cosmetic clay with water and add a couple of drops of mint, cinnamon or clove essential oil to the mixture.
  6. Don't expect instant results. The first visible changes will appear only after at least a month of regular training and nutrition;
  7. Get enough sleep, walk more and enjoy life.

Other equally effective workouts for the lower body

And, of course, we must not forget that there are many other movementsthat have shown high efficiency:

  1. “Bicycle” is considered especially effective for the butt muscles;
  2. “Stepping onto the platform” is required to be included in your complex;
  3. You can finish off the muscles with static stretching, for example, “Downward Facing Dog” and “Upward Dog” asanas;
  4. “Walking on the buttocks” not only burns cellulite, but also has many beneficial properties for the pelvic area;
  5. Well, of course, you can’t do without “Hyperextension” and “Deadlift”.

By following simple rules and actions you can change your life beyond recognition. Just take your willpower and do your first workout. Not tomorrow, but today. And then you won’t have to lose weight for the New Year, birthday, summer. You will always be irresistible!