Weightlifting disciplines are the most traumatic sports in the world.

Each of us wants to be healthy and successful, to look great with or without clothes. And it doesn’t matter at all whether you are a professional athlete or an amateur beginner. The desire for perfection is genetically embedded in us at a subconscious level. However, on the path to this very perfection, all sorts of dangers await us at every step: bumps, contusions, bruises and abrasions, and sometimes sprains, torn ligaments, muscles and, God forbid, even fractures... How to avoid them? Or at least minimize it as much as possible?

Today we will once again talk to you about such a pressing topic as sports injuries, and we will take a detailed look at the most traumatic sports in the world according to one authoritative source...

Our close partner Medalp, probably one of the best clinics in St. Petersburg in terms of sports medicine and traumatology, conducted a large-scale statistical analysis and is ready to provide us with the TOP 7 most traumatic sports disciplines in their opinion.

So, what sports are included in this seven?

  1. Martial arts. Surely! What would we do without them? They are the leaders in this list - contact sparring disciplines such as boxing, kickboxing, wrestling, taekwondo. Well, the primacy of this subspecies, of course, belongs to fights without rules.
  2. Basketball. It seems like a completely harmless sport: run fast and throw balls into the basket. But experienced fans know how fiercely the fight is waged for every meter of the court and for every successful exit under the hoop...
  3. Football. I think each of us has seen these photographs and videos with terrible broken legs, which you wouldn’t even wish on your enemy. Rapid speeds inevitably increase the risk of injury for this seemingly ordinary team of the game...
  4. Gymnastics. By falling on a balance beam, or even worse, from a crossbar while spinning at high speed, track and field athletes run the risk of not just breaking a limb - that's the nuts and bolts of this sport - but also the possibility of remaining in this world forever in a wheelchair. An extremely dangerous sport.
  5. Cycling. How many unfortunate falls we have seen over the past year! But these are not just falls. The speed of modern cyclists is comparable to the speed of a car, and it’s good if you fall at the end of the column. Because if this happens to its leader, other participants in the bike ride will inevitably run into him, which will significantly increase the number of injuries and damages...
  6. Handball. According to experts at the Medalp Clinic, this sport, like football, requires dynamic, sharp, explosive runs, which is why the most common types of injury are torn calf ligaments and rupture of the Achilles tendon. In a word, ligament injuries, muscle tears, sprains and bruises...

  7. Weightlifting. Rounding out the seven most traumatic sports disciplines is the good old barbell, and super-heavy weights on this apparatus, with which you can injure yourself in no time, sometimes fatally. Weightlifters, bodybuilders, lifters, without calculating their strength and without properly warming up, constantly risk their health and future sports career. Because an injury in this sport is fraught with a long rest in a hospital bed.

Well, if you are still unlucky and have some kind of sports ailment, immediately contact Medalp, where experienced doctors and friendly and caring medical staff will always help you. We recommend!

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