Effective fitness: callanetics

Callanetics: an effective form of fitness for a slim figure

Callanetics is one of the most effective types of fitness, which allows you to quickly get in shape. Half an hour of static poses and strength exercises using this system replaces a whole 12 hours of aerobics! In this article we will explain what callanetics is, how it works and how it should be practiced.

Callanetics was invented in the 70s by the American ballerina Callan Pinkney. After a long tour, she felt pain in her back and knees, and doctors insisted on surgery. Instead, she began developing a set of exercises to strengthen the muscular corset of the entire body. This is how the callanetics system appeared.

Callanetics is a set of 29 static exercises based on yoga asanas. All exercises are aimed at maximizing the development of muscles, both core and internal. Callanetics is a slow and calm gymnastics, which at the same time implies a very intense workout of all the muscles of the body.

After each exercise there is mandatory stretching, the role of which is to prevent muscle pain and prevent excessive body relief. In callanetics there are no jerks, jumps, amplitude movements, rapid breathing or profuse sweating. Each exercise consists of freezing in one position for up to 2 minutes. Exercises based on stretching and statics work the deepest and most difficult to reach muscles.

This type of fitness is very popular in Europe, and not only women, but also men practice callanetics. In addition, there are many celebrities among callanetics lovers. For example, Barbra Streisand claims that she owes her slender figure to callanetics.

Callanetics helps restore metabolism, reduce weight, improve posture and strengthen the muscle corset. In addition, callanetics helps in the fight against osteochondrosis, pain in the cervical and lumbar spine.

You can practice callanetics both in the gym and at home. This does not require any special equipment. You can do the exercises even without sneakers. Due to the absence of sudden movements, there is practically no injury during exercise. However, as with any other sport, before starting callanetics, you must consult a doctor and undergo a medical examination.

To start practicing callanetics, you do not need to be in excellent physical shape. Callanetics is suitable for people of any level of training, including beginners. However, before starting classes, you must take a training course from an experienced instructor to learn how to perform the exercises correctly and avoid injury.

Callanetics is not just fitness, it is a philosophy of a healthy lifestyle. Callanetics helps not only to get the body in shape, but also to improve well-being, strengthen the muscle corset and increase overall endurance. If you want to get a slim figure and improve your health, callanetics is a great choice for you.