What vitamins are needed in summer for beauty and health?

Usually, doctors advise taking vitamin complexes in the winter-spring period, when the body experiences acute vitamin deficiency. However, what to do in the summer? Are synthetic vitamins needed in the summer and if “yes”, then which ones, the editors of WANT.ua looked into it

The mood, well-being and performance of most people in the summer period increases sharply without any vitamin complexes. This is not surprising, because in the summer diet of each of us there is a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, which are rich in vitamins and other beneficial substances. However, in fact, even in summer the body needs additional vitamins in order to be in ideal condition. True, they differ from the winter set.


As a rule, the amount of meat, fish and dairy products in the summer diet is sharply reduced. It’s not surprising, because fresh vegetables smell and look so good that you want to eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Especially when you realize that autumn will soon come again, and with it the cold will come, and heavy dishes will again dominate the menu.

So, due to the vegetable diet, in the summer the body lacks vitamins A, E, B6 and B12, as well as magnesium, calcium and iron. When choosing a vitamin complex for summer use, make sure that it does not contain vitamin D, since the body receives it along with the rays of the sun, and its excess can have unpleasant consequences.

In general, in order to avoid an overdose, it is better to take vitamins separately in courses in the summer. That is, buy not a multivitamin complex, but separately vitamins A and E (by the way, you need to drink them together so that they are better absorbed), vitamins B 6 and B12. Choose medium dosages of vitamins to avoid hypovitaminosis.

By the way, the vitamins listed are the first on the list, which are responsible for female beauty. They improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails. And consuming vitamin A is also very useful before a trip to the sea, since the carotene contained in the vitamin gives the tan a bronze tint.

To saturate your body with vitamins and other beneficial substances, in addition to synthetic vitamins, be sure to eat daily salads of fresh vegetables and herbs, stews, fry vegetables for 30 seconds in hot oil to make a dressing for pasta or rice. And for dessert, eat fruit. This approach to summer nutrition will allow your body to endure winter without complications. And your skin and hair will not look dull and gray in winter.